Yes, but almost all scientific inventor is westerner. I wonder if caucasian brain is far superior than asian.
Most are because they industrialised first. There are actually heaps of east asian scientific and mathematics talents from 1950s onwards. HEAPS. You just don't hear them unless you're in the science and tech field. And no not all inventors are westerners. Most were from the turn of the century when asia was a war torn mess that is barely if even indsutrialising. Before that, people were mostly on an equal footing but the steam engine changed history... well the enlightenment started it.
Caucasian brain is smaller in volume and average IQ less than east asian brain. Jewish brain however is the mightiest of the lot lol. East asians just have lower kurtosis whereas caucasians benefit from having a greater spread in IQ and their societies granting the top end to pull their near retarded masses, through evolution, asians developed more conforming attitudes and IQ.
Inventions are increasingly more contributed to by Asians. It's such a false stereotype now that westerners invented everything. It's only becoming more apparent the more asian economies and nations develop. I mean this is too obvious. Undeveloped nations almost contribute nothing meanwhile developing and developed ones do. China is responsible for nearly half the cited scientific papers. It's a good snapshot of the overall field. I mean these days inventing a new way to do a display screen counts as an invention right? Well all of display tech after CRT has been asian. In fact many times the inventions and the inventing groups in the US are founded, owned, operated, and staffed by a great deal of asians (and non-caucasians of all kinds). So yeah very dated and false belief.
But this is probably not worth discussing because it's dangerously off topic.
Semiconductor is extremely harder than making hydrogen bomb or jet engine. It almost impossible except if China has someone smart people like einstein. China has 1.4 billion people. Who's fault is this. China education maybe?
They are different. The metaphor works because it's a national challenge almost of equal high importance.
If you know anything about science you wouldn't have picked Einstein as your example lol. Christ even Fermi, Rutherford, Pauli could have been better examples. At least they didn't very likely get their wives to do half their work

Newton is the ultimate though but at least Newton had the decency to claim that he stood on the shoulders of giants if he was able to see further. Anyway speaking of Einstein, the US began to dominate science and tech from the 1940s only. 80 years is a VERY short time in history, even just human history. It began with Jewish immigration from Europe into the US. It exploded and peaked around the 60s to 70s and hasn't been quite as explosive as it once was... blame it on whatever but while they're undeniably first still, even Taiwan, Japan and Korea are science and tech giants already. China has the
potential to be all three of those times 5 given population and landmass.
Chinese education isn't perfect but it's decent enough to have allowed for the progress it has experienced. But if you subscribe to white nationalist/supremicist/exceptionalist beliefs about Chinese only copying and whatnot, well I suppose you can't understand the other half.
If semiconductor is so hard how come most of the industry is dominated by east asians in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and east asians in the US? Many of them from mainland China and Chinese universities before going overseas. Same with the software and AI industry in the US. It's disproportionately made up of non-caucasians. Doesn't that prove you wrong and if anything, the exact opposite of what you said to be true?
For every Edward Teller, there is a 钱三强, for every Gauss there is a Shinichi Mochizuki or the nameless Chinese mathematicians who worked out "Gaussian elimination" centuries before Gauss and wrote Chinese mathematics textbooks on the topic. For every Eugen Sanger or Verner Von Braun there is a Qian Xuesen. And plenty more... it's just not as widely known or reported in fact it almost never is. Do the nameless Korean engineers at Samsung get do much attention and celebration because they developed superior screen technologies to the caucasian CRT? Do Chinese engineers get recognition for developing new forms of genetically modified vegetables that can be grown in sandy soil? Do the Chinese ones that figured out how to quadruple rice yields for the poverty stricken populations of the world? How about the Chinese engineers and physicists that developed quantum communication? Or the ones who developed 5G?