Chinese semiconductor industry

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Is the semiconductor downturn good or bad for china?
it is difficult to predict. The semiconductor downturn is not evenly distributed across sectors, there is still a shortage of mature chips, automakers still can't find enough chips for their cars, and even finding enough chips online is difficult. But it seems like everything high-end and PC is going down not only because of rising interest rates but also because of the bursting of the crypto bubble that will dampen demand for CPUs, GPUs, and motherboards, that's because an average crypto miner consumes many times more parts than a PC gamer, they will also flood the market with cheaper used parts. Most mature factories will probably do just fine. For YMTC we will have to wait. What's really scary is that some factories could start slowing down their expansion thinking a recession is coming before the current shortage subsides, that could create a vicious cycle and even wider shortage.



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What's really scary is that some factories could start slowing down their expansion thinking a recession is coming before the current shortage subsides, that could create a vicious cycle and even wider shortage.​

A side effect of US continuous threatening on semi equipment is that Chinese companies cannot really slowdown expansion, even if the market conditions change for the worse, because there is always the high risk of some new ban from US, and the risk will be even bigger after 2024. So maybe international companies will slowdown expansion, but never the Chinese ones, the danger of a new ban on equipment is too big for them to delay the investment.


Welp, this is the beginning of China's crackdown on the semiconductor industry.
Yup, beginning to vector that fast and dirty power into refined results with no fat.
You can expect to see it go the way of EdTech, Internet Platform, Real Estate, Crypto, Games, etc. Banned, bankrupt, shrinking, and collapsing, mass layoffs, etc. I knew the arrest of this MIIT guy was bad news.
Everything good is cultivated in China and every bad habit and bag of crap is reduced and cut. This is high level refined management.
It seems as I said, the U.S. and China want the same thing for Chinese tech: destruction. Who said relations between the two countries are bad?
No, it is as I said, and as history shows, the CCP keeping activities vectored towards national benefit rather than wild capitalism. Difference is, I'm backed by history and you can only repeat the same wrong crap unable to answer rebuttal.
That's your view. Suffice to say I disagree with every single one of your points, but nothing I say will change your opinion and likely nothing you say will change mine. The only thing that will settle this is history. 15 or 20 more years of these policies and the truth will begin to come into view.
Oh, but you can't have 15-20 years to harp your wrong views unharrassed. We can look 15-20 years into history when the CCP has closely regulated everything leading to China's growth to the top of the world. See? We don't need to wait till 2040; you're shown to be wrong today, right now!
Of course, by that time an epic amount of damage will have been done.
We waited 20 years from the year 2000 hearing from fake patriots like you and the only damage done was to US hegemony and Western dominance.
I will say that I sincerely hope I am wrong, but I fear I am not.
Don't worry, you're always wrong and this will be no exception.
And if I do, will you acknowledge it, or look for a reason for why it doesn't count?
Let's hear it! No guarantees, Mr. Participation Prize.
It's likely a waste of time and a waste of (metaphorical breath).
Every time you post, it is.
As a matter of fact not long ago on the topic of semiconductors I wrote:

Lo and behold,
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have been announced against Chinese chipmakers targeting advanced node production equipment.
That's a statement of fact, not a prediction. And the CCP regulates everything; you can't run wild and do your damage no matter what sector you're in. Why wouldn't they regulate semiconductor development?
I guessed right that people here would find a reason to discount that time. In other words, that this is a waste of time. I've said what I have to say, and I reiterate my prediction that nothing further will change anyone's mind on this topic. If someone is really curious to hear my views in more detail and actually has an open mind and wants to discuss in good faith (and receive the same in return), my PM's are open, or post in this thread saying so, but people who can only offer snarky stuff or put up goalposts that keep moving, are not contributing to a serious or substantive discussion.

