Chinese semiconductor industry

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What we have been saying for quite a while here in this thread, or this law schools graduates do not understand the industry they are legislating or they are lying and is not about "national security" but plain unadulterated economic warfare.
There is absolutely no reason why YMTC should be considered military in any way shape or form. there is no way.
YMTC is "military" in the same way that Micron is "military" by the fact that yes, you can adopt their commercial products into military related systems. However, if that was the case then Micron, Samsung, etc should be banned from selling to anyone with a defense industry to avoid that leakage which is obviously not the case. It takes some six degrees of separation but technically you can weaponize any commercial product if you tried hard enough.

You can call it a poorly thought out economic warfare because if you were to wage a true war you would be consulting your industry experts in advance to identify the weak points and avoid friendly fire. However, I don't think they are lying about the "national security" concept, they truly believe in the idea consequences be damned. The problem is their definition of "national security" is more about backwards looking self-preservation of what they have rather than forwards looking towards the next generation. This is what happens when you give people who have never held a real job positions of influence and power.


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"The US semiconductor measures come as other economies, and the business world, are trying to calibrate relations with China. Bankers, says the chair of UBS, are “all very pro-China”. Olaf Scholz, Germany’s chancellor, met Xi in Beijing on Friday in a sign of Germany’s persistent dependence on China and its failure to learn from the mercantilism that has made it hard to shrug off Russia’s bearhug. The US, too, will need to be able to back up its “Made in America” bravado. It may have already spent billions of dollars in setting up domestic chip fabrication plants but analysts estimate it will require as much as $1.2tn in upfront costs, then another $125bn a year, to create fully localised supply chains at 2019 levels of production, all during a cost of living crisis. The bill for decoupling China and America’s economies will carry a heavy cost.

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You can call it a poorly thought out economic warfare because if you were to wage a true war you would be consulting your industry experts in advance to identify the weak points and avoid friendly fire. However, I don't think they are lying about the "national security" concept, they truly believe in the idea consequences be damned. The problem is their definition of "national security" is more about backwards looking self-preservation of what they have rather than forwards looking towards the next generation. This is what happens when you give people who have never held a real job positions of influence and power.

IDK, it could be the case that the hawkish republicans are fearmongering the democrats into economic warfare with China by lowering the bar and the democrats are falling for the trap.
In one hand you have inflation that is eating people wallets, a economy that is cooling, a Ukrainian war that is becoming another foreign war were the US is involved, a senile Biden. They have done some popular things but I don't think is enough, the woke s*it will not help them. The democrats know that they are going to potentially be obliterated in the mid terms and the general elections. They know it and they are panicking.
In the other hand you have the "China narrative" pushed by the chicken-hawks republicans, military contractors funded think tanks and the DoD, that has become pretty much toxic to the point that even some "China watchers" are starting to notice it.


From afar this sanctions don't look "bad" or "disruptive",they even look like an "easy political win", just cutting edge tools in nodes that China does not dominate yet, few AI chips. What could go wrong?
the problem is that a lot of "mature" tools are also used in advance nodes, this Estevez guy doesn't make a distinction.
AI chips could be anything, a NPU, a GPU, or even a CPU could be used for AI.
Underestimate the effect to fabs like samsung and TSMC that were waiting for some Chinese players to make ASICs in their 3-2nm nodes.
That is why this guy Estevez is having trouble convincing others, is not because Japan doesn't want to join, is because they don't know what to ban. What tool specifically, With what specs. Nobody knows, If they agree to this they will have to export control even the skews that a Japanese company sell in China. Is no practical.
The situation for the democrats now is what started probably as a easy political win, quickly evolved into a nightmare as pressure from the industry just keep building up day by day. And this guy Estevez said it "I don't care about profits."


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Chinese scientists have made breakthroughs in research on miniaturized coherent light sources​

Recently, the team of academician Li Ruxin and researcher Tian Ye of the State Key Laboratory of High-Field Laser Physics of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a breakthrough in the field of miniaturized free electron coherent light sources. The related research results were published in the journal Nature on November 3, 2022.

At present, there are mainly two ways to generate surface light field in the world: direct electron excitation and waveguide coupling. Regardless of the method, the generated surface light field is limited by the weak light field energy caused by low coupling efficiency, which limits the application of SPP in the above fields. Applications. Therefore, the development of coherent high-power SPP light sources is an urgent problem to be solved in this field.

Focusing on the miniaturized free electron coherent light source, the research team carried out a femtosecond laser-driven ultrashort electron pulse pumping study on SPP seeds. Using ultrafast optical pump-probe technology, the coherent amplification of SPP by free electron pulses was observed. This research innovatively develops a new way to realize SPP coherent amplification by free electron pumping, which has great application value in the application fields of spectral detection, sensing, and information processing.

Relevant research results were rated as "Top Ten Progress in China's Optics in 2017" and "Top Ten Progress in China's Optics in 2021". In the future, the research team will further develop miniaturized/integrated coherent light sources based on this new technology, and expand its cross-application in the fields of spectral detection, sensing, and information processing.


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Nvidia offers new advanced chip for China that meets U.S. export controls.​

A distributor website in China detailed the specifications of the A800. A comparison of the chip capabilities with the A100 shows that the chip-to-chip data transfer rate is 400 gigabytes per second on the new chip, down from 600 gigabytes per second on the A100. The new rules restrict rates of 600 gigabytes per second and up.
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I advise you one sentence, never believe the words of the leaders of Huawei... except Richard Yu... they are throwing the blind.
there will be another chip system to replace Kirin
That could be true. It seemed Mr.Ren was "bluffing" when he recently said that Huawei was on the life-and-death situation? which contradicts with actual sales/income within the last 3 yrs that showed Huawei was in normal operating mode.. secondly, there is no way China's govt would ever let Huawei die.
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