Chinese submarines thread

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Re: Chinese sub thread

Was the developmental goal reached? I haven't seen much about the Yu series in general.

if what I've been reading on Chinese bbs is correct, then the Yu series is doing pretty well and reached the set out goals. So, they have Yu-3A for the older subs, Yu-6 for the newer subs and Yu-7 as the light torpedo. Mind you, we have seen many pictures of Yu-6 recently being loaded onto Song. It's clear that Song is not using any of the Russian torpedoes (which simply don't have the kinetic performance of Mk-48). Something like Yu-6 is really desperately needed against American nuclear subs and carriers. Meaning if you are within 10 nm of one, you have the weapon that can chase it down.


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Re: Chinese sub thread

more document on this, some additional information.









the project apparently started in 1995 and the development is finished in 2005. It said after this, the total capability of the torpedo has reached a leading position in the world. Claims to break the Western technological embargo against China by developing indigenously.


VIP Professional
Re: Chinese sub thread

Well basically a pump jet is a ducted propeller. That is a propeller enclosed inside a ducted housing. What we see at the end of most torpedoes is a pump jet which you can easily see from all the pictures above. A pump jet submarine is one whose end would actually look like the end of any of the torpedoes above. So its not really a hard technology to implement.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Chinese sub thread

Well basically a pump jet is a ducted propeller. That is a propeller enclosed inside a ducted housing. What we see at the end of most torpedoes is a pump jet which you can easily see from all the pictures above. A pump jet submarine is one whose end would actually look like the end of any of the torpedoes above. So its not really a hard technology to implement.
really? so, anything with a duct is pump jet? even if it looks like it has a 4 or 5 blade propeller in there?

this is interesting, found regarding sonar on different Chinese subs






他从1981年开始参加H/SQ2-262潜艇综合声呐原理样机的设计,1984年开始负责262声呐装艇正样的总体设计。1987年通过陆上鉴定。 1990年通过海军军工产品定型委员会的设计定型并开始批量生产,装备部队。目前已生产9台。在该机的设计中首次采用空腔后档基阵、多路过采样、疏排阵、时间压缩式长延迟线、二次积累、背景均衡和故障自检等高新技术,使该机已成为我国035型潜艇的主要声呐装备。获1992年国家科技进步一等(排名第二)。装备该机的潜艇在由江泽民主席、刘华清付主席检阅的“95-神威”全军演习中,性能优良,受到海军领导机关好评。

1991年在院军工委的大力支持下,他负责对262声呐进行技术改造,并取得突破,受到海军和中船总公司的好评。该声响所采用的类Kalman滤波、自适应噪改朝换声抵消、最佳线性预测等技术使声呐具有鱼雷报警、多目标自动跟踪、低频线谱检测等功能。经海军批准,将由中国科学院声学所设计,613厂生产 262A声呐,替换我国老式33艇上的105声呐;用262B声呐,替换我国09-I、09-II核潜艇上的603、604声呐;用262C声呐装备新型 035G常规潜艇。这对提高我国现役声呐的水平,增强反潜力量具有重大意义。


他从1987年开始负责国防科工委拖曳式线列阵声响呐预研和院重大军工项目拖曳式线列阵声呐原理样研制。从1990年开始,担任国家计委、总对重点项目 H/SJG-208声呐总设计师。在208声呐设计中采用FIR滤波、RAM动态波束成形、升采样率运算、自适应噪声抵消、灰度变换算法、语音报警、目标识别专家系统等高新技术。该机已完成原理样机,并于1997年3月在北海进行海试,取得了满意的结果,准备生产正样装备我国电子侦察船。



李启虎同志自1963年到声学所参加工作以来,即从事001岸用声呐的研制,参加决体方案设计和海上投放、施工和实验工作。先后参加或负责从北海至南海的 4个部的施工和组建工作,同时参加我国第一台自适应波束成形计算机的设计和湖试。其中001岸用声呐站的研究获全国科技大会奖(未排名,不是负责人);自适应波束成形计算机获中科院科技进步一等奖(排名第3)。


1987年他主持设计了我国第一台潜艇用被动测距声呐的我功能信号处理机的研制。第一次把广义互谱法测延时的算法用于水下目标的被动测距,同时在信号处理机中采用一次相关内插、二次相关、互谱法等多种不同的测延时方法和数据过滤方法,使我国被动测距声呐进入国际先进水平,该声呐已开始装备我国新研制的 039潜艇。



1994年开始,李启虎同志负责声学所的舷侧线列阵声呐预研工作,受到国防科工委和海军的关注。 1990年上组机关决定在09-III新型核潜艇上装备舷侧阵声呐(H/SQG-207声呐),并决定由中船总公司715所和声学所组成国家队进行联合攻关,由他担任207声呐的副总设计师。











you can find article here.
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The bold part basically says the 093 uses a flank array called H/SQG-207 and it started development in the 90s. They test it on 091 and it's one of the two major development programs for 093.

