Chinese Soft Power and Media Discussion and Updates


Low IQ country identified


I watched a Chinese drama called 新生 recently. It is as good, if not better, than most foreign dramas I've seen. The cinematography, acting, score, and plot are phenomenal. According to my buddy, the final episode isn't great, but I haven't watched it yet. The first nine episodes are fantastic. I highly recommend it!

Chinese dramas are getting better by the day. I'm excited to see what the future holds for this industry :)



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Apparently Hu Xijin posted this on his weibo then deleted it. I now understand why Chinese complain about domestic media, Hu Xijin use to be the editor-in-chief of GlobalTimes.


OMG just found some articles which were published in GT during Hu Xijin's times.

Never sleep with a virgin
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Sometimes a devirginized woman could be as toxic as the smog in Beijing.
We now know many foreigners are planning to leave the capital due to the pollution, but I wonder how many of them are thinking about leaving thanks to the women they bedded.

Side note, chef Wang Gang also loves to post fried egg stuff every year on his social media.

Maybe this is why Kurt Campbell advocates only allowing Chinese students to study Humanities. :eek:


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They are really only interested in controlling the media and have no interest in harnessing soft power or developing it as an industry. The Japanese government's "Cool Japan" promotion was really a failed turd (although it didn't even need the government's help to diffuse Japan's soft power in the first place), but I have to admit that it is better than China.


Registered Member
They are really only interested in controlling the media and have no interest in harnessing soft power or developing it as an industry. The Japanese government's "Cool Japan" promotion was really a failed turd (although it didn't even need the government's help to diffuse Japan's soft power in the first place), but I have to admit that it is better than China.
Nobody cares what that dirty gaijin thinks about China, he posts 24/7 negative content about China on X.

Bio: "Director making Documentary Films, based in China." You know the ones sponsored by CIA, no shit he hates censorship. How else will he brainwash the masses.
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They are really only interested in controlling the media and have no interest in harnessing soft power or developing it as an industry.
Of course this is the correct thing to do for the CCP. What good is an industry of entertainment if it is built off of people making films that insult China so Westerners can give high ratings? This is what it's all about; Chinese films with Chinese heros like Wolf Warrior or Battle of ChangJin are not praised in the West, but they carry out the correct image of China. What Westerners want to see is Chinese movies about how some poor family suffered through the Cultural Revolution and got bullied by the CCP. The censors don't prohibit the right Chinese films from being made or even competing; they prohibit Chinese film makers from whoring to the West.
The Japanese government's "Cool Japan" promotion was really a failed turd (although it didn't even need the government's help to diffuse Japan's soft power in the first place),
I know nothing about this nor do I care.
but I have to admit that it is better than China.
Better we make films to bolster Chinese pride than Japanese being known for their entertainment industry making cartoons idolizing white people, sometimes directly, sometimes inadverdently.
It's terrible news for film makers who don't care about national image but only earning praise from Westerners.


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Once Upon a Time in China, I don't think this movie insults China or idolizes whites, but it is popular in the West. Because simply because the movie is great. But ironically, since this, i.e. since the 90's, Hong Kong "somehow" seems to have failed to make decent movies and export a cool image of China through movies. Also, I never said anything about making movies to be appreciated by westerners, I was just talking about CCP's lack of understanding of soft power.