The program was indeed stoped, read chief designer Huang's interview. The interview was done in 2005, note that he said "if the program had not been stoped for such long, we would not lag so much behind US".
I am pretty sure he knows how 094 is like(already in sea probably) and how it will be compared with Ohio.
20几年过去,美国走了多少型号,冷战结束,战争的危险并没消失。美国(包括日本) 的科研工作一点没放松,而我们的科研生产都断线了。团队解散,很多人才都流失了。如果我们也像美日那样,技术抓的很紧,我们的技术水平不会是现在这个样子,就算不超过美国,也至少不会和他差这么远。