“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” —— Sun Tzu
By intimidating them into submission with your hard power.
And do you have the ability strike any country that does not like you?
What is this soft crap about people liking your or not? That's nonsense. It's about whether their interests conflict with yours and whether they yield in that case. And depending on the offense, yes, you strike them if they insist on their interests over yours (such as in a territorial dispute).
Or force any country to behave on your term without winning local people's heart? I think not.
Because you think wrong. You engage with their leadership and you use your leverage (carrot and stick) to get them to behave on your terms. Have you not been watching world politics at all??
Soft power also affect how people from certain countries being treated in other countries.
You have that confused with hard power. Hard power gives your passport and your people special powers everywhere. If a problem arises and you take out a powerful passport, the country you are visiting will solve the issue with expedited urgency in order to not offend you and your embassy.
Thai dramas never "officially" enter Chinese market anyway,just like most of hollywood films. China banned Korean cultural products,that does not stop people from keep watch these things.
That doesn't stop people from boycotting Samsung and Lotte either. Free show, why not?
Totally related. This shows that soft "power" cannot determine anything. It is hard power that will produce the solution.
And it is the Thai soft power keep luring Chinese to visit there,despite the risk.
What risk? Getting ripped off? China is the number 2 tourist destination in the world. That's how you count "soft power"? LOL China wins again. What's the only country with higher tourism? It's the US, number 1 in hard power. Furthering my point that hard power spills over to your definition of soft "power." What about Thai tourism?
Just like Korea,we all know Koreans hate Chinese people,but that does not prevent huge number of Chinese people who obsessed with Korean culture want to visit Korea,despite the risk of being poorly treated.
They go to get plastic surgery. Koreans visit China and study in China all the same. You say we get poorly treated? I've been to Korea (to visit an ex, NOT for the drama) and have felt no such thing. This is the difference you get from real life experience and internet trolling.
That's the power of soft power,I can spit on your face all I want and you will still worship me.
What, because you saw some Chinese forum talk about Korean dramas so that's worship? LOL What about all the Chinese people who make fun of Koreans for sissy follower culture? We don't count? LOL Koreans visit China and study in China too. If they don't reciprocate, we dry their tourism by government order. Hard power.
You think you are so strong so powerful so advanced?
First of all, is this for me? Cus if it is, you should have the courage to tag me so I don't accidentally miss it. But maybe that's what you wanted

Secondly, that's a stupid unhinged question. Compared to whom? It is undeniable that China is at least the second most powerful country in the world but we work hard to become the first and then to maintain the first.
Well,people in other countries don't perceive it that way.
There you go with your soft-flaccid-"power"-wahh-wahh-everybody-please-like-me crap again. We make the reality. Other people's imaginary worlds are not our concern. As a matter of opposite fact, much of China's challenge today is that other Western countries percieve too well China's rising power. We'd like to stay under the radar a little longer but unfortunately, it's rather like an elephant trying to stay covered under a hankerchief now.
Your "social status" around the global don't naturally rise along with your hard power,
Just stating it doesn't make it true. I've proven again and again that in general, it does, but it can be distorted by active suppression from a country with more hard power, like the US.
and I don't think the Chinese government has plan or capability to use force to "teach these countries a hard lesson" in order to let them respect China and Chinese people.
So you're saying they don't have enough force AKA hard power yet. In other words, it's a hard power issue. Congratulations on the first non-stupid thing you said.
The only way to accomplish this is by soft power,
In all of history, that has not happened. The loser of a war respects and submits to the winner unless and until the loser can defeat him in return. That is an accurate summary of human history. And in your fantasy mind, soft power is somehow the
only way, LOL
and XiJinPing recognize this.
Which is why he's doing the tech drive, nuclear buildup, military buildup, fighting trade wars, sending out wolf warrior diplomats, etc... right? Cus soft "power" is the
only way. I'm waiting for Xi's cartoon/gaming/drama buildup LOLOL
As I said before,the Chinese government is fully aware of the importance of soft power. Soft power has always been emphasized in policy papers,as one of the strategic goals need to achieve.
And I will answer the same again. This is not what you think it is. To the CCP, soft "power" simply means to ask its citizens to behave in a more civilized less embarrassing manor. It has nothing to do with dramas/games/etc... which the CCP curbs. At the national level, the CCP focuses on technology, economy, and military, all pillars of hard power. At the diplomatic level, we use wolf warriors.
Just because you don't perform well in some area,does not mean that area is not import.
Right, just because you can't debate well, doesn't mean it's not important and you can just spit up old defeated points over and over again.
It is not like Chinese government don't care about soft power,rather it is they have commited to boost soft power but yield little result so far.
Not in the way you think of it. Their definition is improved civility and personal behavior, not some drama culture charm offensive. China has always stressed hard power and cooperation through mutual interest. That is the only way to make any meaningful progress.
There is no shame in admitting the shortfall of one's work,no one can accomplish all it's goals,
This is for your self-reflection to become less deluded and better at logical debate.
Chinese government is no exception.
It is actually the biggest exception in the world and that fact is also the main source of horror for the West.