Chinese Soft Power and Media Discussion and Updates


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They are doing that already, just look at the list of global
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. While it's true that US politicians and scholars and so forth are all trashing them and Confucius and pretty much everything Chinese, it's not because of any genuine interest in the particulars of Confucian doctrine. You can't define something you don't understand, they are only making noise for the sake of noise.

I think you are worried about nothing, this sort of behavior is expected from the US these days.
I'm totally confused about what your point is. My past few posts in this thread was just to point out that it seems like China is promoting Confucianism plus a few other Chinese native philosophies as its own outward ideology, instead of Marxism and why I think this is a good thing for Chinese soft power. I didn't really bring up anything about the west trashing Confucius Institutes or anything related.

I did however bring up a hidden threat in my linked legal scholarly article, which is first western "historians" are trying to redefine Confucianism (they have always done this, but this fad has picked up again, perhaps more funding now?) Second, they are trying to use their revisionist model of Confucianism to attack PRC and China as a whole. To counter this threat, China must seize the moment and proactively push the "correct" model of Confucianism.


Lieutenant General
Let me let you in on a secret. Westerners find being on the winning side is more important than being perceived as good or evil. If evil was winning they would gladly be on the side of evil. That's what's happening with the West right now. The West raped the world in the name of white supremacy and they're not apologetic nor feel regret for it once. If it wasn't for their white supremacist philosophies, they wouldn't have risen up to be the number one power in the world to this day and I'm including liberals in this. And despite it, look at how many Asians and others around the world want to be accepted by them... want to be a part of their world. They know they're the bad part of history and they love how so many of their historic victims of theirs beg for their acceptance.

You know how you get Westerners to want to be on "your side"? Winning. Ever hear of the saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." That's what it literally is. You can try to win in athletics but that's superficial. How does scoring a touchdown translate into something real and meaningful in real life? What the Chinese have is technological competition where China is a real challenger against the West. Stop thinking like some in this forum who believe China can make the best and fastest computer chip in the world but if Westerners don't buy it, it's a failure. You're never going to win with that mentality because it requires whites to accept what you have because you admit their opinion matters to you also acknowledging they're superior to you.

You see it right now where you have the Western media questioning their own citizens when they make YouTube videos going against the Western mainstream narrative that China is bad place to live and is backward especially in technology. If the West keeps on looking like it's losing, then they'll come around wanting to be a winner by association which ain't them. That's how it works. Making them relentlessly looking like a loser and they'll start abandoning ship. Winning in technology has a whole lot more meaning than counting how many touchdowns and home runs they make in a season.

Why are they afraid of China? They don't like China for not upholding the Western world order. That's why they want to spread Western values everywhere so everyone knows their place. If China doesn't do it the Western way, the West doesn't have power. Look at stem cell research. In the West they're restricted on it because of religious reasons. Chinese aren't Christian so they have no control and therefore won't be making all the money that comes stem cell research and discoveries. They want everyone to follow their rules to make sure they're always in power and no one else.

I see a realistic future where China and much of the world doesn't have to go to war with the West. It's a world that doesn't include the West. They'll hate it because that's what they're trying to do to China where they want everyone to act like China doesn't exist and is ignored by the rest of the world. The world not needing the West is much more realistic than the US trying to do it to China. Why are countries lining up to join BRICS? It's because they want an alternative to the West. I read an article somewhere that admitted everything was about natural and strategic resources like I've been pointing to. The West maybe figuratively financially richer but all the resources they need to run their first world economies are with BRICS and countries that want to join. They aren't simply buying them like how China beats them there. The West doesn't have a manufacturing base to challenge China. China can manufacture everything the West can and BRICS has all the resources the West needs. Everything cost more for the West to do than for China. So what's left where the West has an advantage? Advanced technology for now but can you survive on it when it's too expensive for everyone else or they won't sell to countries like China that could afford it. China is the second most powerful country in the world and it doesn't need advanced Western technology to get there.