Also mentionned some other major projects, like H/SQG-04 passive sonar which is used 039

And also the H/SJG-208 towed linear array sonar and it says to be used one elint ship?
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VIP Professional
Re: Chinese sub thread

Yes, even if it looks like it has a propeller in there, its technically a pump jet if the propeller and the water flow is encased in a duct. it does not look like a hard technology to implement, even compared to asymmetrical screws which actually looks harder. Another form of pump jet is a centrifugal pump or turbine enclosed in a duct and that does not look hard either.

The idea in making propellers quieter is to prevent the onset of supercavitation, which in more simpler terms, prevent it from making bubbles. There is a threshhold which this is reached. Once it does, you're making noises from the bubbles, and other things also start to happen. The bubbles does affect how the sub is moved, and the turbulence of the bubbles also help erode the propeller faster.

So, with newer propulsion designs, you are trying to do two things to prevent cavitation. Get the same speed while turning the screws much slower. With less mechanical revolutions, you also make less noise. The second is to push the cavitation threshold higher.

While simple as it may sounds, the hydrodynamics and how it will shape the duct and the screws can be quite complex.


Senior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Yes, even if it looks like it has a propeller in there, its technically a pump jet if the propeller and the water flow is encased in a duct. it does not look like a hard technology to implement, even compared to asymmetrical screws which actually looks harder. Another form of pump jet is a centrifugal pump or turbine enclosed in a duct and that does not look hard either.

The idea in making propellers quieter is to prevent the onset of supercavitation, which in more simpler terms, prevent it from making bubbles. There is a threshhold which this is reached. Once it does, you're making noises from the bubbles, and other things also start to happen. The bubbles does affect how the sub is moved, and the turbulence of the bubbles also help erode the propeller faster.

So, with newer propulsion designs, you are trying to do two things to prevent cavitation. Get the same speed while turning the screws much slower. With less mechanical revolutions, you also make less noise. The second is to push the cavitation threshold higher.

While simple as it may sounds, the hydrodynamics and how it will shape the duct and the screws can be quite complex.

There is also the issue of scale; scaling up for something that is radically larger will pose problems during development. What might work in a miniature may not work on a full sized ship.


VIP Professional
Re: Chinese sub thread

Here is my template of what the future Chinese SSN should be. Rather than being a "dream" this is only a logical result of all current design trends. It is intended to be general and would not be difficult to produce. I like to see how my template would compare in the future when more news and details about the next generation of Chinese SSNs show up.

1. The trend now is having a structure more similar to a mini SSBN, with VLS launch tubes for cruise missiles or antiship missiles.

2. The PLAN is actually better served by an SSGN type rather than SSBMs. An extended version of the new sub can hold more VLS cells and can serve as an "arsenal" ship-sub. The design should be modular, so it would not be difficult to produce other family members to this sub, including an SSBN version.

3. Active bow sonar, passive flank sonars, and not the least, a TAS.

4. I like to see the use of a pump jet propulsion.

5. This part is probably the most technologically challenging of all, which is to use an HTGR reactor. While not necessarily, earlier versions of the sub can make do with pressurized water reactors.

6. Better hydroplaning design. The sub should try to produce a better integral blend between the sail and the rest of the hull.

7. The issue between sail vs. bow mounted dive planes is always subject to debate. But if China wants to join the Artic race and make some claim over there, I would prefer bow mounted planes, since its easier to ice break using a plane less sail.


VIP Professional
Re: Chinese sub thread

I have to change my opinion on the sub model on the tank shown in the 80th anniversary PLA exhibit. The model is not a 091 mod but a 093. People originally thought it was the 091 mod because they assumed the 093 would have a plane less sail, like the 093 pics shown in the exhibit. Notwithstanding that later on, pics of the 093 coming out indeed showing a sub with diving planes on the sail.

I concluded that this is a 093 model due to the shape of the hull, the shape of the sail which is completely square, and the disrupted sink hole pattern which are drawn like etched on the side of the model.

So, why did the PLA show a 093 model with planes on the sail, while photos and videos of a sub without? There is no motive to PS the planes out, considering the model is shown.

I am thinking that there is indeed two kinds of 093, an earlier form with the planes on teh sail, followed by a revised form without planes on the sail and with a more flattened back.


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Senior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

1. The trend now is having a structure more similar to a mini SSBN, with VLS launch tubes for cruise missiles or antiship missiles.

2. The PLAN is actually better served by an SSGN type rather than SSBMs. An extended version of the new sub can hold more VLS cells and can serve as an "arsenal" ship-sub. The design should be modular, so it would not be difficult to produce other family members to this sub, including an SSBN version.

I think you're 100% right. You can save time and money by having a unified structure that can be adapted to a nuclear deterrent role, an anti-surface attack role or a land attack role. All you need are modular VLS arrangements.

If the Type 95/96 are pump jet based and take advantage of the latest quieting technology seen in the Seawolf/Virginia or the Severodvinsk and Borei, it would definitely be a world class vessel.

6. Better hydroplaning design. The sub should try to produce a better integral blend between the sail and the rest of the hull.

From the speculative photos of the next conventional submarine, it looks like this technology is now mastered.


New Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

...If the Type 95/96 are pump jet based and take advantage of the latest quieting technology seen in the Seawolf/Virginia or the Severodvinsk and Borei...
Such as? I thought that kind of quieting know-how is top-top-secret material?
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