Computer Talk


VIP Professional
Re: Computer Talk!!

Anyone here use Games for Windows Live? I swear its the most annoyin thing microsoft ever created.....there was a time where DLC packs were they need to be bought with so called 'Microsoft points' which have to buy from microsoft.

Microsoft is just pure evil.


Re: Computer Talk!!

But Microsoft is so popular and influenced. I read Bill Gate's history, he didn't do much of the programming. I think he's better in marketing than making programs.


Re: Computer Talk!!

There is not many programs that are geuinely written by Microsoft. Most of the software are either brought or stolen from other companies.


Banned Idiot
Re: Computer Talk!!

They are trying to control every aspect of the IT industry.....

originally it was just the OS, then it was the office programs, then the MSN/live programs, Windows Mobile, Computer Hardware, XBOX, PC Gaming, Zune, Anti Virus Programs.....Whats next is scary to think about. Imagine the next generation of IT related equipment all done by Microsoft.
They are diversifying themselves to limit exposure to a single market segment. Their OS is their core division and makes them a whack-load of money but it's still just a small slice of the IT market on the whole. Of the products you listed, they do not dominate any of them except for OS; they function as any other myriad competitor in consumer electronics, computer/console gaming, and computer support programs. They aren't very involved in computer hardware unless you count the garbage mice/keyboards and webcams that they produce. Zune isn't competitive at all and Xbox faces stiff competition from established players. Microsoft's just another company in IT except when it comes to Windows, but that's an old story.


Junior Member
Re: Computer Talk!!

Microsoft isn't pure evil; at least, Microsoft Research does some very good work. I'm more skeptical of google than Microsoft now, because google is positioning itself to control all the sources of information people get from the internet. If you don't like microsoft, use linux or MacOS, there are plenty of alternatives and really, few downsides except if you are a gamer. Google, on the other hand, is in the dictionary. It is the first place to seek random facts, it owns many media services (youtube, blog sites), has thousands of secret data centers around the world. It is fast becoming the ultimate big brother, without any oversight except a flimsy promise.


VIP Professional
Re: Computer Talk!!

A lot of people who buy Macs now tell me they're doing so because they don't like the viruses and security holes of Windows. And a lot of them are young people too. Apple actually had a 75% increase of sales year by year in 2008 and much of that percentage didn't come from the iPod. The Prophet and Messiah Steve Jobs (Yes I am not Worthy to speaketh thy name!!) certainly had much more brilliance and vision than Gates, not to mention the sheer charisma, although he's not as shrewd a businessman.

Microsoft has hit a brick wall on its scheme of global conquest. Windows still struggles against the high end servers OSes, where Linux has made major inroads. In the smartphone front, which is the next big battle is, Windows only has half the share of the iPhone worldwide, after 6.1 generations. In other words, the iPhone doubled all over Windows Mobile in just one year.

The funny thing is, when I ask people why they didn't buy a Windows Mobile smartphone, they said they fear the viruses, the security holes, the crashing and the speed issues---all the impressions they got from the Windows desktop. Incidentally, it seems Motorola is laying off people from its Windows Mobile smartphone group and it appears it may consolidate into LiMo (Linux Mobile).

As for Google, it's the strongest player for the search engines, but there are still other search engines out there from Yahoo to MSN and even the Chinese sites. Google's Android OS is but a version of Linux, which is open source. BTW, it appears that Huawei and Asus are planning their own Android handsets to compete with HTC's, which is the one T-Mobile branded.


Banned Idiot
Re: Computer Talk!!

Macs do not have better security than PC's, there are just fewer viruses and spyware scripts that are written for them at the moment. Believe me, if Mac OS suddenly grabbed 75% market share, hackers and spammers would be all over it.