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a little update from CR Micro's project in Shenzhen, aka Runpeng semiconductor (润鹏半导体)

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saw funding increased 2.4 to 15B RMB CR Micro itself has committed 2.575B
with big fund now having invested in the project also.

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Eventually, they need 22B RMB (so still need 7B more funding) in order to build a 12-inch fab of 40k wpm for EVs, new energy, industrial control and consumer electronics.

Similar to Huahong, 40nm and higher are fabbed here. Interesting that all the new 12-inch project are getting into immersive nodes and especially 40nm. It's almost like that's what the customers are requesting for

But regardless, given the huge increase in 28nm capacity that SMIC, TSMC & UMC are likely to do in mainland, it looks like other fabs are trying to add as much of the 40-65nm capacity. Doesn't compete directly with TSMC, but is still very badly needed


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What does de-risking look like?

Well, one victim of this is Winfoundry and other Taiwanese GaA foundries
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according to this, winfoundry revenue dropped 51% from 2021Q4 to 2022Q4. Now obviously part of that is too much inventory on client behalf, but the other part is also just the competition

This is probably the most illuminating
中國的三安光電近年受惠中國去美化、中國政府大力補貼下快速發展, 2022 上半年營收達 67.6 億元人民幣,YoY+10.6%,稅後淨利為 9.3 億元人民幣,YoY+5.5%,是整個產業中唯一成長的公司。(三安光電業務包括 Mini LED、砷化鎵射頻、碳化矽等化合物半導體)
根據調查,三安光電目前射頻產品線已涵蓋手機 2G~5G PA、IoT PA,客戶已超過 100 家(大多為中國 Fabless 廠),目前砷化鎵月產能約 1.2 萬片,市佔率已從兩年前不到 5% 快速成長至目前 15%。

富果認為,三安光電的優勢在除了中國政府大力補助外,在獲客上亦較台廠有優勢,因中美關係惡化,中國加快自研步調,包括海思、唯捷創芯、慧智微電子、卓勝微等中國射頻 IC 設計廠都已成功量產 5G PA。而三安因有地利優勢又是中國本土廠商,將較僅在台灣設廠的穩懋、宏捷科等更有競爭優勢。
will you look at that. Sanan in first half of 2022. Its market share quickly rose from <5% to 15% in 2 years while its GaA capacity was up to 12k wpm by the time this report was filed (probably beginning of 2023). Since then, it went up to 15k wpm per half year report with eventual goal of 30k wpm.

And if you look at that, it states Hisilicon, Vanchip, Smart Micro, Maxscend have all achieved the ability to design 5G PA chips. As such, Sanan is gaining due to de-risking, whereas Winfoundry and AWSC are losing out

It gos beyond just 5G, since Wifi, base stations and IoT also need PAs and LNAs.

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Look at this nasty utilization
18% for AWSC and 25% for WinFoundry in Q1. wifi/phone market looks particularly hit hard
而三安光電因加入市場時間較晚,代工業務占總營收不到 20%,以較低端的 2G~4G 手機 PA 為主,且這幾年的毛利率非常差,也沒有研發製造濾波器的優勢,但因中國近年強調自行研發晶片,可能就算是賠錢生意,他們也會積極切入,對於技術相對落後的宏捷科來說壓力比較大。
The issue is that Sanan entered late. Given China's dominance in Ga, they should've forced more production of GaA on mainland earlier.

now according to this
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GaN can do the role of PA, but due to higher cost, GaA still dominate the market. since you need so many of them in 5G phones. Here are the suppliers
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Taiwanese DDI suppliers may turn to Chinese foundries for cost reasons​

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Display driver IC (DDI) suppliers continue to be under pressure to reduce chip prices, and cost considerations may send them turning to Chinese pure-play foundries that can offer significantly lower manufacturing prices than their Taiwanese counterparts


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Nexchip reported some serious losses for first half. Revenue down 50%

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Screen Shot 2023-08-16 at 7.52.24 PM.png
Raising 55nm production is the focus. Trying to develop 40nm high voltage OLED platform, 110nm display chip, completed auto grade certification in March and have now been testing with automaker on 12.8inch screen. Again, it takes time to enter supply chain.

