Chinese submarines thread

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Re: Chinese sub thread

I'm going to continue this part of the discussion in the Varyag pics thread. Because I do have some questions and of course the article source is in question

good call, the carrier discussion is certainly boosted up with this article. So no more carrier talks in this thread, but in the proper one...


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Re: Chinese sub thread

This is quite an interesting bit on China's 093 and 094 development. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I'm quite interested in its description of China's high temperature gas cooling reactor. Or as huitong called it, "high temperature high efficiency nuclear powerplant"

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  研制过程一波三折 历经十余年仍徘徊不前
The development of 093 was proposed in 1980. The planning started in Nov 1980. It was originally required to reach USSR's third generation capability. After three years of argument on this, the project started in July of 1983
The development was very slow in the beginning. There was probably a break through in China's nuclear technology in 1988, because we exported to Algeria and Pakistan our light water reactor.
In 1989, the previous 093 project faced a huge change, because PLAN felt that the original specs for 093 was not advanced. There was a change in the requirement.
Even more objection resulted in 1993, because Virginia SSN's development was very smooth. It's technology was at least 2 generations ahead of 093 and 093 development team was very surprised.
  海军对于093型的最初要求是,排水量在4000-6000吨之间,能够携带12枚战术导弹,可以发射533和650鱼雷,可以发射潜射导弹,达到国际 80年代水平。因此,093型的最初模型依稀可以看见前苏联阿库拉的影子。但是在很多关键领域如潜艇减噪,下潜深度和压水堆上,093的初期设计落后阿库拉级很多。而80年代前苏联S(塞拉)级更加先进,而美国海狼级则可以说达到了冷战期间美苏核潜艇研制的极限。
The original requirement for 093 was to have a displacement of 4000 to 6000 tonne, be able to bring 12 cruise missile and fire 533 mm and 650 mm torpedoe. Can also also fire AShM and reach the world' 80s level. The original model had some trace of early Akula. However, the noise level was a problem, so the design was very much behind Akula. 80s SEVERDOVINSK is even more advanced and seawolf was even more advanced.
093 development stopped until 1996, when we had a reactor breakthrough. The earlier SSN (091) uses 60/70s USSR technology. Since the doemstic technology is not there and can't study from abroad. This SSN's development did not have any advancement. That's why in the late 80s, China decided to develop world's most advanced High temperature gas cooled technology

  半途换项获得成功 动力系统世界领先

  高温气冷核反应堆最早在前苏联60年代就已经提出,其于60年代后期曾经专门就此技术展开讨论,当时得出的结论是“与其花大代价研制新型的有很大风险的高温气冷堆还不如继续研制压水堆”,确实,当时压水堆的技术还有很大发展余地,而高温气冷核反应堆的理论最早于1964年3月见于前苏联核专家П Л 乌里扬诺夫提交的一份论文。但是在当时研制这样的新型反应堆确实有很大技术风险,主要瓶颈在于堆体对于材料的力学强度和堆内反应控制要求特别高,对堆内反应温度的掌握稍有不慎就会造成爆炸,发生与1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站相似的事故。前苏联虽然没有在60年代就这一项目上马,但是并没有放弃对这一技术的研究,每年都专门拨款进行相关研究,使得前苏联在这一领域的研究远远快于美国。80年代,在材料力学有了很大发展之后,前苏联将研制高温气冷核反应堆列入正式计划。众所周知,在核潜艇领域,前苏联对于很多新技术的研制并不落后于美国。反观美国,一直到1981年才首次提出研究这一项目的计划,但是美国人对于这种技术并不十分关心,美国海军认为以洛杉矶和海狼的先进程度,并不需要再在反应堆上再花大力气。前苏联对高温气冷堆的研制进展比较顺利,1986 年第一台模型出台。但是,就在其准备正式上马研制装备此堆的时候,苏联解体,接替苏联的俄罗斯一片萧条,俄海军不仅无法继续装备前苏联时期研制的比较先进的塞拉级,甚至连海军的官兵的工资都无法保证,更不用说研制高温气冷堆这一需要国家大力投入的项目。此后它的研制就搁置了起来。
High temperature gas cooled technology first started in USSR in 60s. Due to the chernobyl incident in 1986, USSR did not continue on this research and abandonned it. However, USSR's research in this area was far further along than America. In the 80s, material technology had a lot of advancedment. So, USSR studied more on this. America did not start researching n this until 1981, because they weren't too interested in it. In 1986, the first such reactor in USSR came out. However, as they were studying to put this on the sub, USSR collapsed. The Russians could no longer continue this.

