But, the capacity factor of this wind turbine is still not higher as expected at around 22 percent. Smaller and older ohshore wind turbines in US Midwest have capacity factor around 40 percent, although the wind speed is higher. Nontheless, I had expected these wind turbines to have lower cut in speed and higher CF around 35% or higher. These turbines are also liky to be installed at higher hub heights so as to higher wind speed. But the 14000 MWh annual production should be the lowest estimate. What's you say?
Capacity factor of a wind turbine isn't something inherent to the design, it depends on the wind resource.
You can get a rough estimate of global wind resources here:
General idea is that inland China is terrible, with many of the best spots already taken or unsuitable for a variety of reasons.
Estimated capacity factors for the US Midwest seem to be around double that of inland China, looking at IEC class III.
From my understanding there's an IEC class IV also, but not estimated on this site.