He seem to be banned from posting now,don't know why
春招应该开始了,但是几年半导体行业的春招应该不会太好,很多朋友的私信我看到了,我看到了一定回,只是因为工作没有办法及时回复,大家看我写的这些屁话,也不难猜出来我还算是一个比较真诚的人,能够聊的,我知道的,没有必要吝啬,多一个朋友多一条路。最近闹的很火的《芯片法案》和最近行业的去库存周期,的确让人不太好过,公司会把寒气传给我们,至于咋传的,大家也能猜个七七八八。对于芯片法案,斯米克的态度还好,因为多元化启动以来,还是有一定成果,中芯京城就是多元化项目的转化,40nm已经转化成功了,今年是28nm了,至于all bundle China 那还是需要不短的时间的,任重而道远。对于行业,这是一个赢家通吃的行业,公司发布了去年的营收和财报,大家可以和台积电进行对比一下就明白什么叫赢家通吃,真的是零头,哈哈哈,也从另一个方面说明了这个行业一旦全部打通,那是一台不说核动力印钞机吧,超大型的绝对算一个,只是这一天不知道那天能到来,能不能到来。
这周的工作,是真的满满当当的。周一晚上,我TM 一晚上接了十几个电话,一晚上没睡,第二天就和老板说,我手底下不能挂那么多lot ,我算了一下当时满满当当差不过的30个比较急 lot是我的名字,神仙来了也顶不住,周二马上改了。PRS的破事是真的各种烦,新产线刚建,PE晚上值班又是新人,他们没有SOP,就会来call我,然后我的电话又是最多人知道,周一周二那两天是真的折磨,后面改善了一下,好很多了。中芯京城28nm High-K的runpath也是个玄学,真搞不懂老板们咋想的,太多Made in China,对于整条产线的压力对于良率的压力那是相当大,不过也的确要做,但是对于我们打工人来说,稳稳当当少点事比啥都强, 可以的话,我真想全上AMAT,哈哈哈,容我做个梦。日常工作就是被老板review,一个split table的coner 老板说我做错了,吓得我出了一身冷汗,后面核实了一下,那个lot不是做Window的,是用来找best condition 的best wafer,谨慎谨慎又谨慎啊。其他的工作很多都是不能在网上说的,只能说天天被review,review的老惨,我这人脸皮厚,还是比较顶得住。最近看一个干了20年的老前辈做整条flow 验证的split plan,发自心底由衷的佩服,什么叫做老法师啊,相当顶啊,哈哈哈。
The spring recruiting should start, but the spring recruiting in the semiconductor industry should not be very good in the past few years. I have seen many private messages from friends. It is not difficult to guess that I am still a relatively sincere person, who can chat, I know, there is no need to be stingy, one more friend and one more way. The recent "Chip Act" and the recent destocking cycle in the industry are really uncomfortable. The company will pass on the cold to us. As for how it is passed on, everyone can guess. Regarding the chip bill, Smic’s attitude is good, because since the start of diversification, there are still some achievements. SMIC Capital is the transformation of the diversification project. 40nm has been transformed successfully. This year is 28. As for all bundle China, it still needs to be In a short time, there is a long way to go. For the industry, this is a winner-take-all industry. The company released last year’s revenue and financial report. You can compare it with TSMC to understand what the winner-take-all is. It’s really a fraction, hahaha, but also from another aspect It shows that once this industry is fully connected, it will be a nuclear-powered money printing machine, and the super-large one is definitely one, but I don’t know if that day will come or not.
This week's work is really full. On Monday night, I answered more than a dozen phone calls all night and stayed up all night. The next day, I told my boss that I couldn’t hold so many lots. It's my name, even the gods can't stand it, so I changed it immediately on Tuesday. The trouble with PRS is really troublesome. The new production line has just been built, and PE is a newcomer on duty at night. They don’t have SOP, so they will call me, and my phone number is the most known. It was really tormented, but it was improved later, and it was much better. The runpath of SMIC Jingcheng 28HK is also a metaphysics. I really don’t understand what the bosses are thinking. There are too many Made in China. The pressure on the entire production line and the pressure on the yield rate are quite large, but it is indeed to be done, but For us migrant workers, it is better to be steady and do less work. If possible, I really want to take all AMATs, hahaha, let me dream. My daily work is to be reviewed by the boss. The boss of a split table coner said that I made a mistake, which scared me into a cold sweat. After checking, the lot is not for windows, but for best wafers for best conditions. Be cautious. Be cautious and cautious. Many other jobs cannot be mentioned on the Internet. I can only say that they are reviewed every day. The review is miserable. I have a thick skin and I can still stand it. Recently, I saw an old man who has been working for 20 years to do the split plan of the whole flow verification, and I admire it from the bottom of my heart. What is an old mage, it is quite top, hahaha.