Chinese submarines thread

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New Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

4200 ton standard, 4800 ton full 052C has been mentionned in most of the magazines as 7000 tonne. If you use 4200 ton vs 7000 ton, that's 67% more.

Well if you take the 052 full load of 4.800 tons and as I understand the full load of 52C 7.000 tons it only comes to 46% more.
Anyway...can we leave this destroyer sidetrack and gett back to the submarine thread. :eek:ff


Junior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Is this KILO or 039A launching unknown SAM underwater?



New Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Good catch Crobato! Now that you mentioned it, its striking that both this model and Huitong's 093 show a square sail.

The square sail seems to be common on American submarines while Russian submarines have long rectangular sails.


The newest submarines continue this tradition.... Virginia also has a square sail, and the Borei has a long rectangular sail.

Could it be that Type 093 and 094 have absorbed American technology also? Could they be a smaller, Chinese version of SeaWolf / Ohio?

i think that u r right

the JIN-class does look like the Virginia class



VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Launch SAMs?? You propably mean SSMs right?

First of all its impossiple to determine from picture alone which submarine is doing the shootings unless some information is given from the taker of that pic. Based on the picture alone you cannot even say which country's submarine is in question. Given the CCTV logo atop the images its safe to assume that its chinese subs in question.

What comes to launching missiles underwater, yeas its possiple, in fact quite normal nowadays with torbedotube launched SSMs like Sub-harpoon and Yj81 derivates. Hardly none of the existing non-ballistic missile carrying submarines have to come surface to fire their missiles.

And as a endnote, If the first poster makes a mistake and calls the missile SAM for some reasons, its not giving good image of our members if the seccond says "gee I didn't know SAMs can be lauched from underwater" and third says "sure they can". SAM means surface-to-air missiles and no submarine carries one (outcluding the shoulder-fired missiles fielded in some boats) and definetly cannot shoot them from underwater. Basic knowledge guys.


Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

CCP 17th National Congress promotion brochure confirmed the existance of 094 SSBN. The article puts it in parallel of KJ2000 and J10 program.

The article lists 10 aspects of Chinese R&D progresss in recent years, defence technology is placed among the first item, which also mentions the "new concept weapon systems".


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Senior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

^ Wow, an official government release saying that Type 094 as big a step for Chinese technology as J-10 and KJ-2000.

We know how advanced J-10 is -- it compares very well with the world's cutting edge fighters. This suggests PLAN is very happy with Type 094 and it probably compares very well with Ohio, Vanguard and Le Triomphant classes. The latter two uses pump jet, so there's a good chance Type 094 does too.


Banned Idiot
Re: Chinese sub thread

^ Wow, an official government release saying that Type 094 as big a step for Chinese technology as J-10 and KJ-2000.

It's not "an official government release", but an internal 17th CCP National Congress promotion/propaganda brochure compiled for and circulared within party members of central government employees. Since these employees can access a lot secrets so weapon model names are not taboo here. Also since it's an internal document, censorship is a lot loose compared with published articles.

The Chinese censorship rule discrees that any mention of weapon model names needs very high level approvement, this is why even a photo of J6 won't mention its name on the newspaper, it's not the secret but will waste a lot of time and reporter's energy due to red tapes. But usually internal document can bypass that rule. We got to understand how Chinese bureaucracy system works.

The important part of this article is about its talking the achievement between 16th and 17th party congress, so the time frame of development is there. We know now that 094 SSBN program was complete(or almost) after 16th congress(2002), and probably reached the same stage as KJ2000 or J10, otherwise it won't be mentioned in the same way.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
Re: Chinese sub thread

Indeed a mention like this in an internal CCP document intended for 17th congress shows instructively the important role of the 094 SSBN in PLA's strategic calculus.

Furthermore could this indicate that 094 (094 mod?) is already in batch production phase? Probably at least a second unit is in the water now and a third (modified?) SSBN actually could be ready for testing next year.

Correspondingly the follow on project of type 094 is probably well under way and in 8-10 years PLAN could possibly field a robust and capable SSBN force of 8-10 units of two different types.
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