Datang wins against Samsung in 4G SEP infringement dispute - juvepatent

"Samsung Electronics has infringed , owned by Datang Mobile Communications Equipment, and currently may not sell 4G-capable mobile devices in Germany. The Munich Regional Court handed down this decision in mid-April (case ID: 21 O 16085/22) according to , which represents Datang in the dispute. Samsung has not commented on the decision.
However, for the sales ban to be effective, Datang must enforce the judgment against a security deposit. According to JUVE Patent information, the company has not yet taken this step. Samsung can also appeal against the judgment, which observers consider very likely in view of its implications." Ctto

"Samsung Electronics has infringed , owned by Datang Mobile Communications Equipment, and currently may not sell 4G-capable mobile devices in Germany. The Munich Regional Court handed down this decision in mid-April (case ID: 21 O 16085/22) according to , which represents Datang in the dispute. Samsung has not commented on the decision.
However, for the sales ban to be effective, Datang must enforce the judgment against a security deposit. According to JUVE Patent information, the company has not yet taken this step. Samsung can also appeal against the judgment, which observers consider very likely in view of its implications." Ctto