No you didn't. Do you really want to know why? And if I tell you why, would you really approach the topic in good faith?
Good faith? LOL Good faith is earned through content, not by begging. And it's not given to people who have never shown good faith coming here pretending to be a Chinese patriot while accusing China of instigating conflict, genocide, creating COVID, and all the while trying to convince people that China can't possibly compete with the US. At least people like Brat and Brumby had to courage to be clear on which side they stood. Every argument you are in, you are defeated, then you simply fail to rebut then repeat the same defeated points later. That kind of "debate" deserves good faith? Why should it be given to you? Just because you begged for it?
Well I agree with you that there is no rational reason for the crackdown. But recently China has been cracking down on any sector of the economy that starts to become successful with little or no reason at all. Regardless of monopolies, and including those that are important for national security and survival, etc.
Oh you see no reason, despite them being pointed out to you. Well, good thing you're not in charge, eh? That's why you don't ask the blind guy for the next chess move... except this blind guy won't shut up about what he can't see.
Which is why China's GDP growth has now slowed down massively.
It's got nothing to do with... COVID?
By the way, monopolies like google, microsoft and apple all operate in China too yet because they are US tech, China has not cracked down on them. They only crackdown on successful Chinese companies, not US ones.
Do you know how many regulations and demands they operate under if American tech companies are allowed at all to operate in China? So many that a good number just quit. This is another case of what you can't see? LOL
The same is true for the US govt. Which is why I say both governments are in a pact to suppress Chinese success in tech.
I see. This is a vision problem. You don't even know how foreign tech companies are handled in China but you debate out of ignorance.
The R&D is funded by the State Council, which is stacked with comrades from the Communist Youth League, the opposing faction of Xi Jinping. Similarly the MIIT guy was from the State Council before. So this is Xi putting the hammer down against Li Keqiang's faction. The more that faction loses power (which may be complete after Li steps down) the more Xi will have a free hand to ban Chinese tech.
Xi has a free hand already to ban anything he sees (although you can't) as a threat to Chinese development as it is. He doesn't jump for joy when he sees weeds growing in his garden.
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Registered Member
Is the semiconductor downturn good or bad for china?
There is a thing called "逆周期投资" meaning invest more during a market down turn. It is famously employed by South Korean, especially Samsung in 1980s, 1990s and 2008. The down turn would reduce the price and profit, forcing many players to reduce production and R&D investment. Samsung by increasing investment and production capacity was making the situation even worse for everybody, some players bankrupted or quit the game like Japan as a whole and US partially. For Samsung it was also a lost. BUT so long as you have a deeper pocket you can withstand the loss, killing everybody else. At the end of the game, you are the only one standing, the next up turn would be all yours to take back your investment. Samsung's deep pocket is SK the state. After these times, Japan is essentially dead and US is severely wounded.

China has a much deeper pocket than South Korea, so China can play the same trick that SK did, only this time SK may become the victim instead of Japan and US.

An example is BOE. Many western smart-xxx were saying BOE was making big loss in its investments, using it as an example of China's inability to climb up the tech ladder. But after so many years loss, see where BOE is? BOE is providing Samsung with panels, pushing Samsung to a "higher end" market sector of panels. That higher end is as high as market of Ferrari but also much smaller than BMW's market.
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By equipment: From January to June in 2022, the domestic production rate of dry degumming, etching and cleaning equipment is relatively high. According to the number of domestic equipment won bids from high to low, the winning bids of domestic manufacturers of different process equipment are as follows: etching equipment (44 units), deposition equipment (29 units), furnace tube equipment (26 units), dry degumming equipment (25 units) sets), front-end testing equipment (11 sets), polishing equipment (9 sets), cleaning equipment (19 sets), ion implanters (7 sets), back-channel testing equipment (12 sets), glue coating and developing equipment (6 sets) ), lithography machine (1 set). Among them, the links with high domestic production rate are mainly dry degumming equipment (81% domestic production rate), etching equipment (54%), polishing equipment (43%), cleaning equipment (58%), and glue developing equipment (35.3%).
This along with the EDA post are probably the more important pieces of info about the sector / instead we have pages of emotional conjecture that doesn’t go anywhere. I wish the mods would just purge the other posts.


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Pretty good video, and I agree with his conclusion that the only thing the U.S. can really do is stop ASML from selling China DUV's to stall for time. The question is how long can the U.S. stall for and would it be enough for U.S. semiconductor companies to become the new leading edge. Personally, I don't think the U.S. will fail in stalling for time.
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