I was just talking about CCP's lack of understanding of soft power.
Chinese soft power is different.
Seems to me American software is all about expansion, imperialism or cultural imperialism.
Chinese soft power seems to be is just to be good, or do better, or be cool. No need for cultural imperialism.
American soft power is to export American values, to make others to want to be American.
Chinese understand soft power, but they think America soft power sucks, because China in not interested in turning the world Chinese, unlike American soft power.
So I suspect, the purpose of Chinese soft power, is to promote Chinese culture. Period. No further point is needed.
However, the mere promotion of Chinese soft power, which is to promote Chinese culture, kind of ushers in a bipolar or multi-polar world, where diversity is sough.
To me, that is the biggest difference, and most most important point, that Chinese soft power is to promote China and promote a multi-polar world in all realms.
Whereas the West, it is the same old story, American soft power will be shoved down people's throats continuously.
Just like what that 1984 wrote about.
What is the future? Imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever!