Chinese semiconductor industry

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Interesting. Military might be involved in EUV light source development.

Havok: 强调一点,EUV光源并非长春光机所一家研制,是众多科研院所学校合力研制,长光所一家是没有能力研制光源的所有部分的。长光所的LPP驱动光源来源有军方的影子,这点和华中科大不同。而且原文链接中并没有说“研制成功”
Where did you contact this guy?


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CETC 65 nm dry lithography


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What's the point of having multiple companies selling duplicated product,SMEE is already selling same type of machines. China should have CETC and SMEE making different machines,instead of let them compete on the same market.


Registered Member
What's the point of having multiple companies selling duplicated product,SMEE is already selling same type of machines. China should have CETC and SMEE making different machines,instead of let them compete on the same market.
Well for one thing they had the same supplier BUT CETC had more heft and need to push SMEE from its comfort zone. An example CETC produce it's own ION IMPLANTER.

From Xinhua

China's CETC develops full series of homegrown ion implanters​

Source: Xinhua| 2021-03-17 22:18:09|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- A subsidiary of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC) has developed full series of homegrown ion implanters for chipmakers, the CETC said in Beijing on Wednesday.
The ion implanters are all made in China and can provide a one-stop service for global chipmakers, the CETC added.
CETC subsidiary Electronics Equipment Group has developed an ion implanter family ranging from medium current, high current and high energy implanters, to implanters for special applications and third-generation semiconductors, which can cover 28-nanometer manufacturing process.
In the chip manufacturing process, an ion implanter puts different chemical elements, in the form of ions with programed energy, into semiconductor materials to alter the materials' electrical performances.
The CETC said it has overcome bottlenecks in the development of ion implanters, such as high-performance ion sources and high-speed wafer transfers, and obtained a total of 413 core patents.
Electronics Equipment Group said it will accelerate the development of more advanced ion implanters and advance their industrialization. Enditem


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What's the point of having multiple companies selling duplicated product,SMEE is already selling same type of machines. China should have CETC and SMEE making different machines,instead of let them compete on the same market.
Because this is China. If one can make it, all can. This creates internal competition and lowers the price of products. Even if China isn't part of the global market, they won't let there be a monopoly. It's smart, it's what the US quietly does with it's MIC. That's why there are so many defense contractors. China just does it to the entire economy. In fairness this is what USA fears. It's one thing to have foreign competitors, it's another thing to have all the competitors to be Chinese.

Edit: also I would add that this says a lot about the maturity of lithography development in China. For example there's still only one COMAC because airliners aren't mature enough in China to create multiple corporations yet. So if we are seeing them already create lithography competitors, that says a lot about their confidence in producing lithography machines.


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CETC does have a company that makes lithography systems called Jianhua Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. but I think they make automated mask aligners rather than scanners. Would be interesting if they want to make their own scanners. But there are two rare commodities that would need production increase, the laser light source, KrF and ArF, and the high precision wafer stage.


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I think competition here is always good as long as the supply chain can keep up. Ideally CETC would have their own supply chain or can help the supply chain ramp up faster. You don't want a situation where CETC machines are worse, but due to limited supply chain, SMEE can't supply enough lithography machines


Registered Member
I think competition here is always good as long as the supply chain can keep up. Ideally CETC would have their own supply chain or can help the supply chain ramp up faster. You don't want a situation where CETC machines are worse, but due to limited supply chain, SMEE can't supply enough lithography machines
65 nm is near state of the art for dry ArF, there's no way that CETC machines would be worse.


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this is widely reported in China now
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just how cheap the SSD market is getting with domestically produced (YMTC produced) SSDs. Samsung can't compete and has to cut back production despite resisting that earlier.

I don't know how profitable YMTC can be at this price, but I think it's obvious they do have a cost advantage over the big 3 in 3D Nand production. I don't think we need to go through all the advantages they have, but it's there.

I'd be interested to see where their market share is this year. It was close to 7% in 2022 IIRC. Assuming they produce close to 100k wpm (not guaranteed) with a smaller mix of 64-layer production than before while others are cutting back production, maybe they can get to double digit this year in market share. And when they are ready to start production at fab 2, they may be able to take more market share
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