  本来美国是有机会接过前苏联的接力棒使用这一技术的。1993年,曾经获得过前苏联“二级功勋”奖章的Д 卡萨巴连科叛逃至美国,其携带有关于高温气冷堆的重要核心机密并期望以此获得美国籍。但是,美国这时刚刚在弗吉尼亚的研制取得很大进展,不太看得上卡萨巴连科的材料,况且卡萨巴连科本人生活比较放荡,到美国的时候还吸毒,因此CIA认为此人情报疑点很多,导致美国没有重用此人。直到1998年美国获悉中国在这一方面研究取得重大突破再想起此人时,为时晚矣,卡萨巴连科已经在1994到1997年的某一年中因为吸毒与黑社会发生瓜葛,被枪杀在圣路易斯市的街头。
USA had a chance to get in touch with the Russians on this. In 1993, a Russian scientist escaped to America. He had secrets about high temperature gas cooling technology that he hoped he can get American citizenship with. However, US just had a lot of advancements in Virginia SSN and did not take this scientist's material into consideration. Also this scientist lived quite a carefree life style. He was even taking drugs, so CIA didn't think hgihly of him. By the time America received news on China's breakthrough on this in 1998, this scientist already died between 1994 and 1997 due to drugs and gangs.  
China started researching on this in mid 80s. After USSR collapsed, China hired many USSR scientists. In North Western part of China, a lab hired at least 6600 USSR specialists? (wow).

In 1996, China's high temperature gas cooling reactor had a major breakthrough. In 1997, the first such reactor successfully tested. It got transferred to Sichuan for testing. China then put more money into development of 093. In 2000, the first such reactor got installed on a submarine? This kind of submarine greatest increases a SSN's cruising speed and submerged manuverability.
  多年铸一剑 功到自然成
In 1995, China started to envision the role of PLAN in the 21st century and redesigned 093. The displacement of 093 increased. Also, the current PLAN weapon also had a huge improvement including new torpedo, AShM and LACM. 093's final breakthrough was the development of anechoic tiles.
The current 093 started building in 1997, finished frames in 1999, 2000 did something else. It's estimated 093 could be launched in late 2001. (sort of happened if you check huitong's site on this). After the first one, the later 093 is also in construction.
094 uses a lot of technology developed from 093. It uses 093's reactor, anechoic tiles and propeller?, they are all world class. China should be the only country using the high temperature gas cooled generator in the next 10 years.
  值得注意的是,此次中国建造新舰艇一改过去先建首舰,经过反复调试再投入小批量生产的惯例。093型的后续艇几乎与首艇同时开工,只是在吊装反应堆时进度落后。中国此次如此快马加鞭一来迫于周边形势,二来更主要的是因为093型的技术比较成熟。高温气冷核反应堆的技术2001年在863计划15周年展览中已经展出,介绍文字中特意提及它主要用于军事。此时093型已经下水试航成功。093型的艇体结构为中国独立设计,并且在部分常规潜艇上作了试验,中国 90年代新潜艇的研制速度并不快,很大程度上是为了保证093型的研究。
One thing of note is that China has a habit of limited production and repeated changes. The construction of the 2nd 093 almost started at the same time as the first, but it took much longer to construct. 093's hull uses pure Chinese design. The research on SSK in 90s wasn't really fast, a major reason is due to the emphasis put on 093's research.
The American intelligence does not have a firm grip on the advancements of 093, but it declared it the Qing class? in 1997, the Pentagon told the state department what they knew about 093's development What they did not know was the progress made on 093 in mid 90s. According to the pentagon, 093 was still using water cooled reactor. The Americans did not realize China's reactor development until 1999 and for one point though 093 already was launched. This prompted USA to attack Russia for transferred SSN technology. The pentagon felt that this type of high temperature reactor's technology difficulty is very high and the fact that China uses it is quite dangerous.
PLAN is very pleased with 093's progress. According to them, this SSN already matches the performance of Improved LA class. Its noise level, attack range and automation is still far behind virginia and sea wofl, but its high cruise speed and dive are advantages.
Again, this is another place I read about 093's noise level being between 105 and 110 db. (it's actually kind of hard to believe). Anhow, the normal speed for 093 will be between 35 to 45 knots. Once 093 joins service, it will hope to break USSR's submarine submerged speed.

