Chinese submarines thread

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Re: Chinese sub thread

bd popeye said:
I think that would be very expensive. and would take years to finish. The best bet is to install AIP in all future PLAN SSK's.

You mentioned that the PRC does not have expertise in AIP. The PLAN also has very mediorce ASW. This is an area that the PLAN needs to improve.
Interesting, I think one of the problems with PLAN shipbuilding is that there is not enough shipyards to handle all the military orders. If installing AIP on existing 039As take much less time than building a Yuan, then it might be worth it. As for ASW, things are probably even bleakier than a lot of people realize. Consider this, most of our recent DDGs and FFGs have helicopter hangers for ASW helicopters presumably, yet we have no ASW helicopters to put on them. So sad..... btw, I read somewhere that the skymaster radars we bought from UK can be used for ASW. Is that true? I didn't know a radar can be used as sonar. Either way, sonar is supposedly one of the major ticket items in the recent years for PLAN. Let's hope they actually develop something useful.


Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

doesnt china operate a number of ka-28s, and is looking into the ka-31 right now?

as for the sonar thing, i agree 100%. i just dont know what is taking china so long do aquire a good towed sonar. such technology is availible in the european "civilian" market.


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Re: Chinese sub thread

we did buy some Ka-28, but most of our DDGs still are built for Z-9C and we have like 4 of them right now!

We did develop Towed array sonar recently, I think it's on 054.

An article on Kilo


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在浪涛不惊的波罗的海沿岸,两艘新造好的暗蓝色潜艇如同浮出水面的抹香鲸,宁静中蕴涵着肃杀的威严。俄海军上将造船厂的技工指着它们向来访者解释:“瞧,没几天它 今日焦点 : 快速订阅短信新闻






Talks about Club missile here - 3M-54E is the one with 220 KM range and 3M-14E is the LACM with 150 KM range.

新。伴随着基洛636型潜艇的落户,中国进口了多种俄制鱼雷,第一种是UGST,由MORTEPLOTEKNIKI生产,口径533毫米,采用模块化声纳天线阵列诱导系统和线导系统,速度35~50节、射程40~50公里、高爆弹头重300公斤、发射深度400米,中国海军也能在现代级驱逐舰上发射。第二种是 SET-72EM1/M2系列鱼雷,前者是电动鱼雷,口径400毫米,长4.5米,重量765公斤,爆炸威力相当于135公斤TNT装药,它可以在潜艇和水面舰艇上发射。第三种是TE-2型533毫米口径鱼雷,配备了遥控的线导装置,确保TE-2能够进入其诱导系统的作用范围,弹头装药为450公斤,使用寿命10年。新潜艇还将装备俄罗斯研制的采用超空泡推进技术的超高速鱼雷,这种鱼雷的航速超过200节,这一点可能会使美国海军感到忧虑。
This is the interesting bit on torpedo. Apparently, China bought many different types of torpedo this time.

One is called UGST, 533mm diameter, 35-50 knots, 40-50 KM in range and 300 KM warhead. Can also be equipped on 956.
second is called SET-72EM1/M2, with 0.4 m in diameter, length 4.5 meter, weight 765 kg.
third is TE-2 with 533 mm diameter and has a wardhead of 450 KM?
The final one mentionned has to be shkval, there is no other torpedo with a speed of 200 knots.

第三,与早期的基洛级潜艇不同,这批基洛636型潜艇在作战系统设计方面已经非常西方化。新潜艇采用两套C4I系统,就是为了提高整个系统的可靠性。它由 AGAT设计的OMNIBOMNIBUS-E多功能指挥管制显示系统和AVRORA设计的LAMA-EKM多功能指挥控制系统组成,前者有三台双层多功能显示器,后者由一台双层多功能显示系统组成。LAMA-EKM自动化信息控制系统通过AICS实现了信息综合管理,涵盖了导航、声纳、雷达、潜航深度测量、机械控制、电力等子系统的管理,其电力消耗为5.5千瓦。OMNIBOMNIBUS-E作战系统主要用于武器控制,它能够同时跟踪40~50个水下目标,并且使用3M-54E导弹攻击其中的两个。LAMA-EKM也拥有武器控制功能(下一页)
Uses omnibomnibus-e command and control and has the ability to track 40 to 50 submerged targets. It mentions another command and control system with the ability to sort out 50 targets, track 10 and use 1 to 4 torpedoes to engage 1 to 2 targets. Need 3 seconds to prepare an attack.



