Chinese semiconductor thread II


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Important progress has been made in the research field of 3D DRAM with CAA structure in microelectronics​

DRAM is one of the most important branches in the memory field. As the size shrinks, the storage capacitance limitation of 1T1C structure DRAM becomes more and more obvious, causing traditional 1T1C-DRAM to face scaling challenges. 2T0C-DRAM based on indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) transistors is expected to overcome the scaling challenges of 1T1C-DRAM and exert greater advantages in 3D DRAM. However, current research work is based on planar structure IGZO devices. The resulting 2T0C unit size (approximately 20F 2 ) is much larger than the 1T1C unit size (6F 2 ) with the same feature size , making IGZO-DRAM lack the density advantage.

In response to the density problem of planar structure IGZO-DRAM, the team of Academician Liu Ming of the Key Laboratory of Microelectronics based on the vertical annular channel structure (Channel-All-Around, CAA) IGZO transistor reported at the 2021 and 2022 IEDM International Conferences , analyzed the regulating effect of the ALD process of depositing IGZO channels on device performance and stability, and studied the impact of stacking the second layer of IGZO transistors on the performance of the first layer of devices. On this basis, a 4F 2 2T0C DARM unit based on vertically stacked CAA IGZO transistors was successfully realized for the first time . The upper and lower layers of transistors showed good device performance and stability. The resulting 2T0C DRAM unit achieved a retention time of 75 seconds and showed no performance degradation after 10+ 11 write and erase operations.

    This research result proves the feasibility of stacked CAA IGZO 2T0C structure and helps promote the application of IGZO DRAM in three-dimensional high-density DRAM. The article "First Demonstration of Stacked 2T0C-DRAM Bit-Cell Constructed by Two-Layers of Vertical Channel-All-Around IGZO FETs Realizing 4F 2 Area Cost" based on this achievement was selected for the 2023 IEDM. Chen Chuanke, a doctoral student at the Institute of Microelectronics, is the first author, and associate researcher Xiang Jinjuan from the Beijing Institute of Superstring Memory is the co-first author. Researchers Li Ling and Geng Wei from the Institute of Microelectronics and researchers Zhao Chao and Wang Guilei from the Beijing Institute of Superstring Memory The researcher is the corresponding author.​


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Obtained mass production application based on independent advanced node RRAM technology.​

Recently, the team of Academician Liu Ming of the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a breakthrough in advanced node resistive memory (RRAM) technology. It has successfully developed a complete set of advanced node embedded RRAM technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and has cooperated with SMIC to open up The 28nm embedded RRAM integration process has realized the world's first 128Mb large-capacity RRAM memory chip, which is four times higher than the capacity of the same type of chip from TSMC. Based on embedded RRAM technology, the Institute of Microelectronics and Hangzhou Hualan Micro Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed a domestic storage system array control chip with embedded RRAM IP. The performance of the SOC chip has been improved, and the storage read speed has been increased by 20%. At the same time, it has enhanced The security of the system solves the problem that the 28nm CMOS domestic manufacturing platform does not have on-chip non-volatile memory.

Storage is the core and foundation of information processing. How to continuously improve storage performance has become a key basic issue in the field of information science. RRAM has the advantages of simple structure, fast speed, power consumption, and good scalability. It has become one of the important next-generation memory root technologies. It is expected to solve the problem of the lack of non-volatile embedded storage technology in advanced nodes of integrated circuits at 28nm and below. It has attracted much attention. Attention from academia and industry. Embedded RRAM technology will play an increasingly important role in the mobile Internet, Internet of Things, autonomous driving, medical health and other fields due to its low power consumption, low cost and high performance, and will bring more benefits to all walks of life. Space for innovation. With the increasingly rapid growth in demand for low-power embedded non-volatile memory, it is estimated that the market will exceed US$10 billion in the future.

In the future, the Institute of Microelectronics will further open up the RRAM technology platform, strengthen cooperation in the upstream and downstream industry chains of embedded storage, independent storage and new computing, and accelerate the continuous innovation of shared manufacturing platforms, high-performance IP, customized terminal product business, etc. , to build a new ecology of new storage development that is independent and controllable in my country.

This achievement is supported by the Strategic Science and Technology Leading Science and Technology Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 02 Special Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Key R&D Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Youth, and the Innovation Group Project.


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Zhicheng Semiconductor completed hundreds of millions of yuan in strategic financing, focusing on the field of semiconductor wet process equipment​

Suzhou Zhicheng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Zhicheng Semiconductor) completed hundreds of millions of yuan in strategic financing. This round of financing was funded by Jinding Capital, Fengyuan Capital, Weihao Innovation, and SMIC Juyuan. , Hefei Industrial Investment, Kunpeng Investment, CICC, Bridge Capital and other joint investments. Old shareholders SMIC Juyuan, Bridge Capital and Su Venture Capital continue to pursue investments. The funds will mainly be used to expand the production of Zhicheng Semiconductor semiconductor equipment. and ongoing research and development.

