Chinese semiconductor industry

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AMEC's founder claimed that 80% of parts would be replaced domestically this year and 100% of parts next year.
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Yin Zhiyao, the founder of China Microelectronics, a domestic
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equipment giant, is known as the "father of China's etching machine". He said in a conference call yesterday that 80% of the restricted imported parts of China Microelectronics can be replaced domestically, and 100% of them will be realized in the second half of next year. % Made in China!

Since October 2022, the restrictive measures in the United States have gradually cut off the connection between domestic semiconductor fabs and global advanced equipment. After that, the domestic market has accelerated the adoption of China Micro Semiconductor's etching equipment.

This week, China Microelectronics announced the financial report data for the first half of this year, achieving operating income of 2.527 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.13%, and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 1.003 billion yuan, a year-on-year surge of 114.4%.

Yin Zhiyao also revealed that AMEC's market share in China's capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) etching equipment market is expected to rise to 60 percent from 24 percent last October.

In the market for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) tools, the share of once-dominant Lam Research of the United States has fallen sharply, while the share of China Microelectronics may rise from almost zero to 75%.

The performance report shows that in the first half of this year, the combined revenue of the above two main etching equipment (CCP and ICP) accounted for about 68% of the company's total revenue.

In the first half of the year, the chip equipment market in mainland China shrank by 33% year-on-year, which was even more serious than the 23% decline in the global chip equipment market due to consumer electronics headwinds. Yin Zhiyao believes that this is the stage when domestic semiconductor equipment and key components are self-sufficient.

"We have a detailed roadmap for the localization of key components," Yin Zhiyao added at the meeting. "The use of domestic components for equipment can further open up the Chinese market of China Microelectronics."

According to the data released by the national customs, the total amount of domestic semiconductor production equipment and tools imported in the past two months was nearly 5 billion US dollars (currently equivalent to 36.45 billion yuan), a year-on-year increase of 70%, most of which came from the Netherlands and Japan.

However, under the semiconductor restrictions led by the United States, the restrictions in the Netherlands and Japan came into effect on September 1 and July 23 this year, respectively.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, my country's total imports of lithography machines in 2022 will be 3.963 billion US dollars, and the imports from the Netherlands will be 2.548 billion US dollars, accounting for 64.3%; from January to July this year, the imports from the Netherlands will be 2.586 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase 64.8%.

According to data from market research firm Counterpoint, shipments of the world's top five semiconductor equipment manufacturers to China increased by 30% last quarter.

Ashwath Rao, a senior research analyst at the agency, believes that China's concentrated investment in strategic assets can help ensure local supply, while continued commitment to mature technologies can act as a buffer against geopolitical uncertainty.

It is worth mentioning that Yin Zhiyao, known as the "father of China's etching machines", is a legendary figure. His ancestors have studied abroad for three generations. In 2004, when he was 60 years old, he gave up the superior life in the United States and resolutely decided to return to China to build the semiconductor industry.

Having worked hard in Silicon Valley for 20 years, Yin Zhiyao has personally accumulated 86 US patents and more than 200 international patents in the semiconductor industry, and is known as "one of the most accomplished Chinese in Silicon Valley".

It took only a few years to produce the first plasma etching machine independently developed by my country in just a few years. At present, the company has more than 1200 patents in the world, and has developed many independent knowledge property rights in semiconductor devices.

In addition, China Microsystems released an announcement on the adjustment of core personnel yesterday, adding Cong Hai, Tao Heng, Jiang Yong, Chen Huanglin, Liu Zhiqiang, and He Weiye as the company's core technical personnel. The original core technical personnel Du Zhiyou, Mai Shiyi, and Li Tianxiao were Job responsibilities are adjusted and no longer identified as core technical personnel, but they continue to serve in the company.

It is reported that this is the first time that a Chinese
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equipment company has publicly disclosed details of executive changes due to US sanctions. In addition, according to a stock preparation document of China Microelectronics, Cong and Tao, front-end electro-etching experts, were also appointed as deputy general managers.


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I don't mean to kill discussions here but this AMEC news has been posted several times already.

Can we at least try to read through previous pages before posting it again like it has never been posted?

I've noticed this has been happening with regularity recently

Please put some effort into presenting content


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Meta-X's 曦云® C500 designed for 100B class AI LLM training & inference. Using their MXMACA software and can link together 8 GPUs with MetaXLink has now certified to work with Zhipu AI for ChatGLM2-6B.