55nm TDDI product is in mass production. Given Nexchip's link to Taiwan, maybe that's who the Taiwanese DDI suppliers are turning to for fabbing. I'd imagine Nexchip is pretty desperate given their current finances.

completed development of 55nm copper process and 145nm low power high speed display driver. Isn't it interesting that fabs still work so hard to qualify for next products in nodes that are quite mature? And there is clearly a market for them. Everyone needs to find their own niche i guess

Following is what they've gotten orders for over next few years. Lookslike just a general movement from focusing on 90nm to a combination of 55nm and more on 110nm. It looks like they are so far just selling around 5k wpm at 28nm and 5k wpm. Customers are just moving off 90nm for various consumer electronics, industrial and auto product and moving toward 28-50nm


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according to this, their current capacity is 110k wpm. I'm not sure what their future expected capacity will be. But increased 28-55nm capacity in 2024-2025 is right in line with what Huahong and CR Micro are doing


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HKUST Xunfei and Huawei jointly released an exclusive large-scale software and hardware all-in-one machine, which can be compared to the NVIDIA A100!​

On August 15, HKUST Xunfei held the "Xunfei Spark Cognitive Model V2.0 Upgrade Conference" in Hefei. At this press conference, iFLYTEK and Huawei jointly released the "Spark All-in-One Machine", an integrated software and hardware device for building exclusive large models.​


On August 15, HKUST Xunfei held the "Xunfei Spark Cognitive Model V2.0 Upgrade Conference" in Hefei. At this press conference, iFLYTEK and Huawei jointly released the "Spark All-in-One Machine", an integrated software and hardware device for building exclusive large models.
Liu Qingfeng, chairman of HKUST Xunfei, said, "HKUST Xunfei and Huawei have jointly tackled the problem of computing power bottlenecks." In terms of single-card computing power, the "Spark All-in-One Machine" is benchmarked against
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A100, and is also working with Huawei to build Domestic computing power clusters for ultra-large-scale large-scale model training form cluster advantages.

It is understood that in the research and development of large models, computing power and frameworks that can support parallel training of large-scale models with hundreds of billions of parameters are required, which usually requires thousands of high-power AI accelerator cards to run simultaneously and continuously. Based on this, the system architecture and the cluster capability of parallel training become the key to the development of large models.
It is understood that the Xinghuo all-in-one machine is based on Huawei Kunpeng CPU + Shengteng GPU, and also uses Huawei storage and network to provide the whole cabinet solution. FP16 (half-precision floating-point number format) has a computing power of 2.5 petaFLOPS (1 petaFLOPS is 10 million per second. million floating-point operations). The most popular Nvidia DGX A100 in large model training, its single node contains 8 GPUs, which can output FP16 computing power of 5 PetaFLOPS.
(The Ascend chip model used in the Spark all-in-one machine is suspected to be the Ascend 910B, and its performance has improved compared with the previous generation. The official website data shows that the FP16 computing power of the Ascend 910 is 320TFLOPS.)
According to reports, the integrated deployment of training and reasoning of the Xinghuo all-in-one machine can be used for applications in multiple fields such as question answering systems, dialogue generation, knowledge graph construction, intelligent recommendation, etc. It has large model pre-training, multi-modal understanding and generation, and multi-task Ability to learn and transfer.
The Xinghuo all-in-one machine also customizes the hardware for the training algorithm and reasoning application of the Xinghuo cognitive intelligent large model, which can greatly reduce the cost of use for enterprises. It can directly provide 5 customized optimization modes such as dialogue development, task arrangement, plug-in execution, knowledge access, and prompt engineering, as well as more than 10 out-of-the-box rich scene packages such as office, code, customer service, operation and maintenance, marketing, and procurement. , supports 3 model sizes for users to choose.
It is worth noting that last month, HKUST Xunfei announced that Xunfei Xinghuo will cooperate with Shengteng AI to create a new universal intelligent base based on China's independent innovation. On the one hand, Xunfei Xinghuo's cognitive large model is based on the integrated design of training and reasoning, which realizes the technological breakthrough of sparse large-scale models and low-precision quantization, and can efficiently adapt to Ascend AI, accelerating the industry's application and iteration of large models; On the one hand, with Ascend AI as the core, software and hardware are collaboratively optimized to build a large-scale model training cluster with centralized computing power, superior performance, stable supply, and data security.
In the speech "Xunfei Xunhuo Cognitive Large Model V2.0 Upgrade Conference" that day, Liu Qingfeng explained in more detail, "Huawei and HKUST Xunfei have jointly developed software and hardware platforms and software support tools for Ascend AI. , combining high-computing AI chips, high-performance operator libraries, multi-card high-speed interconnection, and distributed storage, especially our joint screening and polishing of the most important operator libraries required by artificial intelligence. Then here On the basis of the framework, iFLYTEK’s training and data closed-loop full-process design, as well as a self-developed large-model training platform designed for training and reasoning integration, supports large-scale heterogeneous computing power compatibility, and also supports hybrid cloud architecture for easy expansion , so that the demonstration of Xunfei Xinghuo V2.0 and all products we have seen today are built on a safe and controllable platform.”

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Nexchip reported some serious losses for first half. Revenue down 50%

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View attachment 117317
Raising 55nm production is the focus. Trying to develop 40nm high voltage OLED platform, 110nm display chip, completed auto grade certification in March and have now been testing with automaker on 12.8inch screen. Again, it takes time to enter supply chain.

