How's the quality of local engineering talents? We keep hearing from the usual suspects (WSJ, Big 3 networks, CNN, Foxnews, European new agencies) that Chinese innovation is sub-par, what's the reality?
I would say that is a two sided story.
On one hand, Chinese have the talent to send men (and woman) into space. It is basically copied from the Rooskees, but even that is a monumental task that only three nations have ever accomplished.
Then, on the other hand....... I have tried for five days now to explain to them how to fix my "real" toilet that was installed in my new apartment wrong. (they just silicone-glued the toilet to the ground over the hole with no mounting flange on the hole and no seal and no bolts holding it all in place to the ground.) There solution was more silicone glue. So, for the second time in two different apartments in two different towns in two different states in China, I'm having to buy the parts, roll up my sleeves and clean the accumulated crap from under it and install it correctly.
The problems here as I see it is a separation of class. There is a serious competition for Student to get into the Universities, and the Universities are very picky as to whom they allow in, and that is only the smartest small percentage. Those lucky enough for the higher education are to be the future engineers and management-type personnel. All the rest are laborers or self-employed. There is a problem with students trying to kill themselves if they don't make the University.
This means that the engineers have no hands-on experience, nor ever get the opportunity for it. They can design or copy a part, but no idea how to manufacture that part. All the work is categorized and issued out to separate classes of workers. The result is that everything has to be a team effort with no one person having the full knowledge or experience of how to do the complete job.
That is not how I do business. I want engineers that don't mind getting their hand dirty, so that's how I teach them. I make it mandatory for them to go out into the shop with me and I teach them how to run a milling machine and lathe, and how to work metal. I get them to assemble the aircraft themselves and expand their abilities and knowledge.
I was a tool & Die maker before I became an aircraft designer and manufacturer. That way I know the best way to design a part for easy manufacturing. That double talent is almost non existent here in China. But, China is still a developing country, and has all the ability to overtake the world both economically and in technology in the next 10 years, like it or not. Just give them the time, just like the USA did when it was developing 120 years ago.