Chinese semiconductor industry

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Also Reuters reports this:

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The source is
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, a Chinese official financial newspaper with headquarters in Shenzhen (Huawei's city).

Reuters clarifies that the expected 40M sales are just for 2023:

The company expects new smartphone shipments for 2023 to reach at least 40 million units, the report said.

This is beyond impressive to me! How much wpm capacity is needed for 40M phones? Assume they started producing in March, it is 8/9 months production for 40M phones, it means a yearly capacity of 60M Kirin 9000s chips. That's huge!

Mainly they have fully counterbalanced any possible ban on Nvidia AI: at this point a US ban would give the whole Chinese AI market to Huawei....even the most hawkish US think tanker cannot be that stupid!

.....or OTH it is maybe possible China is bluffing on it, a big, royal bluff just to avoid possible additional bans, and to gain precocious time while US remains at the window to see if SMIC 7nm capacity is for real.

I would not think is a bluff, but I'm very curious to see how this thing develops.


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I’m sure they mean 40m units across all product lines this year, not just the mate 60. Note that Huawei shipped 14.3m units the first 6 months of the year.

I appreciated the Dylan Patel column. He’s rigorous, and went at this from first principles. Way more interesting/informed than 90% of the stuff we have read this week. We can disagree with his conclusions and future predictions, of course.

I think it’s clear the US had to do a LOT of arm twisting to get the Dutch to agree to the first set of sanctions for ASML… to now go back and ask for more? Because the first set didn’t keep Huawei from building a smartphone? Sorry, I don’t see the Dutch agreeing to that - at least not until waiting to see who wins the 2024 election in the US.

And at that point, SMIC will probably have enough capacity for 100k wpm + Chinese tooling will be ready for market.

Check mate


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I remember him dooming over SMIC reaching 7nm with the ASIC mining chip and how it meant SMIC has beaten Intel.
As a "chip analyst", he either knows he's sprouting BS or he's still a grade A hack.
Maybe he thinks has the contacts or use the power of Twitter to try and nudge the US into sanctioning China faster?
I've met him irl. Dylan comes off as a ML enthusiast that thinks he's qualified to talk about chips and GPUs just because he's got low-level connections in Taiwan and Nvidia. The only bigshots that pay any attention to him are VC and software numbskulls like Sam Altman or Elon who don't know the first thing about hardware.

The Kirin 9000S is the first ever mobile ARM SoC to implement SMT. Has anybody posted about SMT hyperthreading perf for the Kirin chip?
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I’m sure they mean 40m units across all product lines this year, not just the mate 60. Note that Huawei shipped 14.3m units the first 6 months of the year.

I guess you are right, I missed that.

Anyhow, because they now expect a +20% shipments, we can safely assume this new increase is all due to Kirin 9000s, if total for 2023 is 40M, it means at least 7M more Kirin 9000s, that is still very impressive.


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Battery life tests for the mate 60 pro:

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It’s about what I would expect. Even with the substantially larger battery, the phone’s overall battery life ranks middle / bottom - although still slightly better than comparable IPhone 14.

With the process limitations, the processor will just consume more juice. Of course, with better battery technology (including high speed charging)… all that matters is how long can I use my phone for?


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New tool announcement. I imagine this competes with SCREEN/DNS, anyone know specifically?

ACM Research Introduces Vacuum Cleaning Platform Targeting the Rapidly Growing Chiplets Industry​

September 12, 2023 at 4:05 PM EDT

Third Generation Flux Cleaning Tool Meets Emerging Cleaning Requirements for Advanced 3D Packages​

FREMONT, Calif., Sept. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
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(ACM) (NASDAQ: ACMR), a leading supplier of wafer processing solutions for semiconductor and advanced wafer-level packaging applications, today, through its operating subsidiary ACM Research (Shanghai), Inc., introduced the ULTRA C v Vacuum Cleaning Tool to meet the unique flux removal requirements for chiplets and other advanced 3D packaging structures. The new tool, which was developed in collaboration with several key customers, has demonstrated excellent process performance with no flux residual remaining post-clean. ACM also announced that it has received a purchase order from a major Chinese manufacturer for the tool, which it expects to deliver in the first quarter of 2024.

Interest in modular chiplet technologies has grown rapidly as the semiconductor industry looks to alternative architectures for more powerful chips without shrinking the transistor size. This approach combines modular chiplets to form more complex integrated circuits to improve performance, reduce cost and offer increased design flexibility versus traditional monolithic chips. Chiplets are seeing increased adoption across the server, personal computer, consumer electronics and automotive markets.

“Chiplets represent a significant market opportunity within the semiconductor manufacturing industry, with unique challenges that we believe would be difficult to effectively address with more traditional cleaning technologies,” said Dr. David Wang, ACM’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “ACM has worked together with several key customers to address technical challenges to deploy chiplets, and to deliver differentiated tools to achieve the performance and throughput required for high-volume manufacturing. The ULTRA C v Vacuum Cleaning Tool fits this model, and once again expands our product portfolio to support emerging market opportunities.”

About the ULTRA C v Vacuum Cleaning Tool
ACM’s ULTRA C v Vacuum Cleaning Tool addresses the unique requirement of removing flux that is used after reflow as part of the advanced packaging process. As feature sizes of these devices continue to shrink, traditional cleaning under atmospheric pressure is no longer sufficient. By developing a tool that can clean under vacuum, surface wetting ability is improved for liquid to flow into very narrow spaces to fully remove flux residues within a reasonable cleaning time. For devices that require very high flux dipping, a saponification agent can be added to achieve a complete clean.​


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Look at the "RS144D" excimer laser in the upper left corner for the model number. However, this is not for immersion DUV lithography machines. It is dry type and has been mass-produced. The indicator is only 40w 4khz.

The immersion DUV lithography machine is an improved version of this light source, called "RS166Di", with an indicator of 60w 6khz, and was successfully developed in 2022.

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