Anyhow, a lot of stuff in this article is hard to believe, because it seems an unbelievable change to go from the noise level of 091 to this. I guess we will see if 093 matches anything close to this. I do believe that 093 have the reactor talked about in this article though.

If you can read Chinese, they have a discussion on this on war-sky:
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Sea Dog

Junior Member
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Re: Chinese sub thread

Very interesting. I'd like to learn more about how a high-temperature gas cooled reactor works. I can see how it would give you higher efficiency and a faster submerged speed, but how would it improve noise levels? Unless there are less moving parts incorporated into the system.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

no need for large coolent pumps on the experimental reactor built the pump can be turned off for several hours without risk of explosion

Sea Dog

Junior Member
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Re: Chinese sub thread

darth sidious said:
no need for large coolent pumps on the experimental reactor built the pump can be turned off for several hours without risk of explosion

So it operates similar to a natural circulation type pump. At least that's what it sounds like to me. When "driving" the reactor to increase your underwater velocity, would the pumps need to be on? If not, how would the temperature of the reactor be regulated?

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

plans for a civilian reactor in china hope it give some clues

China plans to develop a revolutionary, "pebble-bed" nuclear reactor that would be both meltdown and proliferation proof, and come on line in five years time, the Financial Times reported Tuesday.

A Chinese energy consortium has chosen the city of Weihai in northeastern Shandong province to build the 195-megawatt gas-cooled power plant, the newspaper said, citing an unnamed official representing the consortium.

The plant would be the first radically new reactor design for decades, putting China at the forefront in nuclear energy research that offers a "meltdown-proof" alternative to conventional nuclear power stations, it said.

"Pebble bed" reactors are fueled by thousands of small graphite balls with minute uranium cores which provide the fuel for the nuclear reaction.

The consortium includes electricity producer Huaneng Power International Inc, Beijing's Tsinghua University and China Nuclear Engineering and Construction, the Financial Times said.

No one from the companies was available for comment Tuesday.

Supporters say the technology is safer in terms of nuclear proliferation due to the expense and difficulty of processing the spent fuel from the graphite balls, the report said.

Advocates of pebble bed reactors also argue they offer cheaper, safer and easily expandable nuclear power stations. That appeals to China, which is struggling to meet huge growth in energy demand while avoiding environmental disaster.

"Pebble bed" technology was pioneered in Germany, which shut down its last prototype reactor in 1989, while a South African project remains in doubt, the newspaper said.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Silent speed, sonar and so on

It's quite astonishing to see some dudes keep on posting things they don't know nothing 'bout. :confused: Silent speed for SSKs 5 knots? Stuck in WW 2, hm?
And the efecctiveness of a submarine doesn't just depend on silent speed and diving depth. But ok.
I strongly recommend Ulrich Gabler's book "Unterseebootbau" which has remained the reference book for every submarine engineer all over the world since the 60's.

