Chinese semiconductor industry

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EpiWorld is going to IPO on Shanghai stock exchange, Planning to raise 3.5B RMB. 2.7B of which will be used in large new project to expand production of SiC epitaxy for 6-8 inch wafers by 800K/year!

Currently, EpiWorld has monthly production capacity of 40k wpm. It produced 109.4k wafers in first of 2023, so this is a major increase in capacity

Also interesting to see it having very utilization rate of its capacity

Also note that all its substrate suppliers are domestic (CETC, SICC & Crystal Growth). Crystal growth also supplies equipment for EpiWorld.

Previously, it's substrate suppliers were Sumitomo and Coherent. Epiworld's is pretty huge epitaxy player, so this is a case where wolfspeed & Coherent will be left with chasing very few orders and large idle fab
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CR Micro says its SiC and GaN production line are all in steady production. It's SiC JBS and SiC MOS products have reached leading performance and received multiple orders from industrial and auto customers

2023 first half, their SiC and GaN revenue increased by 3.6x and second half speed will be even faster


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Tuojing Technology (Piotech), Shengmei Shanghai(ACMR Shanghai) and others established a semiconductor technology partnership with 180 million yuan​

Recently, Guangzhou Zhongke Qixin Semiconductor Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership) was established. The executive partner is Guangzhou Zhongke Qixin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 180 million yuan.
The business scope includes: semiconductor discrete device manufacturing; integrated circuit chip design and services; software development; blockchain technology-related software and services, etc.
Equity penetration of Qichacha shows that the company consists of Tuojing Technology, Zhuhai Zhongke Feichi Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhongke Feichi, Microguide Nano, Shengmei Shanghai, and Guangzhou Zhongke Qixin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. Jointly held shares.​


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As of today, beginning of 2024, ASML not allowed to take any orders for DUV including NXT2000i/1980Di?


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ASML and Dutch government played their cards at the best they could, delaying for almost one year the inevitable ban.

One can say they could have resisted more, but let's see what happened. Two months ago US abruptly changed to 0% (zero!) the de minimis rule for lithographic machines (and only for those machines!), it means ASML cannot sell DUVi in China even if they have a single bolt designed with a US CAD software, practically speaking this is a full unilateral ban, a true example of a blatant bully action. If US arrived at that point, is because Ducth government and ASML succeed in watering down and prolong the discussion for a full year until US, out of rage and frustration, abruptly banned it altogether. Biden already "summoned" the Ducth prime minister in January 2022 and made him promise to stop licensing ASML: this happened only one year and many tens of machines later.

This absurd 0% de minimis rule change in hindsight is a good point for ASML, they can say "look we did all that we could"...unfortunately it will not be enough.

First consideration is that ASML is not a US company, so US has zero problems to throw ASML under the bus. Second consideration is that all other SME tools have been already succesfully localized for 28nm and currently they are been localized for more advanced nodes. So if US wants to slow down China (and they strongly want it!), their only remaining weapon is banning ASML altogheter, the Japanese will follow swift, they seem eager to obey, even if they have tools 100% withouth US technology. But in their case it does not matter, they are just happy to obey.

So I foresee that ASML will be banned more and more, until it will banned altogheter.

In the positive scenario this will require still some more years and will be a gradual process, in the worst case scenario US will force ASML to stop also spare parts service and mainteinance for the current 1400+(!) installed base: this would be really bad.
Since SMIC has purchased some DUV from ASML recently, ASML personnels on site for set up. can you check with your ASML source or hvpc's that they indeed seeing SMIC manufacturing for Huawei? ASML should know. Some folks convinced but I am not so much.
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