According to the official website of Zhicheng Semiconductor, the company was founded in 2009. It is a specialized enterprise dedicated to the research, development, production and sales of wet process equipment in the semiconductor field. Its products are widely used in integrated circuit manufacturing, advanced packaging, compound semiconductors, semiconductor substrates, etc. field.

Jinding Capital news shows that Zhicheng Semiconductor’s equipment has reached international standards in many aspects of performance and process. It has entered the leading enterprises in compound semiconductor manufacturing, silicon-based semiconductor manufacturing and other fields, and has received a large number of repeat orders; in addition, the company’s wet process A large number of core components of equipment have also been independently developed, which not only ensures stable upstream supply, but also further promotes the process of domestic substitution of semiconductor equipment components.
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DJI mini4 pro teardown

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I have seen alot CXMT DRAM on various device teardown already. But for some reason,I rarely see YMTC flash on these teardowns,most of the time it's CXMT DRAM paired with Hynix/Samsung flash,don't know why.

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Just a matter of time, perhaps still have a lot Hynix/Samsung flash in the inventory or have long term contract with them

But after that, all will be YMTC flash .. in fact everything will be Chinese


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Fuchuang Precision: The breakthrough driver of domestic parts and components, helping semiconductor equipment to be autonomously controllable​

1. Fuchuang precision products extend from structural components with relatively simple processes to process components, and then to gas pipelines and modules. In the short term, the revenue share of modules has increased rapidly, and breakthroughs in module products may It will be an important part of making the company bigger and stronger in the future.

2. The total output value of the company's new Shenyang factory, Nantong factory and Beijing factory after reaching full production will reach 6 billion/year. Customers include leading domestic and foreign equipment manufacturers. A stable customer base is the biggest guarantee for Fuchuang Precision's sustainable operation and overall risk resistance.

3. The company's ROA and ROE continue to decline, and asset operation efficiency declines. On the one hand, the company's production expansion has affected the utilization rate of the current production lines and increased the company's construction projects and fixed expenses. On the other hand, the revenue structure has changed, and the revenue share of low-margin products has increased, resulting in short-term ROA and profitability declined.

Promote domestic parts and components to enter leading domestic and foreign equipment manufacturers

Shenyang Fuchuang Precision Equipment Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: Fuchuang Precision, stock code: 688409) was established in 2008. It has twice undertaken the national "02 Major Special Project" and currently has 4 of the 7 major categories of parts and components. With a product line, it is one of the few platform-type precision component manufacturers in China that can mass-produce semiconductor equipment used in the 7nm process. The product has been verified by many leading domestic and foreign semiconductor equipment manufacturers.

In 2011, it first reached cooperation with customer A, the world's leading semiconductor equipment manufacturer. In 2016, it became a strategic supplier of customer A, and has successively entered Tokyo Electronics, HITACHI High- Supplier of leading global semiconductor equipment manufacturers such as Tech and ASMI. In the domestic market, our products have entered mainstream domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers such as Northern Huachuang, China Microelectronics Corporation, Tuojing Technology, Huahai Qingke, Xinyuan Micro, and Keshitong, and have become their qualified suppliers to help the domestic semiconductor equipment industry. The chain completes the closed loop.

Products complete platform layout

Fuchuang Precision's main products cover core equipment such as etching, thin film deposition, photolithography and glue development, chemical mechanical polishing, and ion implantation in semiconductor equipment.
It supplies 7,000 to 8,000 types of parts every year, totaling 700,000 to 800,000. Parts, the main categories involved are: mechanical parts (process and structural parts), electromechanical parts (including module products other than gas cabinet modules), gas/liquid/vacuum system parts (corresponding to Gas pipeline and gas cabinet module products), covering all semiconductor front-end equipment, and some products are used in display panels and other equipment.

The company's products extend from relatively simple structural components to process components, and in recent years have begun to extend to gas pipelines and modules. Among them, process parts and structural parts, and gas pipelines are purchased from metal raw materials and manufactured according to drawings. Modular products are assembled from self-made parts such as process parts and purchased parts. The purchased parts are mainly mechanical standard parts and electronic parts. For standard parts, more than 3,000 types of first pieces are delivered to customers every year, and more than 2,000 types of first pieces are mass-produced.

Fuchuang Precision's representative works of process components include chambers (divided into transition chambers, transmission chambers and reaction chambers according to their functions), linings and air distribution disks, which are mainly used in etching equipment and thin film deposition equipment, and have been used in 7nm semiconductor equipment; structural component products mainly include tray shafts, cast steel platforms, flow meter bases, stator cooling jackets and cooling plates, which are mainly used in chemical mechanical polishing equipment, etching equipment, thin film deposition equipment, and thin film deposition for manufacturing display panels. Equipment and glue coating and development equipment; module products mainly include ion implanter modules, transmission cavity modules, transition cavity modules, etching valve body modules and gas cabinet modules.

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