I am humbled by all your kind responses. To readers, I am attaching my latest Seeking Alpha article on SMIC and sanctions. This is the full article ONLY for subscribers and now my friends on this thread. A cut-down free version will be on-line in a day or two at the Seeking Alpha website. You can also read my articles on my business website for The Information Network (
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Thanks for sharing. Good summary in the report.
A couple of comments:
1. There has always some debate and tension within SMIC with respect to the priority between pursuing mature process nodes and investment in more cutting-edge nodes technology. These tension even led to personnel changes at the executive levels. But it appears that SMIC's strategy has finally settled on expanding capacity at 28nm or above while still investing in advanced process nodes up to 7nm.
2. SMIC is in a much better position now capital-wise. They went public last year with very high valuation, and raised a lot of capital. This gives them the equity to attract and retain key personnel for long-term growth. Meanwhile, they also partner with local governments and other investors to build new fabs and expand capacity, most prominently in Beijing and Shenzhen, in addition to their most advanced fabs in Shanghai. In all these deals, SMIC only needs to chip in around 50% of the capital.
3. Focusing on the 28nm and 14nm nodes are really the best strategy now. These are the process nodes that have the most demands, particularly given the chip shortage. In addition, these are also the critical nodes where China's indigenous equipment suppliers need the breakthrough and overcome the tech barriers. I believe once they have mastered the technologies at this level (14nm is when they start to use FinFET), it'll become easier for them to advance to 7nm and beyond. What China needs most now is not so much for SMIC to develop 7/5/3nm technologies using foreign equipment. It's the progress of the entire supply chain. So, from both business and technology development standpoint, 28nm and 14nm are the sweet spot.