Chinese semiconductor industry

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The Chinese especially GT (usually the Chinese are not upfront and boastful) are becoming expert in trolling the

Bro, I'm looking forward next year, I'm excited, what IF Huawei release both 14nm 3D chiplet and 7nm chip together with SMIC announcement of 5nm N+3 chip, The American will go the threat and sanction didn't work, an obvious sign of a declining empire and I'm thinking by 2026 the US will isolate themselves like what the Ming and Qing dynasty did, cumulating in the hundred years of humiliation.


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I really wish SMEE will produce DUV this November. China have less time but a tons things to do.
Have faith my Padawan, SMEE SSA800 is a fact (please search for @siegecrossbow post, the closest official confirmation we get) , last year 4 prototypes were produce (for verification), as they verify the machine (fix any technical glitches and improvement) and ramp up production approximately 8-12 will be produce this year and double that next year as U-Precision finished its expansion.


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Great thanks. Looks like the first 2050i was delivered in October of 2020. That would indicate that SN1 is using a combination of 1980i and 2050i. I haven't seen any news of 2100i shipment yet. I would assume 2050i is only used for the "most critical layer".

Do you know if SN1/SN2 are getting all the other equipments they need for expansion?

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Looks like the $1.2 billion was part of a volume purchase from 2018 until 2021. $1.2 billion is only referring to the deliveries in the 12 months prior to March of 2021. So, they have been taking deliveries all the way until end of 2021. It makes sense why they would need to sign an additional contract at end of 2021 for the deliveries this year.
I know SN1 didn't run in full potential due to sanctions. Let's hope domestic equipment catch up quickly.


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It also mean that 5nm is a reality, who would have thought this will happen 2 years ago when SMIC was sanction by the

You know what brother ansy1968?

If this was real warfare, then the internal build up of the EUV research in China, is like preparing for a full frontal attack.

Meanwhile, the production from mature nodes, that is how to outflank them.

Here we have the Americans thinking they are safe.

This is not much of a war the way it is going.

And there is little chance for a course correction.

Maybe we should call it the Gordan Chang disease. Comrade Chang did his job well.



You know, I expected it would be the Japanese who would seize the opportunity to supply China while the Euros folded. Turns out ASML is stiff-arming America as hard as it can while Nikon lays like a useless pile. I guess that's why Japan is such a failure - even when it's presented with a golden opportunity on a silver platter, it has no initiative or gumption.

Well, Japan is practically under the US protection (and also somewhat occupation). Japan has no real foreign policy, whatever the US say to jump, Japan would say "how high"

Netherland is very different country, even the US has got a lot influence on them, but they have their own foreign policy
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