Chinese Video/Computer Games


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If they add this in DLC it will sell another twenty million copies on Steam.



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In other news, sales of pet tarantulas, particularly of the violet color, have exploded worldwide with exotic pet importers being overwhelmed with the request for female specifically LOL

Seriously this chapter was so touching. I've never seen this kind of character building for Pigsy before; he was always a fat oaf filled with lust and gluttony. I am very curious, though, why the Violet Spider aged so much. YaoGuai usually don't age or they can reverse aging with a quick human feast.

Interestingly, I think most people out there don't realize the connection between the spider and the pig in Chinese culture simply due to a pun on the wording that, "I am a pig," and "I am spider" sound exactly the same in Mandarin "Wo(3) shi(4) zhi(1) zhu(1)" with the "a" or "zhi" implied even when absent, and therefore, unnecessary. As a matter of fact, to hear that sentence, you could only ever figure out if the speaker was declaring him/herself a pig or a spider by context.

Hmm maybe the developers of the game should come out and condemn this. Wildlife trafficking is never good and if the spiders escape they may become an invasive species else where.

This actually reminds me of the situation with Finding Nemo when sale of clownfish spiked after the movie came out. Did they miss the point that the villains are the ones who captured the fish/spider?


Currently about 36-37 hours into bm:wk. Did everything in chpt1 and 2 including the dragons but stuck at yellow wind sage.

Apparently you have to replay the game 4 times to unlock the equivalent of wukong final form, and those who wants a challenge can replay up to 10 times as the enemies will also be stronger each time.


Registered Member
Currently about 36-37 hours into bm:wk. Did everything in chpt1 and 2 including the dragons but stuck at yellow wind sage.

Apparently you have to replay the game 4 times to unlock the equivalent of wukong final form, and those who wants a challenge can replay up to 10 times as the enemies will also be stronger each time.
He has an annoying second face, where you are stuck in a eye of the storm while he is attacking outside of that area.
I was pondering maybe i should do 2 new game plusses on speed run mode but decided it was too much effort for a stance thats not that usefull.


He has an annoying second face, where you are stuck in a eye of the storm while he is attacking outside of that area.
I was pondering maybe i should do 2 new game plusses on speed run mode but decided it was too much effort for a stance thats not that usefull.
Sometimes I skip that stage if i work on him fast enough. I just reserve cloud step for when i cant touch him. He also has a final stage where he summoned a tornade to follow you around. I've reached that stage once before but died before I can finish him. I think you are supposed to fight the giant beetle monster first then use the artifact received when he does his tornado move but I ended up using it too early.


Registered Member
Sometimes I skip that stage if i work on him fast enough. I just reserve cloud step for when i cant touch him. He also has a final stage where he summoned a tornade to follow you around. I've reached that stage once before but died before I can finish him. I think you are supposed to fight the giant beetle monster first then use the artifact received when he does his tornado move but I ended up using it too early.
I did the giant beetle but forgot to equip that wind tamer thing. But i did the same thing what you did just try to blast through the first couple of phases. Then hope i could nuke him with the fire wolf transformation you get at the start.


Hmm maybe the developers of the game should come out and condemn this. Wildlife trafficking is never good and if the spiders escape they may become an invasive species else where.

This actually reminds me of the situation with Finding Nemo when sale of clownfish spiked after the movie came out. Did they miss the point that the villains are the ones who captured the fish/spider?
Oh no I was totally kidding about the tarantula part. That was a joke about horny gamer boys.

Also, I used to keep tarantulas as a kid. Wildlife trafficking typically only happens in 2 situations: 1 the species was just introduced to the hobby and once breeding populations are established in captivity, they are no longer trafficked. This is because wild tarantulas are significantly less desireable than captive bred ones which are prone to parasitic infections, are usually in less than good condition from fighting in the wild, often do not adjust well to captivity, and there is no way to tell age. The other situation is when an extremely abundant species in a low GDP per capita nation is trafficked because they are so cheap nobody bothers to breed them. They are so common that they would be fried and eaten by the locals if they were not sent into the pet trade.

Tarantulas have never been known to become invasive for 2 reasons; 1, countries that import them typically do so because they do not have good local tarantulas, which means that they are usually going from a tropical region to a temperate region. They stand no chance of survival in the winter. 2, tarantulas are old world spiders and considered mal-adapted compared to newer branches of the arachnid evolutionary tree. Even tropical tarantulas released into tropical areas like Florida, which is known for having many established populations of alien species from escapees and releases in the pet trade (Burmese python, African Emperor Scorpion, Madagascaran Day Gecko, etc...), do not do well because there are just too many animals that are better-suited for survival in every environment than taranulas.

Fun facts:
1. The tarantula pictured is a male; the most striking violet species are from the Pamphobeteus genus of South America and only the males have that coloration. Females are black.
2. Everyone wants female tarantulas and nobody wants males because females can live longer than 20 years while males die months after maturing, leaving their total lifespans around 3-6 years.