55nm TDDI product is in mass production. Given Nexchip's link to Taiwan, maybe that's who the Taiwanese DDI suppliers are turning to for fabbing. I'd imagine Nexchip is pretty desperate given their current finances.

completed development of 55nm copper process and 145nm low power high speed display driver. Isn't it interesting that fabs still work so hard to qualify for next products in nodes that are quite mature? And there is clearly a market for them. Everyone needs to find their own niche i guess

Following is what they've gotten orders for over next few years. Lookslike just a general movement from focusing on 90nm to a combination of 55nm and more on 110nm. It looks like they are so far just selling around 5k wpm at 28nm and 5k wpm. Customers are just moving off 90nm for various consumer electronics, industrial and auto product and moving toward 28-50nm


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according to this, their current capacity is 110k wpm. I'm not sure what their future expected capacity will be. But increased 28-55nm capacity in 2024-2025 is right in line with what Huahong and CR Micro are doing
I can understand the migration from 90 nm to 55 nm and 110 nm. High quality dry ArF or mediocre ArF immersion can reach 55 nm with single patterning, while both mediocre dry ArF and most KrF can reach 110 nm resolution with single patterning.

In particular, at these wavelengths and nodes the stage is much less of a challenge than for ArF immersion multipatterning which requires like ~2 nm overlay accuracy.

This way they can get the most out of their instruments: all the KrF and maybe domestic ArF front end tools to 110 nm, all the ASML ArF tools to 55 nm.


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Despite the fact that Sanan had a rough first half of the year in financial numbers, it's market share has increased by a lot in the recent years, although the IC industry slow down has hist everyone hard.

I've been wanting to look at the SAW Filters, given that they are quite prevalent in 4G phones, Wifi FEMs and probably 5G phones also. The success of domestic RF players can be seen with Sanan since many of them do fab at Sanan.

Back in July 2021, It was said that they had achieved great successful of going over 10 million filters/month in Q2 after just doing 10 million per quarter in 2020. In fact, that was when they started supply Foxconn.
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More recently, They reported that their production is now up to 150 million/month after increasing deliveries by more than 2x in first half o the year (so they would've been maybe 40million/month in first half of 2022)
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and they want to get even larger than this. This is from last April)
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they want to get to 30k wpm of GaA RF product as we already mentioned as well as 500 million SAW filters/month, 4k GaN wafers/month & 30k Sic wafers/month & 2600 optical wafers/month

Looks like they had quite a number of customers by then, including major ones like Samsung, Honor, Vivo, moto and ohers)
1. 射频:公司的砷化镓射频出货产品全面覆盖 2G-5G 手机 PA、WIFI 等应用领域,客户累计近100 家,客户地区涵盖国内外,公司代工产品(PA 功放、LNA 低噪放等)已进入国内一线品牌供应链,性能及可靠性已获业界广泛认可,应用于手机终端客户包含三星、荣耀、传音、VIVO、MOTO 及通讯模块大厂移远、广和通。公司目前拥有两座砷化镓工厂,订单稳定交付能力增强,为进一步加速客户产品迭代,保证客户未来供应链安全稳定具有重要意义。在现有工艺基础上,公司不断推出新工艺满足客户更高端的设计需求,产品技术工艺不断成熟,客户粘性进一步加强,三安集成电路将继续稳固国内射频代工龙头的地位。
2. 滤波器 :厦门市三安集成电路自2017年开始,持续投入声表面波滤波器产品 [SAW] 的研发、生产和销售。整合从压电材料晶圆、表面波谐振器结构以及可靠封装等专业和科学领域的研究经验,可提供无线通讯系统射频前端应用的单频段及多频段的滤波器、双工器产品。产品线已涵盖大部分频段包括从600到2690MHz,通带带宽范围可达15到194MHz。

I mean 500 million would probably be enough for 20 million phones, which would be 240 million phones in a year as well as some left over for wifi and other devices. But phones are the main money maker here.

It would probably make Sanan one of the bigger SAW foundries out there. There must be other ones in China, but this domestic supply chain buildup for RF is happening, probably a lot faster than people realize.


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Saifang technology is the first in the world! RISC-V enters the era of large and small core processors

On August 17th, China’s RISC-V software and hardware ecology leader Saifang Technology officially released two new self-developed high-performance RISC-V processor core products: Fang Tianshu-90 (Dubhe-90) and Fang Tianshu Pivot-80 (Dubhe-80). Dubhe-90 focuses on extreme performance and is the flagship product of Dubhe Max Performance series; Dubhe-80 focuses on high energy efficiency ratio and is the first product of Dubhe Efficiency Performance series.

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