Chinese semiconductor industry

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SMIC is also dumb. Don't publish the news in public about the deal with ASML. It try to boost its stock by giving out some good news with US government relenting . Well they don't know GOP senators are waiting to ambush.

SMIC worry too much of its stock valuation. Not a good sign
I think for some reason, it has to be announced. At this point, if SMIC could do anything in the shadows, it should obviously be the first choice to do it that way. SMIC should and most likely does, hold secrecy above all. For any Chinese firm to willingly announce a purchase from ASML ahead of time in the current political standoff is too stupid to be possible.


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I think for some reason, it has to be announced. At this point, if SMIC could do anything in the shadows, it should obviously be the first choice to do it that way. SMIC should and most likely does, hold secrecy above all. For any Chinese firm to willingly announce a purchase from ASML ahead of time in the current political standoff is too stupid to be possible.
Then they should let ASML make it public. SMIC shouldnt add more fuel to the fire. I think SMIC did that on purpose to calm the investors because it was on US entity list. Now it thought it's somewhat off the hook because US government relent temporarily on this.
Those GOP senators probably wouldnt dig deep into this if SMIC announcement isn't all over the news.


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From what I observed US current policy Beat China through is economic sabotage and tech war. It thinks if it last long enough it will work.

I like ask what you folks think if China destroy such assumption of beat China through economic sabotage.

What if China expand into other areas such that even if China is economically hampered it still can pose a severe threat to US.

What if China put into national developmental plan

1) strategic nuclear weapons parity
2)weaponization of space , for example, weapons in moon base can be used to attack earth
3) EUV development.

I think current US policy of tech war and building allies and economic sabotage wouldn't able to address the 3 points above.

In other words, in competing with US, China needs some elements of Soviet. Not just mainly in economic and tech domain. By expanding into other domains, China can dilute US frenzied efforts.

Also By having those strategic assets China wouldn't need to build so many ships and conventional weapons
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WASHINGTON — Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., has a quick answer when asked if President Joe Biden’s hopes of reviving bipartisanship in the nation's capital can recover from a rough start: China.

“If he decides to step up — he and his administration — and is really hard on China moving forward, I look forward to working with him on making sure that we out-innovate, out-compete, and out-grow the Chinese, and also starve them of the capital that they need to continue to build their slaveholder state and their blue-water navy,” Young said.

US lawmakers stress out innovate China ,
Well, let them. Let them innovate like crazy.

What I am promoting is going back to lowest denominator, have a single purpose of 100% self sufficiency on power management technology and chips.
The USB charger chip, the rectifier, synchronous rectifier, GaN AC to DC, VBuS power switch.

Have US companies US Texas intrument , Analog Device , Cypress out of China market in the power management sector.

This is the easiest done part battle of tech War and should be done as first step.

100% self suffiency at power management for PC and cellphone and it's the lowest denominator in the semiconductor chain. Lithography and materials can be all domestic. Let US focus on innovate crazy on all the leading edge exotic stuffs.
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