I think the USN made a huge mistake when they concentrated merely on SSNs. Yeah, I know, it kind of made sense during the cold war when their intention was to hunt and kill russian SSBNs in the pacific and atlantic oceans. The US didn't have to defend their coastline against russian troops, we (europeans) were the first to be overrun. And so (and certainly because of not enough money) in the NATO it was our task to deal with and further develop SSKs. But now, as the world's changed dramatically, they depend on european knowledge and experience. Some of you might know that the lease of the Gotland class SSK is not the first exercise with european subs. And all of these exercises ended up desastrous for the USN, for example during last year's deployment of a small german U-206A class boat in the gulf of mexico.
Even if there are new tactics, it remains very difficult to detect a "little black hole in the ocean" (as far as sound is concerned).

China, intentionally or not, did the right thing when it remained focused on SSKs and besides that developed their SSN designs. I too am very convinced as far as sensors and quieting technologies are concerned china is some 20 years behind the US and western europe. There definitely is no match for the seawolf or virginia classes or the German U212/214 on the chinese or russian side, and as far as I know from, the chinese ASW-capabilities are ridiculous compared to the american, french, spanish, german or even dutch capabilities and means on that sector.
However, the chinese are on the right track. I too would like to receive accurate data. But, I think that it's the same as with western designs: You won't ever know...

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese sub thread

Falstaff, very well stated. You are almost 100% correct when you posted;

Some of you might know that the lease of the Gotland class SSK is not the first exercise with european subs. And all of these exercises ended up desastrous for the USN, for example during last year's deployment of a small german U-206A class boat in the gulf of mexico

It was not a diaster.:rolleyes: As a former USN sailor of 20 years I know the USN would say "It was a learning experience" ..Really? Learning my butt. As my son the sonar tech told me .."Those SSK's are impossibe to find". That is why the USN is continuing to train with those SSK's intil they find a way to find them. ..As an added note no other navy in the world can find them also!

I think the USN made a huge mistake when they concentrated merely on SSNs.

Actually the Virginina class class SSN was designed to operate well in littorial waters.

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excerpt..''"In late 1998, the contract was let for building the first of the New Attack Submarine. This class, the Virginia-class fully embraces the new strategic concept in ... From the Sea and Forward... From the Sea. It is the first U.S. submarine to be designed for battlespace dominance across a broad spectrum of regional and littoral missions as well as open-ocean, 'blue water' missions. The Virginia-class achieves the right balance of core military capabilities and affordability""

The USN will in the next few years be deploying it's new class of LCS for ASW missions in littorial waters.

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

:china: Yes there are lots of subs China has. The out-of-date SSNB's and SSN's and diesle powered submarines our not vary high-tech nor are then any good in a modern navy. However, the upcomming SSNB with the j-2 and MIRV with three 90KT warheads is much more robust. Also new submarine launched anti-ship missles and other weapons plus better drive systems also make the navy more modern. Diesle subs can sink incomming ships and at the same time SSN's can go anywhere. It would make sence that China would move there SSNB's to another countray to get it out of the way when battle is going on. That way they can use SLBM's if they need them after war and if they fun low or out of ships. China's SLBM's would be able to hit the U.S from the yellow sea and probably be able to hit the U.K just north of the Falken's islands. China's stealth ships are able to go for 1000's of miles because of China's oil ships that travle with then. China has a grate navy but needs more oil, Stealth and SSN ships.


