The US is doing the same mistake they did in the 1960-1980s when they banned selling US machine tools to the Soviet Union. What ended up happening was the Soviet Union started making their own machine tools, and purchasing machine tools from Europe. The result is today the machine tool industry in the US is basically only vestigial.“We cannot let China get these chips. Period,” she said at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California, on Saturday. “We’re going to deny them our most cutting-edge technology.”
Raimondo called out Nvidia Corp., which designed chips specifically for the Chinese market after the US imposed its initial round of curbs in October 2022.
Things got ridiculous enough at one point, that a Soviet trade delegation was attending an industry fair in the US presenting their own Soviet machine tools, and after the industry fair was over the US customs inspectors didn't allow the Soviet machine to go back to the Soviet Union. Because it was forbidden to export machine tools with those specifications from the US to the Soviet Union. Just ridiculous.
I wouldn't put much stock in those TrendForce numbers. It could be that the sales by CXMT are simply not being reported at all.I do find it interesting here that CXMT doesn't even appear to have any significant market share in TrendForce's Q3 chart for DRAMs. Even if all the remaining share at CXMT, that's still just 1% of total market
I keep seeing CXMT memory in more and more products so they are producing and selling it.