listening to Huawei Ascend conference from earlier this month talking about their 鹏城云脑 program
It won AIPerf competition in China several years in a row now (most recently about 6 months ago)
What a lot of people don't appreciate and that video mentioned is that the original Baidu Erniebot was trained in the Pengcheng lab in Shenzhen
Now you wonder why I'm wasting time with this well the most important part of that video is probably this part

They are planning a Pengcheng YunNao III project (鹏城云脑III)
will use their own GPU/NPU product & ecosystem
16 EFLOPS @ FP16
expect to be top in the world in I/O (10500)
top the world in AI training
will provide for 6G loud lab
will provide training for large model
hoping to have ready by end of the year
this is 16x YunNao II (which was 1 EFLOP, remember the 4096 x256 TFLOPS of earlier Ascend 910 GPU)
If you listen to the 8 minute mark of this clip, he said, it will use Huawei's new GPU/NPU. So this confirms that Ascend-920 & Kunpeng-930 will be ready by the end of this year.
That will be a huge. And the YunNao III lab will be as large as GPT 4.0 probably, in the same ballpark and 4x that of Baidu's large data center

Again, this just confirms they are aiming to have prototype of it starting computation this year and have it fully built by 2025. Pengcheng 2 was ready with 1 EFLOP by 2020. Will be built around Shenzhen.
according to this. PengchengII uses Atlas900 AI cluster w/ 4096 Ascend 910 GPU (and 2048 kunPeng-920 CPU)根据《人工智能计算中心发展白皮书2.0》,鹏城云脑Ⅱ主设备Atlas900AI集群,由4096颗昇腾910AI处理器构成,算力达E级,荣获AIPerf(大规模人工智能基准评测程序)榜单第一名,并保持IO500(高性能计算存储系统性能排行榜-全系统输入输出和10节点系统)两项世界记录,其中在全系统输入输出性能得分是排名第二得分的近20倍,为盘古大模型等国产头部AI大模型训练提供了坚实、先进的基础算力底座。
It won AIPerf competition in China several years in a row now (most recently about 6 months ago)
with 4096 Ascend 910, it can provide 1 ExaFlops of computation. Looks like this is with earlier 256 TFLOPS Ascend 910, rather than the recent 320 TFLOPS Ascend 910. And it has been used now over 600 days for ADAS, natural language processing, ADAS, Smart transportation, smart medicine and other research“鹏城云脑II”是鹏城实验室联合国内优势科研力量,在深圳市大力支持下打造的人工智能大科学装置,用于AI领域诸如计算机视觉、自然语言处理、自动驾驶、智慧交通、智慧医疗等各类基础性研究与探索。“鹏城云脑II” 包括4096颗昇腾910 AI处理器和2048颗鲲鹏920 CPU处理器,可以提供1E OPS智能算力,即不低于每秒100亿亿次操作的AI计算能力,截止目前已累计运行超过600天。
What a lot of people don't appreciate and that video mentioned is that the original Baidu Erniebot was trained in the Pengcheng lab in Shenzhen
Now you wonder why I'm wasting time with this well the most important part of that video is probably this part

They are planning a Pengcheng YunNao III project (鹏城云脑III)
will use their own GPU/NPU product & ecosystem
16 EFLOPS @ FP16
expect to be top in the world in I/O (10500)
top the world in AI training
will provide for 6G loud lab
will provide training for large model
hoping to have ready by end of the year
this is 16x YunNao II (which was 1 EFLOP, remember the 4096 x256 TFLOPS of earlier Ascend 910 GPU)
If you listen to the 8 minute mark of this clip, he said, it will use Huawei's new GPU/NPU. So this confirms that Ascend-920 & Kunpeng-930 will be ready by the end of this year.
That will be a huge. And the YunNao III lab will be as large as GPT 4.0 probably, in the same ballpark and 4x that of Baidu's large data center

Again, this just confirms they are aiming to have prototype of it starting computation this year and have it fully built by 2025. Pengcheng 2 was ready with 1 EFLOP by 2020. Will be built around Shenzhen.