Chinese semiconductor industry

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I dont understand chinese government. They want technological independence but they crack down all tech companies. This is ridiculous.
All countries crack down on their own companies because not everything that a tech company does is good for the country or without risks. Being a tech company doesn't let you do whatever you want. Let the people who are for more knowledgeable and with more classified information make that call and advise Xi. Attempting to step on their toes is what's ridiculous.
Did they realise that full socialism cannot generate money but taxing from capitalism IS! We get more money from taxing capitalist company and give money back to the people. That's how you can reduce poverty and create job for people of china..mixed economy is the way.We need someone like Deng Xiaoping not Mao..Mao is total failure. I love chinese communist party but Xi Jinping need to go because he destroy the party and create faction. Xi jinping is living in delusion idealogy and this is bad for China. I hope Li Keqiang will become new China president because he has economic background. I love china to be great superpower that lead the world and help to confront evil america and its allies but xi jinping derive china backward.. We want president who has full intellectual good knowledge about how to make socialisme better for society but not like this is now. I am fan of Jack Ma, Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping idealogy.. I hope I dont get banned from this forum soon. I love china and i want china to become more properous nation.
China has never been stronger or developing faster than under Xi, and that means quality, high tech development, not just low tech fast and dirty growth, which also had its proper time. What's really detrimental to China is people like you attempting to hack away the loyalty and trust to the Chinese leadership under the guise that you love China too. And all this when China's momentum is so strong... this is ridiculous. Whenever Chinese people badmouth Xi Jinping and the Chinese government, they do Pompeo and Bannon's work for them.
Yeah. They crack down on Tencent too. How China want prosperous if they behave like this. We never learn from downfall of soviet union

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They regulate Tencent as they should; they didn't kill it. China's wealth and prosperity is the fastest-growing of any major economy in the world so you don't need to pretend that you know better what they can and cannot do.
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Junior Member
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I dont understand chinese government. They want technological independence but they crack down all tech companies. This is ridiculous. Did they realise that full socialism cannot generate money but taxing from capitalism IS! We get more money from taxing capitalist company and give money back to the people. That's how you can reduce poverty and create job for people of china..mixed economy is the way.We need someone like Deng Xiaoping not Mao..Mao is total failure. I love chinese communist party but Xi Jinping need to go because he destroy the party and create faction. Xi jinping is living in delusion idealogy and this is bad for China. I hope Li Keqiang will become new China president because he has economic background. I love china to be great superpower that lead the world and help to confront evil america and its allies but xi jinping derive china backward.. We want president who has full intellectual good knowledge about how to make socialisme better for society but not like this is now. I am fan of Jack Ma, Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping idealogy.. I hope I dont get banned from this forum soon. I love china and i want china to become more properous nation.
UC Brower popup advertisement is annoying. I am using it and thinking switch to other browser.


Why the US need to breakup the Bell system and Standard oil? Why the US want to go after Google, Facebook, and Amazon etc? When companies grow too big and too powerful, they tend to stifle competition. Instead of innovating, powerful companies would use its near monopoly position to suffocate any new companies that dare to challenge them and bleed everyone dry.

Going after Alibaba and Tencent is ultimately telling these companies that no company is too big to fail no matter how connected and powerful they are. Crackdown on them is showing that the Chinese government wouldn't tolerate more abuses and violations from these companies or allow them to side steping rules and laws anymore.


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Why the US need to breakup the Bell system and Standard oil? Why the US want to go after Google, Facebook, and Amazon etc? When companies grow too big and too powerful, they tend to stifle competition. Instead of innovating, powerful companies would use its near monopoly position to suffocate any new companies that dare to challenge them and bleed everyone dry.

Going after Alibaba and Tencent is ultimately telling these companies that no company is too big to fail no matter how connected and powerful they are. Crackdown on them is showing that the Chinese government wouldn't tolerate more abuses and violations from these companies or allow them to side steping rules and laws anymore.

Up to a point, yes, but while Google, Facebook and Amazon are all worth more than any Chinese tech company, the US has never kneecapped them to the extent of wiping out more than 10% of their market value. The US has never removed Chrome from US app stores. I am not worried about any one or two regulations. I am worried about a never ending stream of constant crackdowns (as which started last year) creating an overall environment with too many regulatory burdens and stifling innovation. These big companies need to exist and thrive so that they can invest in R&D. US companies currently dominate private tech R&D and the only Chinese company that was in that league was Huawei which got kneecapped. So China still needs to cultivate these big companies to expand so they can do more quality R&D and become global players.


Americans failed to do anything with Google, FB, and Amazon has demonstrated that Corporate America has become too powerful. A temporary removal of UC browser has more to do with its illegal practice of showing advertisement. It is not just UC browser but Xiaomi and many other companies have been criticized for this. Innovation such as P2P has already done tremendous harm towards many Chinese. If these companies only good at innovating this kind of stuffs, then they better prepare for more crackdown. Compare with Huawei, these companies R&D spending is a joke. Even ZTE spent as much as them even though its revenue is much less.


Registered Member
Up to a point, yes, but while Google, Facebook and Amazon are all worth more than any Chinese tech company, the US has never kneecapped them to the extent of wiping out more than 10% of their market value. The US has never removed Chrome from US app stores. I am not worried about any one or two regulations. I am worried about a never ending stream of constant crackdowns (as which started last year) creating an overall environment with too many regulatory burdens and stifling innovation. These big companies need to exist and thrive so that they can invest in R&D. US companies currently dominate private tech R&D and the only Chinese company that was in that league was Huawei which got kneecapped. So China still needs to cultivate these big companies to expand so they can do more quality R&D and become global players.

Well, the US should. These tech giants are themselves the reasons of growing tech stagnation in the US. These companies, along with Microsoft and Oracle, are the ones stifling innovation.


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Americans failed to do anything with Google, FB, and Amazon has demonstrated that Corporate America has become too powerful. A temporary removal of UC browser has more to do with its illegal practice of showing advertisement. It is not just UC browser but Xiaomi and many other companies have been criticized for this. Innovation such as P2P has already done tremendous harm towards many Chinese. If these companies only good at innovating this kind of stuffs, then they better prepare for more crackdown. Compare with Huawei, these companies R&D spending is a joke. Even ZTE spent as much as them even though its revenue is much less.

That is why they need to be encouraged to do more R&D, rather than just attacked. P2P was already banned last year. This is not about P2P. This is literally about one misleading advertisement that could have easily been corrected with a fine rather than removing the whole app from the app store.


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Can someone explain why China is funding Japanese owned IP IC companies to set up shop in China when Japan is the Quad and it is constantly saying that China presents a "technological challenge" and at some point at the future they will ban Japanese IP used in China?

Is it so difficult to make laws and regulations that say if you dont export IP to local partners in China you dont get subsidies?

well, just like other politicians .. what you say and what you do are two different things ;)


It has everything to do with P2P. The so called P2P innovation which both Alibaba and Tencent and many tech companies have been involved in demonstrated that these companies never bother to do any risk assessment. In the end, millions of Chinese suffered hundred billions dollars of loss.

Ant is just another P2P in gigantic form if the Chinese government doesn't do anything now. Its financial innovations is no better than Anbang innovative insurance policies or subprime mortgage-backed securities especially as Ant has no skin in the game if the loans sour.

Companies that are busy in making easy money from financial innovation would not bother to increase its R&D. Fintech needs to be regulated. As for UC browser or Baidu, it isn't the first time and won't be the last time they break rules and regulations.
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