Chinese semiconductor industry

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Also i believe that Samsung realises that China will eventually get its own EUVL and will be able to produce its own Cutting Edge Chips.
Samsung wants to have favourable relations with Huawei and the Chinese Government and be allowed to continue operating in China in the future.


Registered Member
Also i believe that Samsung realises that China will eventually get its own EUVL and will be able to produce its own Cutting Edge Chips.
Samsung wants to have favourable relations with Huawei and the Chinese Government and be allowed to continue operating in China in the future.
@WTAN , do you think China will allow Samsung to use its EUVL in China since they had the experience operating an EUVL? If the cooperation between Huawei and Samsung had become successful it may help CETC or SMEE improved their product and may elevate the whole Chinese IC..
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One thing you have to learn about US politics is that every voice exists, but you shouldn't take every voice seriously. Take Tom Cotton, Republican Senator from one of the poorest redneck states. He says a lot of things, but don't take him seriously because he has no power or influence on Biden administration foreign policies. Republicans can only block major legislation in Senate via filibuster, they hold little or zero power on foreign policy issues. They can make a lot of noise, but that's a democracy, you can't take everything that is said by every loonie Senator seriously.
China issue is automatically bipartisan consensus


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There are many scenarios and possibilities with this news.
South Korea is already making good progres with the development of 3nm Chips and so it feels it has nothing to lose by supplying Huawei 5nm Chips.

Samsung and the SKorean Government realises that they dont want to be unfairly restricted by the US Govt when doing business with Chinese companies. So they are pushing the boundaries in this matter of Samsung supplying Huawei with 5nm Chips. I expect the SKorean Govt to intervene on behalf of Samsung.
Samsung also realises that they could be put on the Entity List in China if they dont supply Huawei. So they are making an effort.

I dont believe that Samsung will ultimately be allowed to supply 5nm EUV Chips to Huawei as ASML and the US Govt will object.
But however i believe Samsung will try to supply Huawei with 5nm or 7nm Chips made using a De-Americanised Production Line using a Nikon DUVL or an ASML DUVL. The latest Nikon DUVL and latest ASML 2050i DUVL can be used to produce 5nm Chips with Multiple Patterning.
It may cost more to produce the Chips but Huawei may be willing to pay a premium.
There were reports 1-2 years ago that Samsung had built a small De-Americanised production line with an eye to supplying Huawei with 7nm Chips.
I think this Samsung plan is still in the Works.
WTAN,. still have to wait for this to be realized. It sounds too good to be true. Maybe just some ideas got floated about. All Huawei chip issue would get solved. Huawei would be euphoric about this.

Huawei and Samsung have yet to make public about this.


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@WTAN , do you think China will allow Samsung to use its EUVL in China since they had the experience operating an EUVL? If the cooperation between Huawei and Samsung had become successful it may help CETC or SMEE improved their product and may elevate the whole Chinese IC..
It might be possible.
But i think that at the end of the day the Chinese Govt will decide whether foreigners can be given access to this technology.
EUVL Technology is now considered to be very sensitive and is a Strategic Technology crucial to National Security.
But certainly Samsung has much experience operating EUVL systems and can give help.


Senior Member
China’s leading chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) plans to build a new US$2.35 billion factory in Shenzhen after striking a deal with ASML Holding of the Netherlands, according to news reports.

The semi-official China Semiconductor Industry Association also made a candid admission in its annual report of 2020 that it would take at least two more years for Chinese foundries to acquire and master all the technologies behind 28-nm chip production.
So the new factory announced by SMIC will use ASML equipment after all. What happened to SMEE? it seems that it will take a while for the 28-nm chip equipment to be used.


Registered Member
So the new factory announced by SMIC will use ASML equipment after all. What happened to SMEE? it seems that it will take a while for the 28-nm chip equipment to be used.
@Orthan from my recollect, SMIC will have 3 new FABS, a large one in Beijing (using local equipment) , another large one in Shanghai (mixed) and Shenzhen (mixed). There you have it bro, localizing the 28nm node is almost finished , what I want to hear from our esteem members @WTAN @foofy @Oldschool and others is the progress regarding the 14nm and 7nm , I know it will take time to indigenize those equipment. But I had a feeling that the 14nm will happen this year.


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China issue is automatically bipartisan consensus
US politics is way more complicated than that. As COVID relief bill passing along party lines with zero Republican support proves, bipartisanship support is never automatic in US politics even for such a glaring issue like pandemic relief that's overwhelming popular among Republican voters.

Saying China issue is automatic bipartisanship is some sensationalized shallow superficial analysis that overlooks a ton of nuance in US politics.
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