Remember, Zhipu with ChatGLM2-6B got unveiled over a month ago
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Anyways, now it has been certified to use Meta-X's hardware

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The announcement of 曦云C500 at Ningxia.
曦云® C500 liquid cooled work station (all in one box) that links together 8 GPU cards
The good thing for Meta-X is that it works with Cuda, so that may make its hardware more easily replace A100 in various projects
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Remember, MXC500 (which I think 曦云® C500 would use) does about 15 TFLOPS FP32, not far off A100's 19.5 TFLOPS FP32

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Looks like it's been used in East data west compute project and in the Ningxia smart computing center

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Meta-X also showcased their other product at Ningxia
including the N100 GPU with 160 TOPS

From what I can see, N100 is for AI inference of cloud data center
C500 (and other C series) is for AI training, inference & general computing
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on August 25, Wuxi Hi-Tech Park, Korea's Nextin Group (Nextin) and City Industry Corporation signed an agreement to cooperate and research and manufacture quality measurement and testing equipment. high end semiconductor. A development base project with a total investment of US$200 million has been implemented.
Korea's Nextin was established in 2010 and listed in Korea in 2020. It is a Korean supplier of measurement and fault detection equipment for integrated circuits and display boards. and also established in Israel. There is a research and development center, and industry competitors include KLA (USA), Hitachi and others in Japan. Application areas related to memory chips, logic chips, etc. Main customers include Fujian Jinhua, SK Hynix, Samsung Electronics, Changxin Storage, SMIC International, Yangtze River Storage, etc.
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Lieutenant General
I know this has been posted before but this article give a bit more information The question is who is the FAB? First posted by emperor
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Chinese AI Company Claims Huawei AI GPUs Are On Par With NVIDIA A100, Will Compete With GPT-4 LLM In 2024
Hassan Mujtaba
Aug 27, 2023 03:10 AM EDT

Huawei Claimed To Have An AI GPU On Par With NVIDIA's A100, Chinese GPT-4 Rival By 2024 1
Chinese AI firm, HKUST Xunfei, claims that Huawei has AI GPUs that are on par with NVIDIA's A100 & they will have an LLM that competes with GPT-4.

During the Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum 2023, Liu Qingfeng, the founder of HKUST Xunfei (a Chinese AI firm) unveiled that he's been working with Huawei to accelerate AI.

Liu claimed that they are working with other Chinese AI solutions providers. With them, Huawei has now developed a GPU whose capabilities in AI performance are on par with NVIDIA's A100 GPU. No specific numbers or specifications are provided for this GPU but it is said that the hardware will be very capable and can run large language models such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 with lots of performance at hand.

At the moment, the NVIDIA A100 is only the second-best AI GPU on the market with the top spot going to the Hopper H100 which is in huge demand. The A100 offers 624 TOPs of INT8 computing while the H100 offers 2000 TOPs. If the claim is true, then it is possible that the Chinese market might shift some of its AI demand to domestic GPUs but that remains to be seen. China is one of the largest consumers of AI GPUs from NVIDIA where chips are being sold for huge profits due to incredibly strong demand.

I am very happy to tell you that Huawei's GPU capability is now the same as that of Nvidia A100. Ren Zhengfei attaches great importance to it, and three directors of Huawei have worked in the special class of iFlytek of HKUST, and now they have achieved the standard of Nvidia's A100.

Liu Qingfeng (Founder & Chairman of HKUST Xunfei)

In addition to the hardware, HKUST Xunfei is also claimed to unveil a new general-purpose and large language model by October 24th. This LLM is designed to compete with ChatGPT and will launch in both Chinese and English versions. The company states that they won't necessarily be on the same level as ChatGPT at launch but they are working hard to strengthen their AI software. The company expects to benchmark its AI model against GPT-4 by the first half of 2024.

Huawei already announced a partnership earlier this month with iFlytek to develop AIO machines for AI purposes. These machines were once again targeted at the general-purpose segment. These companies are also part of the China Mobile Metaverse Industry alliance amongst other leading brands.


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I know this has been posted before but this article give a bit more information The question is who is the FAB? First posted by emperor
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Chinese AI Company Claims Huawei AI GPUs Are On Par With NVIDIA A100, Will Compete With GPT-4 LLM In 2024
Hassan Mujtaba
Aug 27, 2023 03:10 AM EDT

Huawei Claimed To Have An AI GPU On Par With NVIDIA's A100, Chinese GPT-4 Rival By 2024 1
Chinese AI firm, HKUST Xunfei, claims that Huawei has AI GPUs that are on par with NVIDIA's A100 & they will have an LLM that competes with GPT-4.

During the Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum 2023, Liu Qingfeng, the founder of HKUST Xunfei (a Chinese AI firm) unveiled that he's been working with Huawei to accelerate AI.