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Re: Chinese sub thread

Update on Jane for the Kilos

Date Posted: 02-Dec-2005

Jane's Fighting Ships
Kilo class (Project 877EKM/636) (SSK)
Planned Name No Type Builders Laid down Launched Commissioned Recommissioned
364 (ex-B 171) Nizhny Novgorod 1995
365 (ex-B 177) Nizhny Novgorod 31 Mar 1985 1995
366 Admiralty, St Petersburg 24 Apr 1997 1998
367 Admiralty, St Petersburg 18 June 1998 1999
- Nizhny Novgorod 17 May 2004 2005
- Admiralty, St Petersburg 27 May 2004 2005
- Admiralty, St Petersburg 19 Aug 2004 2005
- Admiralty, St Petersburg Feb 2005 2005
- Admiralty, St Petersburg May 2005 2005
- Severodvinsk Shipyard May 2005 2006
- Severodvinsk Shipyard July 2005 2006
- Admiralty, St Petersburg 26 Aug 2005 2006

Displacement, tons: 2,325 surfaced; 3,076 dived
Dimensions, feet (metres): 238.2; 242.1 (Project 636) × 32.5 × 21.7 (72.6; 73.8 × 9.9 × 6.6)
Main machinery: Diesel-electric; 2 diesels; 3,650 hp(m) (2.68 MW); 2 generators; 1 motor; 5,900 hp(m) (4.34 MW); 1 shaft; 2 auxiliary motors; 204 hp(m) (150 kW); 1 economic speed motor; 130 hp(m) (95 kW)
Speed, knots: 17 dived; 10 surfaced
Complement: 52 (13 officers)

Missiles: SLCM: Novator Alfa Klub SS-N-27 (3M-54E1); active radar homing to 180 km (97.2 n miles) at 0.7 Mach (cruise) and 2.5 Mach (attack); warhead 450 kg.
Torpedoes: 6-21 in (533 mm) tubes. 18 torpedoes. Combination of TEST 71/96; wire-guided; active/passive homing to 15 km (8.1 n miles) at 40 kt; warhead 205 kg and 53-65; passive wake homing to 19 km (10.3 n miles) at 45 kt; warhead 300 kg.
Mines: 24 in lieu of torpedoes.
Countermeasures: ESM: Squid Head or Brick Pulp; radar warning.
Weapons control: MVU-119 EM Murena TFCS.
Radars: Surface search: Snoop Tray; I-band.
Sonars: Shark Teeth; hull-mounted; passive/active search and attack; medium frequency.
Mouse Roar; hull-mounted; active attack; high frequency.

Programmes: Four of the class were ordered in mid-1993. The first two are Project 877 hulls built for a former Warsaw Pact country and subsequently cancelled. The first one departed the Baltic in December 1994 and arrived by transporter ship in February 1995. The second was delivered by the same method in November 1995. The third and fourth are of the newer Project 636 design. The first of these two left the Baltic by transporter in November 1997 and arrived in January 1998. The second followed in December 1998 arriving on 1 February 1999. A contract for a further eight 636 or 636M variants armed with SS-N-27 was signed on 3 May 2002. The first of these was originally laid down at Nizhny Novgorod for the Russian Navy in about 1991 but was never completed due to lack of funding. She is likely to be the last submarine to be built at the shipyard. Five of the boats are being built by Admiralty Yard, St Petersburg. Two were launched in 2004, the first of which was delivered in late 2004. Three further boats were launched in 2005. The remaining two boats were built at Severodvinsk where they were laid down on 29 May 2003. The programme is to be completed by 2007. Modernisation: The first four submarines are to be refitted in Russian shipyards. Upgrades are likely to include installation of the Klub (3M54) (SS-N-27) anti-ship missile system. Structure: Latest export version of the elderly Kilo design and has better weapon systems co-ordination and improved accommodation than the earlier ships of the class. Double-hull construction with six watertight compartments. Normal diving depth is 240 m with 300 m available in emergency. At least two torpedo tubes can fire wire-guided weapons. An SA-N-8 SAM launcher may be fitted on top of the fin. Some modifications have been carried out after arrival in China including a possible new ESM. SSMs may be fitted in due course. Operational: Based at Xiangshan in the East Sea Fleet. The torpedoes are far more advanced than those previously available to China. The first pair were reported initially as having propulsion/battery problems, due to Chinese cost cutting in the initial fitting of equipment. Opinion: This is a key programme which, in addition to meeting an operational need, involves the acquisition of technology.
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