中国人民海军(PLAN)的战略制定者把潜艇视为地位高于航空母舰的重要武器,庞大的基洛级潜艇群一旦与中国的数十艘国产潜艇结合,将构成西太平洋近海地区最令人羡慕的作战力量。密切注视中国海军发展的美国海军退役少将迈克尔·麦克德威特认为,潜艇作战力量“是中国海军发展战略的关键组成部队之一â€,并呼吁美国海军重视 对中国海军潜艇力量的研究。对谋求独立并试图与美日形成对华战略封锁线的台湾民进党当局而言,这的确不是一个好兆头。






据英国《简氏战舰年鉴》介绍,20世纪90年代,中国为加速水下兵力的现代化,采取一项重大措施是引进俄罗斯的基洛级潜艇。采购合同在1994年与位于下诺夫哥罗德市的红色索尔莫沃造船厂签订,1995年2月和11月前两艘交货,编号为364和365;1998年夏天和年底,又有两艘交货,编号为366和 367。这4艘基洛级潜艇,每艘平均价为2.5亿美元,前两艘为早期877EKM型,原是罗马尼亚海军订购的,但由于罗马尼亚无法支付购买费用,后来转售给中国。后两艘为改进的636型。

该艇水面排水量2300吨,水下排水量3050吨,水下最高航速20节,续航力42天,最大航程10000公里,最大潜深300米,作战潜深240米,乘员52人。在武器配备上,装有6个533毫米鱼雷发射管,能发射多种型号鱼雷,最多可携带18 枚鱼雷,鱼雷采用压缩气体式发射,配有快速装填设备,6枚鱼雷可在15秒内发射完毕,两分钟后可发射第二批。它还有一个“绝活â€,配有一部防空导弹发射架,足以对付潜艇的天敌——反潜巡逻机。(闻宣)

The good news is that at least the kilos are better than the other kilos in service, but the bad news is that this is still a 70s design no matter how much you modernize it.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

There are many types of AIPS the earlist being the german walter engine of WWII. the type swedden operates is rather primitive compare with new german or russian design. also the one china is intrested in is different from the swedeish one so its rather useless to compare them


Junior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

darth sidious said:
There are many types of AIPS the earlist being the german walter engine of WWII. the type swedden operates is rather primitive compare with new german or russian design. also the one china is intrested in is different from the swedeish one so its rather useless to compare them

The French AIP is also somewhat similiar to the Swedish AIP. A bit complicated. You're right, the German design is probably the most elegant. It's based on hydrogen fuel cells. Less moving parts, making it even more quieter than the Swedish AIP, and probably has longer endurance, since the fuel cells packs more energy in a given volume.... :coffee:


New Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

The trials with the Gotland Class in San Diego has been a feather in the hat of course for a Swedish military that has not been in a war for more then 200 years. I get the feeling that the US military put the "Top Secret" stamp on everything just to evade any outside opinion while the Swedish military is able to report more freely about the trials and the results from it. This is our right as citizens of Sweden according to the Opennessprinciple that it there to make sure that the state doesent do alot of undemocratic things without the public knowing it.... But as always the still do, but shit always smells, so lately the goverment has been quite embarrissed when CIA came here and took two Egyptians to Kario for torture. So now we will kick them out of power for sure :) But thats another story.....

My point when it comes to the trials was that in these games the US army knew that a sub was in the area, they were on their own home turf and against a advanced, but still old design and it still proved to be a tough game for US to find it. You should never underestimate your enemy, but i get the feeling that USA always does. The reason why US navy was impressed with the Gotland Class capacity was because they had already assumed that it would be a easy target even before the trials.


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Re: Chinese sub thread

Mazepa said:
My point when it comes to the trials was that in these games the US army knew that a sub was in the area, they were on their own home turf and against a advanced, but still old design and it still proved to be a tough game for US to find it. You should never underestimate your enemy, but i get the feeling that USA always does. The reason why US navy was impressed with the Gotland Class capacity was because they had already assumed that it would be a easy target even before the trials.

You have misunderstand the US intentions of leasing the Gotland subs. It is used to developed NEW tactics for prosecuting and advance AIP capable SSK. The US has always been proactive in that regards, the profeliferation of AIP capable SSK has not yet mature, yet the USN has endevoured to developed ways to prosecute it before Russia and China has even fielded a single AIP capable SSK into their fleet. I would not call that underestimation.

The Gotland class is far from an old design. The first one was commissioned in 1996.

Despite these improvements, the AIP SSK is still limited due to its very low endurance. It is more of a defensive, movable minefield type weapon, it will frustrate the USN, but it is hardly a war winning weapon. The new Seawolf Class SSN has a quite speed of more than 20 knots, which means it produces the same noise level at 20 knots as an AIP SSK does at 5.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
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Re: Chinese sub thread

Mazepa, IDon't is correct in everthing he has posted. The USN contracted the Swedish Navy to provide the HMS Gotland for ASW training. The USN is indeed proactive in ASW. Since the end of the Cold War and the Russian sub threat was deminished the USN fell short on ASW training by it's own admission. But now is back on the right path. This link is somewhat dated but very relievent. Please read the first few paragraphs....

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If you were to visit the ASW center in San Diego CA where my son is stationed you would indeed be impressed. I have visited him there and I was very impressed. I lived in San Diego for 26 years.

Here is an article about the USN contracting the Gotland fronm the US DoD

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October 29, 2004

U.S. and Sweden to Conduct Anti-Submarine Warfare Training
The U.S. Navy and the Swedish Navy will begin a bilateral training effort that provides a Swedish advanced diesel submarine and crew for U.S. Navy fleet anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training.

Commencing in early 2005, the partnership will focus on ASW system test and evaluation as well as the combined development of naval capabilities.

