Vanchip release mid year report
Not a great first half due to weakness in consumer electronics sector, but things are improving in Q2
Not a great first half due to weakness in consumer electronics sector, but things are improving in Q2
power amplifier modules were most of its sales - 797m RMB in total, with 5G modules accounting for 322m. 5G module 40% of total分产品来看,上半年射频功率放大器模组贡献了7.97亿元的营业收入,其中5G射频功率放大器模组实现营业收入3.22亿元,占公司射频功率放大器模组产品营收的40.36%。同时公司接收端模组产品向头部手机厂商大批量出货,实现营收9298.27万元,占公司主营业务的比例10.45%。
They've come out with low voltage L-PAMiF and has been validated per domestic customer and starting low rate deliveries. Expecting higher profit here in 2nd half今年上半年,唯捷创芯向市场推出了新一代低压版本L-PAMiF产品。半年报显示,截至报告期末,该产品已经通过国内品牌厂商的验证并实现小批量出货。公司表示,该产品作为主推的新产品之一,2023年下半年将进一步提升其市场份额,优化公司整体毛利率。
L-PAMiD module has started mass production. Looking to successfully push this product out for massive deliveries in 2nd half同时,报告期内公司自主研发的L-PAMiD产品实现了批量出货。目前,该产品推广顺利,预计能够在今年下半年实现大规模出货
PA amplifier module very important, with mobile phones the largest end user market. OPPO, vivo are all increasingly seeking for highly integrated PA modules for different band. So very high value herePA模组是射频前端最大细分产品市场,而手机为其国内最大终端应用市场。OPPO、vivo、等国内手机厂商市场份额提升和5G手机持续渗透,拉动国产高集成度PA模组需求增长;同时5G多频段等变化提出更高要求,高性能高集成PA模组价值量更高。
They've been validated for auto grade RF chips, so should start delivery for that in 2024在车用电子方面,唯捷创芯表示,公司车规级射频芯片已通过客户验证,正在汽车和模块厂商处推广。考虑到此类型产品的导入周期较长,预计将在2024年实现大规模出货。
their 1st gen wifi-7 modules have started sales. Other wifi modules have seen large scale salesWi-Fi通信领域,射频前端芯片模组行业随着Wi-Fi 协议标准的不断升级迭代迎来机遇。半年报显示,公司已实现Wi-Fi模组产品的大规模量产销售,公司第一代Wi-Fi 7已正式开始推广。