Liu claimed that they are working with other Chinese AI solutions providers. With them, Huawei has now developed a GPU whose capabilities in AI performance are on par with NVIDIA's A100 GPU. No specific numbers or specifications are provided for this GPU but it is said that the hardware will be very capable and can run large language models such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 with lots of performance at hand.

At the moment, the NVIDIA A100 is only the second-best AI GPU on the market with the top spot going to the Hopper H100 which is in huge demand. The A100 offers 624 TOPs of INT8 computing while the H100 offers 2000 TOPs. If the claim is true, then it is possible that the Chinese market might shift some of its AI demand to domestic GPUs but that remains to be seen. China is one of the largest consumers of AI GPUs from NVIDIA where chips are being sold for huge profits due to incredibly strong demand.

I am very happy to tell you that Huawei's GPU capability is now the same as that of Nvidia A100. Ren Zhengfei attaches great importance to it, and three directors of Huawei have worked in the special class of iFlytek of HKUST, and now they have achieved the standard of Nvidia's A100.

Liu Qingfeng (Founder & Chairman of HKUST Xunfei)

In addition to the hardware, HKUST Xunfei is also claimed to unveil a new general-purpose and large language model by October 24th. This LLM is designed to compete with ChatGPT and will launch in both Chinese and English versions. The company states that they won't necessarily be on the same level as ChatGPT at launch but they are working hard to strengthen their AI software. The company expects to benchmark its AI model against GPT-4 by the first half of 2024.

Huawei already announced a partnership earlier this month with iFlytek to develop AIO machines for AI purposes. These machines were once again targeted at the general-purpose segment. These companies are also part of the China Mobile Metaverse Industry alliance amongst other leading brands.
Yes, it has been posted 3 or 4 times already. Please do a simple look back a couple of pages and you will see.


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Why SMIC had so sharp drop in revenue/profit in H1 this year compared to last year? No new/expanded fabs opened, but instead yield drop??
I cant believe demand for domestic chips could slow down since capacity cant match even small percentage of demand.


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Why SMIC had so sharp drop in revenue/profit in H1 this year compared to last year? No new/expanded fabs opened, but instead yield drop??
I cant believe demand for domestic chips could slow down since capacity cant match even small percentage of demand.

What about Russia? Isn't Russia supposed to be buying lots of chips from SMIC considering the West put embargo on chip export to Russia?


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Chip shortage in 2020 that led customers to build up excess inventories has now turned into chip glut. TSMC revenue is down 5% and Samsung lost 3.4 Billion from its chip unit.
That's not exactly correct. The chip shortage affected primarily automobiles, but in reality it was the war on fossil fuels and EV cars were being pushed on consumers in the US and elsewhere, and ICE cars were impacted. As a result, ICE cars dropped 6% in the US and EV cars grew 106%.
I've written extensively on this oversupply, and I am snipping info from a new article I just sent out to my Seeking Alpha subscribers:
In 2022 and 2023, the chip market for smartphones, PCs, and data centers contracted, as corporate clients and consumers reduced their expenditures due to economic challenges stemming from inflation and increasing interest rates.

But the undercurrent of these inventory problems stemmed from excessive capex spending, particularly in memory chips, which I first warned about in my June 25, 2021 Seeking Alpha article entitled
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, where I presented my thesis for a sharp downturn in 2023 that will extend into 2024.

The dour economy arising from inflationary fiscal spending Fed policy to reduce this inflation by raising interest rates pulled in the oversupply to mid-2022. At that time, consumers with limited discretionary spending chose to spend their money on food and gasoline rather than electronic gadgets using semiconductors.

The surplus led to a collective historic first-half operating loss of 15.2 trillion won ($12 billion) for the top two global memory chip manufacturers, namely Samsung (
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) (9.1 trillion) and SK hynix (6.1 trillion).

Memory companies spent huge amount of money in 2020 and 2021 on WFE, ignoring my thesis several years earlier that a memory crash was coming in 2019 due to large capex/WFE spend, which it did. As soon as the bloodshed stopped, they started buying again. Now memory companies are suffering again.

You can see the huge amount of WFE spend in 2020 and 2021 in Table 1 below.



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长飞先进半导体 (YASC Semi) signed agreement with Wuhan east lake govt to build new 3rd gen semiconductor plant for SiC production.

20B RMB planned with 10B in phase 1. Expecting a 360k wafers per year plant when complete of SiC MOSFET

with include epitaxy, module design, production & packaging/testing

This is the first time I've heard of them. So pretty surprising they are throwing this much money at it

Looking back, they had a round A investment back in June
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estimating this 360k wafers will produce 61 million power modules

Looks like they are a child company of 长飞光纤 (Yangtze optical)
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