Chinese semiconductor industry

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Microelectronics Institute made progress in research on the reliability of ferroelectric memory​

HfO2-based ferroelectric memory ( FeRAM ) has attracted much attention due to its high speed, good scalability and CMOS process compatibility. However, the characteristics of FeRAM are extremely sensitive to temperature, and its performance is greatly affected by temperature. How to alleviate the impact of temperature on the performance of FRAM arrays so that they can operate with high reliability at high temperatures needs further research.
  In response to this problem, the team of academician Liu Ming of the Institute of Microelectronics proposed a ferroelectric array operation method that considers temperature effects, and verified it on a 128kb 1T1C FeRAM array, proving that the ferroelectric array can achieve high temperature under this method. under high-reliability operation. The study found that in the operation of ferroelectric arrays, traditional array manipulation methods can cause misreading at high temperatures. The researchers systematically studied the mechanism of the reduction of remanent polarization at high temperature by means of material characterization and electrical measurement. It is found that the increase of the built-in electric field caused by electron decapture is the main reason for the decrease of the remanent polarization value. According to this mechanism, the researchers established a dynamic Monte Carlo model considering the temperature effect, and gave the operating voltage to alleviate the temperature effect through simulation.
  The research achievement was selected into the 2023 VLSI with the title "First Demonstration of a Design Methodology for Highly Reliable Operation at High Temperature on 128kb 1T1C FeRAM Chip" . Associate researcher Gong Tiancheng of the Institute of Microelectronics is the first author, and associate researcher Yang Jianguo, researcher Wang Lingfei and researcher Luo Qing of the Institute of Microelectronics are the corresponding authors.


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This site is locked tight, but maybe someone here knows more about it

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We've been reasonably sure that SMIC has been producing Huawei's Ascend chips for a while now, given that the Ascend 910 has listed a significant upgrade to its performance fairly recently. What is intriguing is the "and below" part. Whether that phrase is added for dramatic effect and whether the rumours are true is something we will have to wait and see.


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Our old friend hswz from cjdby has written about light source. @tokenanalyst

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Really interesting, probably related to this patent. Didn't talk about the power and stability of that system, that remain to be seen.

Laser gas purification system and solid-state laser​


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this is the patent for the 213nm DUV laser

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Our old friend hswz from cjdby has written about light source. @tokenanalyst

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I took a look and have some questions about his light source article

1. The published paper used 50W 1064nm in and got 1.17W 213nm out, hswz assumed similar efficiency can be scaled to tens of kilowatts.

2. Hswz claims we can use raman laser to get higher frequency light say 157nm based on previous patent. Has the previous patent been tested at say 100W+? Second, is it possible/do we have the right materials for getting 213nm -> 193nm with raman laser?
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Junior Member
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I took a look and have some questions about his light source article

1. The published paper used 50W 1064nm in and got 1.17W 213nm out, hswz assumed similar efficiency can be scaled to tens of kilowatts.

2. Hswz claims we can use raman laser to get higher frequency light say 157nm based on previous patent. Has the previous patent been tested at say 100W+? Second, is it possible/do we have the right materials for getting 213nm -> 193nm with raman laser?
157nm was given up due to many technical factors that were not able to overcome (for 1, very difficult to do immersion).
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