“Recent establishment of the Fleet ASW Command in San Diego, Calif., combined with the planned deployment of a state-of-the-art Swedish diesel sub and crew to the West Coast, provides our forces innovative opportunities to train during combined exercises,†said U.S. Fleet Forces Command Director of Readiness and Training Rear Adm. Don Bullard.

The Swedish Navy will provide an advanced diesel submarine, a Gotland-class air independent propulsion (AIP) submarine, for the U.S. Navy’s long-term use. ASW training will be conducted from San Diego. The Swedish submarine will be Swedish-flagged, commanded, manned and operated. U.S. Navy personnel will be onboard the Swedish submarine as riders and observers for training purposes.

“This U.S.-Swedish effort will demonstrate the further development of international interoperability between the two nations,†said Inspector of the Royal Swedish Navy, Rear Adm. Jörgen Ericsson. “Sweden is currently reorganizing the Swedish armed forces with extensive focus on international operations in which the Swedish Navy contributes a unique capability in maritime security in the littorals.â€

The mission of this training effort is to conduct focused and integrated ASW training and assessment of the U.S. Navy’s fleet ASW operations, tactics and doctrine, and ASW education. The U.S.-Swedish effort will focus on the following improvements to:

1) The performance of fleet operators on all ASW platforms;

2) The ASW performance assessment at theater, carrier/expeditionary strike group, unit- level ship, aviation squadron and submarine levels against standardized, common metrics;

3) Individual student ASW training and qualifications;

4) Overall theater undersea warfare capability.

Nations around the globe continue to acquire quiet and lethal submarines designed to operate in littoral regions and the open ocean. With advanced weaponry developments, the nature of ASW has changed, increasing the risks to operations at sea.

Control of littoral environments is essential to ensuring prompt access for joint forces moving ashore from the sea. Future ASW effectiveness in this critical area demands a dedicated focus on and sensors, new operating concepts and fleet ASW training. Through U.S. and Swedish efforts, both navies are meeting this challenge head on.

“This will vastly improve our capability to conduct realistic, effective antisubmarine warfare training that is so critical to the Navy’s ability to accomplish our mission,†added Bullard. “It also expands our efforts in developing coalition ASW tactics, techniques and procedures. This is a great opportunity for both navies and we are very excited about it."

This bilateral effort is a great example of the U.S. and Swedish navies’ commitment to ensure that our naval service and those of our allies and partners retain operational primacy at sea.


Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

IDonT said:
You have misunderstand the US intentions of leasing the Gotland subs. It is used to developed NEW tactics for prosecuting and advance AIP capable SSK. The US has always been proactive in that regards, the profeliferation of AIP capable SSK has not yet mature, yet the USN has endevoured to developed ways to prosecute it before Russia and China has even fielded a single AIP capable SSK into their fleet. I would not call that underestimation.

The Gotland class is far from an old design. The first one was commissioned in 1996.

Despite these improvements, the AIP SSK is still limited due to its very low endurance. It is more of a defensive, movable minefield type weapon, it will frustrate the USN, but it is hardly a war winning weapon. The new Seawolf Class SSN has a quite speed of more than 20 knots, which means it produces the same noise level at 20 knots as an AIP SSK does at 5.

which is much like how many countries are developing radars and sensors to counter stealth aircraft, although the fielding of stealth planes is not mature.

AIP gives a sub an undisturbed underwater time of 30 days. after that, the ssk can use its regualer recharges. the seawolf is just about as developed as an chinese aip ssk is. i wouldnt judge the abilities of ssks relative to such a new and advanced sub.


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Re: Chinese sub thread

MIGleader said:
which is much like how many countries are developing radars and sensors to counter stealth aircraft, although the fielding of stealth planes is not mature.

AIP gives a sub an undisturbed underwater time of 30 days. after that, the ssk can use its regualer recharges. the seawolf is just about as developed as an chinese aip ssk is. i wouldnt judge the abilities of ssks relative to such a new and advanced sub.

Yeah but the difference is that no other country has stealth aircraft that is comparable to the US stealth aircraft to practice on.....that makes a difference. You can have your theories about stealth detection, but without anything to practice it on, its worthless. The Gotland was leased for this purpose, to figure out what approaches work and what doesn't. So by the time the "real deal" comes, USN has already know most of the tricks an AIP SSK sub driver will do and how to counter it.

AIP sub still needs oxygen to run its engines, they just use it in a liquid form in reserve tanks. Once the supply runs out, it needs to be refueled. Recharging batteries via running the diesel and snorkeling is very loud.

Then you have to look at the flip side. An AIP is silent and hard to detect in the littoral environment because of clutter, etc. But those factors do not descriminate, the SSN, especially the USN ones, are also hard to detect in that environment. Add to the fact that USN sonar technology are far more advance than China's, then they have a real edge over the PLAN counterparts.

ASW is the achilles heel of the PLAN. It is telling when one of the main ASW weapons on its warships are the ASW rockets, which are unguided and lacks the range. Furthermore, the sonar suite they are using are Russian (I could be wrong), which have had difficulty in detecting and tracking an LA class sub. But the development of a towed array sonar, new ASW helos, and the new 093 SSN and Yuan SSKs are a step in the right direction
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