Chinese semiconductor industry

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CETC has successfully localization of the full spectrum of ion implanters, which can provide global chip manufacturers with a one-stop solution for ion implanters. China Electronics Technology has continuously made breakthroughs in high-performance ion sources and high-speed wafer transmission. We have independently developed medium-beam, large-beam, high-energy, special applications and the third-generation semiconductor plasma implanter process section covering 28nm, forming 413 core invention patents, and realizing a full spectrum of ions in the field of China’s chip manufacturing. The independent innovation and development of injection machines have effectively alleviated the problems of broken links and short links in China's chip manufacturing field.

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This is another key piece of equipment and realized at 28nm. That's why even if EUV 5nm lithography comes out now other equipments haven't not reach that state.

Better way is to make EUV in sync with other equipments. EUV at 28nm.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
what material is still missing to be able to produce a domestic chip, with these tools that have, say, SMIC. When China produces its 100% domestic chip of 28 nm, with its tools and material, it should celebrate.


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@foofy @Temstar

Confirmation in english

from CnTechPost

China makes breakthrough in a key step in chip manufacturing​

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March 17, 2021
A Chinese company has announced the successful production of an ion implantation machine made entirely with local technologies, marking a breakthrough in a key aspect of chip manufacturing,
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reported on March 17.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, which announced the breakthrough, said on Wednesday that its products include ion implanters for medium-beam, high-beam, high-energy, specialty applications, and third-generation semiconductors, covering process segments up to 28nm.
China makes breakthrough in a key step in chip manufacturing-CnTechPost

An ion implantation machine is a type of high-pressure mini-accelerator that is widely used in the chip manufacturing process.
It is used for ion implantation of semiconductor materials, large-scale integrated circuits, and devices by obtaining the required ions from an ion source and accelerating it to obtain an ion beam stream of several hundred kilo electron volts energy.

In addition, it can also be used for surface modification of metallic materials and film making.
Ion implantation machines are widely used in doping processes and can meet the requirements of the shallow junction, low temperature, and precise control, and are essential equipment in integrated circuit manufacturing processes.
Last June, China Electronics Technology Group announced the successful development of a million-volt high-energy ion implantation machine with independent intellectual property rights, breaking a decade-long blockade of the technology by other countries.
As essential core equipment in chip manufacturing, China's ion implantation machines rely heavily on foreign countries, especially the development of extremely difficult million-volt high-energy particle implantation machines.
At present, the most advanced international ion implantation machine is the PRHEI6Me produced by the German chip company Prima, which is the only 6-million-volt high-energy ion implantation machine in the world, and the only 6-million-volt high-energy ion implantation machine in the world that has been successfully commercialized.

Team Blue

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It has everything to do with P2P. The so called P2P innovation which both Alibaba and Tencent and many tech companies have been involved in demonstrated that these companies never bother to do any risk assessment. In the end, millions of Chinese suffered hundred billions dollars of loss.

Ant is just another P2P in gigantic form if the Chinese government doesn't do anything now. Its financial innovations is no better than Anbang innovative insurance policies or subprime mortgage-backed securities especially as Ant has no skin in the game if the loans sour.

Companies that are busy in making easy money from financial innovation would not bother to increase its R&D. Fintech needs to be regulated. As for UC browser or Baidu, it isn't the first time and won't be the last time they break rules and regulations.
I hope China doesn't fall in to the same trap we have. Americans lament the PRC's domestic surveillance while giving up every bit of privacy to private corporations happy to hand it over to the government so long as they get to exploit it for themselves too.


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Up to a point, yes, but while Google, Facebook and Amazon are all worth more than any Chinese tech company, the US has never kneecapped them to the extent of wiping out more than 10% of their market value. The US has never removed Chrome from US app stores. I am not worried about any one or two regulations. I am worried about a never ending stream of constant crackdowns (as which started last year) creating an overall environment with too many regulatory burdens and stifling innovation. These big companies need to exist and thrive so that they can invest in R&D. US companies currently dominate private tech R&D and the only Chinese company that was in that league was Huawei which got kneecapped. So China still needs to cultivate these big companies to expand so they can do more quality R&D and become global players.

And Facebook has gotten rich by allowing political division, hate and conspiracy theories to flourish on its platforms.

Look at how Twitter allowed Trump to tweet for over a decade. And those lies took Trump to the White House.

Are you seriously saying a high stock market valuation for an unregulated Facebook/Twitter is worth the divisions they have caused to US society?


Registered Member
CETC has successfully localization of the full spectrum of ion implanters, which can provide global chip manufacturers with a one-stop solution for ion implanters. China Electronics Technology has continuously made breakthroughs in high-performance ion sources and high-speed wafer transmission. We have independently developed medium-beam, large-beam, high-energy, special applications and the third-generation semiconductor plasma implanter process section covering 28nm, forming 413 core invention patents, and realizing a full spectrum of ions in the field of China’s chip manufacturing. The independent innovation and development of injection machines have effectively alleviated the problems of broken links and short links in China's chip manufacturing field.

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@WTAN as you mentioned before maybe CETC may have a 28nm or 22nm DUVL project in conjunction with SMEE?


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China chipmaker SMIC to invest in $2.35 billion facilities in Shenzhen​

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@Wangxi So another SMIC FAB that will use the SMEE 28 DUVL? Since its a joint venture with Shenzhen local gov't surely it will use domestic equipment?

The Shenzhen project will "focus on the production of 28 nanometer and above integrated circuits and technical services with a goal of achieving eventual production capacity of about 40,000 12-inch wafers per month," the filing said, adding that production was expected to commence in 2022.
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