Simple Airbus didn't provide the support hub in Japan like Boeing did since Airbus did not see a large enough market in Japan alone which had been dominated by Boeing and would be spilling money. Remember the Chicken or the egg analogy I in my earlier post well, airbus just took the later road. That is all.
LOL, so Airbus which has gone toe to toe with Boeing, even beating them, in every corner of the world didn't know how to or want to put a 'support hub' in japan, a major aviation market ? Dude, we're not in Disneyland.
Talk about belittling oneself, making comments about conspiracy. I guess that will be your defense if C919 does not make a dashing entry to the west.
Grow up, Japan had seen western resistance in to their market from the 50's. Some made it, some didn't the only thing that made it work was their dedicated perseverance that they will succeed and not talk about any petty conspiracy theories.
Who says anything about conspiracy ? It's well known US 'has a lot of influence' on japan's major decisions, just to put it nicely. Just ask the Europeans. It's only a 'conspiracy' to those who's not knowledgeable about international geo-politics.
No conspiracy too as to the west making it tough for C919. That's a common business practice to deal with your competitors.
Speaking of conspiracy, guess who came up with ideas like 'japan bashing' & 'The japan that can say no' when faced with western obstacles.