Chinese semiconductor industry

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On android smartphone,there is a setting which let you enable or disable 5G. Use the same mate 60 Pro phone to test download speed on both settings. If the speed on both settings are equal, it means there is no 5G; If the speed on both settings are different, it means there is 5G


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On android smartphone,there is a setting which let you enable or disable 5G. Use the same mate 60 Pro phone to test download speed on both settings. If the speed on both settings are equal, it means there is no 5G; If the speed on both settings are different, it means there is 5G
Huawei has its own implementation of Android. They disabled the 4G/5G label on the status bar on the Mate 60; I bet they disabled this toggle as well for now.

I think they'll add these features back on the 12th.
See this pic?This is the Android IDE interface. When developers make apps,they need to select the version of ARM they want their app to be compatible with. There is a downward compatiblity with older version,but only to certain degree.

App developers are not selecting the version of ARM: they are selecting the version of Android. Android applications do not interface with low level systems APIs: they run in a virtualized runtime: so why would the underlying ISA matter? It is at the operating system level, not the application level that ISA compatibility becomes an issue. While relying on older ISA would prevent a phone from running newer versions of Android, this is a moot point for Huawei phones as they run on Harmony OS and not Android. To support cross-compatibility with latest versions of Android for applications, Huawei would need to update Harmony's VM/virtual environment each time Android releases new VMs, regardless of whether or not Harmony is running on the same ISA. Virtual machines for Android applications can be built on top of any ISA, as Android emulators exist even for x86. Even in a non-virtualized application runtime such as on iOs, the application would not interact directly with the underlying ISA.
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See this pic?This is the Android IDE interface. When developers make apps,they need to select the version of ARM they want their app to be compatible with. There is a downward compatiblity with older version,but only to certain degree.
Developers choose API levels, nothing else.
From developers perspective, API levels mean different set of libraries, meaining there are newer functions or newer variant of the same functions that they need to adapt their code. What happens to the HW platform it not their concern. It is OS developer's concern.

See your picture, API level remains 24 on ARM V7 and V8. It doesn't even matter if the underlaying HW is ARM, I am running many Android apps on my Windows 11 (X86-64) WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android).


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Keep in mind that supply chain is a large part of this.

Maxscend stock is up 14% today with this news and its role as one of the major RF suppliers

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2Q23 公司营收环比显著改善,主要受益于:1)终端/渠道库存去化较为彻底,叠加二季度国内手机市场消费促销活动提振;2)集成自产滤波器的DiFEM、L-DiFEM、GPS 模组等产品自二季度开始在客户端逐步放量。随着公司芯卓项目推进,1H23 公司折旧金额变动达到8,685.49 万元,对利润形成一定挤压,预计下半年折旧金额将进一步提高。我们预计2H23 公司接收端模组产品有望加速起量,发射端模组新品将持续导入新客户带来营收增量,
the fortunes of domestic RF suppliers like Maxscend is improving after a year of slowness. product needed for not just 5G itself, but also GPS, wifi, bluetooth, NFC and such. improved hw fortune = improved fortune for all the domestic suppliers

①集成公司自产滤波器的DiFEM、L-DiFEM 等接收端模组产品已通过大部分品牌客户稽核并于二季度开始在客户端逐步放量;②单芯片多频段的分立滤波器产品已进入量产阶段;③L-FEMiD 产品成功研发。此外,公司PA 及其模组产品线不断丰富,一方面持续加大L-PAMiF 产品在客户端的渗透与覆盖,同时推出 MMMB PA 模组产品并已处于客户送样推广阶段,并计划于年底向市场推出高集成度L-PAMID 模组,为客户提供丰富的产品组合。
Also their product is improving. already uses self produced SAW filter in DiFEM/L-DiFEM product that they sell to customers (maybe that's to HW)
filters that can used for different band are in mass production.
L-FEMiD has been developed & they are working on imcreasing L-PAMiF coverage for end user. Will provide L-PAMID module by end of the year
I don't think HW will need the latter, but they do source switches, PAs/LNAs, SWA filter, possibly DiFEM modules from Maxscend

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自建的滤波器产线稳定有序规模量产,大幅降低了 MAX-SAW 高端滤波器的 成本结构。同时,公司交付的 DiFEM、L-DiFEM 及 GPS 模组等产品中集成自 产的滤波器超过 1.6 亿颗,双工器、四工器在个别客户实现量产导入,高 端模组 L-FEMiD 成功研发,自建滤波器产线在上述领域逐渐迎来突破
Again, 160m RF filters shipped so far in various modules and that number should climb as its production climbs and HW demand goes up. But yeah, these guys all matter

Also looked into Goodix (汇顶科技)
Looks like they do low power blue tooth SoC among other products
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also Giantec Semiconductor (聚辰股份)
They do EEPROM chips.
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Domestic photovoltaics use GaN again, with a future production capacity of 1 million sets.​

Transphorm announced that the company's GaN platform will be applied to DAH Solar's photovoltaic micro-inverter.


Transphorm stated in the announcement that their gallium nitride will be used in Daheng Energy's Solar Unit product line . GaN devices can realize smaller, lighter, and more reliable solar energy systems, while also providing energy at lower energy consumption. Higher total power generation. Transphorm also said that the market space of gallium nitride technology in the global photovoltaic field will exceed 500 million US dollars .

Specifically, Daheng Energy's Solar Units will use Transphorm 's 150 mΩ and 70 mΩ GaN devices (in PQFN88 packages) in the DC-DC and DC-AC power stages . SolarUnit mainly has 3 models, the power output is 800 W, 920 W or 1500 W, and the peak efficiency is 97.16%, 97.2% and 97.55% respectively.

Anhui Daheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. Its main business includes: photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic storage systems and other technology research and development, production and manufacturing, as well as power station investment, construction and operation and maintenance services.

According to its official website, Daheng Energy has become one of the top 3 well-known photovoltaic companies in Brazil . In April this year, Xie Shenheng, the founder and chairman of Daheng Energy, said in an interview with the media that their revenue this year will be about 6 billion yuan , and it will exceed 10 billion yuan in the next two to three years.

Before the Spring Festival this year, the main structure of Daheng Energy's Anchao base plant and supporting facilities will be officially capped, and an 8GW TOPCon cell and module production base will be built. The project is also progressing as scheduled, and will realize the production capacity of 1 million sets of the world's first SolarUnit integrated photovoltaic system.
According to "experts say three and a half generations", on May 24 this year, Daheng Energy released the "SolarUnit'Roof + balcony'integrated photovoltaic system solution". SolarUnit adopts integrated design of components and inverters, unique three-chip low-current technology, and applies GaN technology , as well as 32-bit high-speed digital processor, the system conversion efficiency is as high as 97.55 % .​

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I wish China would slow the heck down once in a while. At the rate things are going Peter Zeihan will declare, in 2035, that Stepmom Pron to be some important core technology China can’t replicate on its own.
No actually what the US fears is for Chinese AI to eliminate the Stepmom Pron industry. Actual stepmoms will not be able to compete with new platforms developed by US entrepreneurs utilizing relying on Chinse AI technology to produce AI generated content. That's the real reasons for the tech embargo, US don't want to see this lucrative industry and all the associated jobs be disrupted by "OnlyAI."
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