For all my life what I've noticed about some whites that has never changed? They don't like it where a non-white is talking to another non-white without them being in the conversation to monitor. Why are people in the US for English-only? It's because ultimately they believe if you're talking in another language, you're insulting them behind their backs and/or conspiring against America. So what paranoia is besieging them when they see powerful non-Western countries talking to other powerful non-Western countries without them? And you know what? None of it is against the law. Just imagine everyone being able to talk to one another because everyone is multi-lingual and it's only the English speaking West that doesn't understand what's everyone is saying. Much more realistic and peaceful than anything the West can imagine. They're the ones that will feel like losers when it's them that feels left-out.
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Registered Member
Let me let you in on a secret. Westerners find being on the winning side is more important than being perceived as good or evil. If evil was winning they would gladly be on the side of evil. That's what's happening with the West right now. The West raped the world in the name of white supremacy and they're not apologetic nor feel regret for it once. If it wasn't for their white supremacist philosophies, they wouldn't have risen up to be the number one power in the world to this day and I'm including liberals in this. And despite it, look at how many Asians and others around the world want to be accepted by them... want to be a part of their world. They know they're the bad part of history and they love how so many of their historic victims of theirs beg for their acceptance.

You know how you get Westerners to want to be on "your side"? Winning. Ever hear of the saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." That's what it literally is. You can try to win in athletics but that's superficial. How does scoring a touchdown translate into something real and meaningful in real life? What the Chinese have is technological competition where China is a real challenger against the West. Stop thinking like some in this forum who believe China can make the best and fastest computer chip in the world but if Westerners don't buy it, it's a failure. You're never going to win with that mentality because it requires whites to accept what you have because you admit their opinion matters to you also acknowledging they're superior to you.

You see it right now where you have the Western media questioning their own citizens when they make YouTube videos going against the Western mainstream narrative that China is bad place to live and is backward especially in technology. If the West keeps on looking like it's losing, then they'll come around wanting to be a winner by association which ain't them. That's how it works. Making them relentlessly looking like a loser and they'll start abandoning ship. Winning in technology has a whole lot more meaning than counting how many touchdowns and home runs they make in a season.

Why are they afraid of China? They don't like China for not upholding the Western world order. That's why they want to spread Western values everywhere so everyone knows their place. If China doesn't do it the Western way, the West doesn't have power. Look at stem cell research. In the West they're restricted on it because of religious reasons. Chinese aren't Christian so they have no control and therefore won't be making all the money that comes stem cell research and discoveries. They want everyone to follow their rules to make sure they're always in power and no one else.

I see a realistic future where China and much of the world doesn't have to go to war with the West. It's a world that doesn't include the West. They'll hate it because that's what they're trying to do to China where they want everyone to act like China doesn't exist and is ignored by the rest of the world. The world not needing the West is much more realistic than the US trying to do it to China. Why are countries lining up to join BRICS? It's because they want an alternative to the West. I read an article somewhere that admitted everything was about natural and strategic resources like I've been pointing to. The West maybe figuratively financially richer but all the resources they need to run their first world economies are with BRICS and countries that want to join. They aren't simply buying them like how China beats them there. The West doesn't have a manufacturing base to challenge China. China can manufacture everything the West can and BRICS has all the resources the West needs. Everything cost more for the West to do than for China. So what's left where the West has an advantage? Advanced technology for now but can you survive on it when it's too expensive for everyone else or they won't sell to countries like China that could afford it. China is the second most powerful country in the world and it doesn't need advanced Western technology to get there.

For all my life what I've noticed about some whites that has never changed? They don't like it where a non-white is talking to another non-white without them being in the conversation to monitor. Why are people in the US for English-only? It's because ultimately they believe if you're talking in another language, you're insulting them behind their backs and/or conspiring against America. So what paranoia is besieging them when they see powerful non-Western countries talking to other powerful non-Western countries without them? And you know what? None of it is against the law. Just imagine everyone being able to talk to one another because everyone is multi-lingual and it's only the English speaking West that doesn't understand what's everyone is saying. Much more realistic and peaceful than anything the West can imagine. They're the ones that will feel like losers when it's them that feels left-out.
The answer is simple: that is what they would have been doing. Talking shit of other race without others knowing.

This is how human mind works. Human mind read others through self-reference.


Junior Member
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I'm surprised an interview like this can even be published in Western media these days.

Li insists he is clear-eyed about Xi’s unpopularity among some key sections in Chinese society: liberal intellectuals, wealthy entrepreneurs and some middle- and low-level officials. But Li attempts to place Xi in the context of his times. “It is easy to blame everything on him,” he says. He points out that Xi took over after about two decades of so-called collective leadership. The factions, warring behind the scenes, provided a force of checks and balances. Yet corruption was rife, and the party was crippled by infighting, culminating with the operatic downfall of Bo Xilai, the former party chief of Chongqing.

