Chinese semiconductor industry

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They will definitely bend it, but the question is when will they finally bend?
My opinion as in Never.;) Hear me out Bro, The Dutch are playing with words, they already bend with EUVL restriction, will they bend even more? with SMEE SSA800 in mass production mode next year. I know they're a monopoly BUT having gain such distinction they definitely know how to run a business.


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The Dutch will bend the knee to US pressure. Europe is not a sovereign continent. They will just do it kicking and screaming.

The devil will be in the details....I'm not so pessimistic.

First of all is not so immediate, US said it will need 9 months to force "allies" to align, so we can expect Dutch government to delay as much as it can.

Moreover if there will be a ban it will be hopefully limited to advanced nodes machines NXT:2100i, NXT:2050i and maybe only for new orders (the 1.6bilion $ down payment of SMIC maybe is a hint). I also expect spare parts and after-sales services will be preserved because this is critically bound to a company credibility and its future in the long term.

Anyhow it is clear US pressure will only grow stronger over time....SMEE please speed-up!


Lieutenant General
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The devil will be in the details....I'm not so pessimistic.

First of all is not so immediate, US said it will need 9 months to force "allies" to align, so we can expect Dutch government to delay as much as it can.

Moreover if there will be a ban it will be hopefully limited to advanced nodes machines NXT:2100i, NXT:2050i and maybe only for new orders (the 1.6bilion $ down payment of SMIC maybe is a hint). I also expect spare parts and after-sales services will be preserved because this is critically bound to a company credibility and its future in the long term.

Anyhow it is clear US pressure will only grow stronger over time....SMEE please speed-up!
Right, I think the Dutch sanctions will be a compromise to get America off it's back. The only question is how far it goes. I just don't see asml growing head count in china if it didn't get some form of assurance from Dutch government that they wouldn't be allowed to stay competitive in china long term.

What is the point of Dutch government sanctioning its own companies if Chinese competitors can produce equivalent machines?

Other thing is that blame must be thrown at Huawei here. If it made the push into lithography machines back 10 years ago, we wouldn't have this problem now. Smee doesn't seem that competent of a company. All the domestic suppliers already exist. I would feel more comfortable if Huawei was driving the integration rather than smee.


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My opinion as in Never.;) Hear me out Bro, The Dutch are playing with words, they already bend with EUVL restriction, will they bend even more? with SMEE SSA800 in mass production mode next year. I know they're a monopoly BUT having gain such distinction they definitely know how to run a business.
They know how to run buisness. But as you can see the nature of puppet, they will follows. Remember plaza accord.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You guys seem to think a couple billion in orders will make a difference to these people. The fact is they can resell the machines they do not sell to China to someone else. How many billions do you think Renault lost by pulling out of the Russian car market? Just last year Renault got $5.5 billion USD in revenue out of the Russian market. All lost. And that is if you do not count on the massive write-off of assets in the plants they built in Russia.


Registered Member
What evidence of there is this? It all seems to be rumors that link to random websites of questionable authority/relevance/credibility
you are new to this forum. better to read last 100 pages of this thread.

what he is saying is truth. from next year SMEE will start producing 28nm DUVi ..

indeed you are right about those random websites, coz they know shit about China. articles written by western experts. LOOOL

our experts on this forum have more inside information.


New Member
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you are new to this forum. better to read last 100 pages of this thread.

what he is saying is truth. from next year SMEE will start producing 28nm DUVi ..
I've been reading through it, it largely seems to be links to research papers (which lack scale) or various sites like infnews which are fairly questionable in credibility. Most English language coverage by US news orgs is simply wrong - I have noticed that
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