“That system, Edward, was not perfect,” he says. “The narrative [in China] is: Mao made China stand up, Deng made China rich, Xi made China strong . . . That narrative is not necessarily wrong.” The “reality”, which those at the top of the political establishment in China understand, is far removed from western perceptions, Li says. “I think he saved the Chinese Communist party.”

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Senior Member
Registered Member
Let me let you in on a secret. Westerners find being on the winning side is more important than being perceived as good or evil. If evil was winning they would gladly be on the side of evil. That's what's happening with the West right now. The West raped the world in the name of white supremacy and they're not apologetic nor feel regret for it once. If it wasn't for their white supremacist philosophies, they wouldn't have risen up to be the number one power in the world to this day and I'm including liberals in this. And despite it, look at how many Asians and others around the world want to be accepted by them... want to be a part of their world. They know they're the bad part of history and they love how so many of their historic victims of theirs beg for their acceptance.

You know how you get Westerners to want to be on "your side"? Winning. Ever hear of the saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." That's what it literally is. You can try to win in athletics but that's superficial. How does scoring a touchdown translate into something real and meaningful in real life? What the Chinese have is technological competition where China is a real challenger against the West. Stop thinking like some in this forum who believe China can make the best and fastest computer chip in the world but if Westerners don't buy it, it's a failure. You're never going to win with that mentality because it requires whites to accept what you have because you admit their opinion matters to you also acknowledging they're superior to you.

You see it right now where you have the Western media questioning their own citizens when they make YouTube videos going against the Western mainstream narrative that China is bad place to live and is backward especially in technology. If the West keeps on looking like it's losing, then they'll come around wanting to be a winner by association which ain't them. That's how it works. Making them relentlessly looking like a loser and they'll start abandoning ship. Winning in technology has a whole lot more meaning than counting how many touchdowns and home runs they make in a season.

Why are they afraid of China? They don't like China for not upholding the Western world order. That's why they want to spread Western values everywhere so everyone knows their place. If China doesn't do it the Western way, the West doesn't have power. Look at stem cell research. In the West they're restricted on it because of religious reasons. Chinese aren't Christian so they have no control and therefore won't be making all the money that comes stem cell research and discoveries. They want everyone to follow their rules to make sure they're always in power and no one else.

I see a realistic future where China and much of the world doesn't have to go to war with the West. It's a world that doesn't include the West. They'll hate it because that's what they're trying to do to China where they want everyone to act like China doesn't exist and is ignored by the rest of the world. The world not needing the West is much more realistic than the US trying to do it to China. Why are countries lining up to join BRICS? It's because they want an alternative to the West. I read an article somewhere that admitted everything was about natural and strategic resources like I've been pointing to. The West maybe figuratively financially richer but all the resources they need to run their first world economies are with BRICS and countries that want to join. They aren't simply buying them like how China beats them there. The West doesn't have a manufacturing base to challenge China. China can manufacture everything the West can and BRICS has all the resources the West needs. Everything cost more for the West to do than for China. So what's left where the West has an advantage? Advanced technology for now but can you survive on it when it's too expensive for everyone else or they won't sell to countries like China that could afford it. China is the second most powerful country in the world and it doesn't need advanced Western technology to get there.

For all my life what I've noticed about some whites that has never changed? They don't like it where a non-white is talking to another non-white without them being in the conversation to monitor. Why are people in the US for English-only? It's because ultimately they believe if you're talking in another language, you're insulting them behind their backs and/or conspiring against America. So what paranoia is besieging them when they see powerful non-Western countries talking to other powerful non-Western countries without them? And you know what? None of it is against the law. Just imagine everyone being able to talk to one another because everyone is multi-lingual and it's only the English speaking West that doesn't understand what's everyone is saying. Much more realistic and peaceful than anything the West can imagine. They're the ones that will feel like losers when it's them that feels left-out.
The winner is a king. The loser is a criminal.

Ultimately we are in this current state because China (and most others) was a loser during late Qing. If we don't want to be losers anymore, we need to win. Simple as.

The ultimate soft power is being a winner.


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Everyone knows China's very good at making softcore entertainment, some of China's recent domestic AVs are surprisingly good. Chinese people have decided to compete in producing Japanese style AVs now ;)

Another win for China's soft power imo. All China is missing is some big CPOP girl group.
What about the step-sisters?!!