Chinese semiconductor industry

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I take an even broader view. Great nations fall from within, not from without. The key to winning a great power struggle always starts with investment within oneself. It's wiser for China to expend its resources elevating China than to take down the US. The same goes for the US. America should be focusing on elevating American industries than to prevent China from developing Chinese ones.
It is impossible for US to compete in the longer run just by sheer numbers. With a much smaller population with a lower average IQ, the number of people needed will not be enough and the US surely know this. The US will have to struggle for keeping the country together with all its problem and there will be less and less chances for elevating American Industries.


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It is impossible for US to compete in the longer run just by sheer numbers. With a much smaller population with a lower average IQ, the number of people needed will not be enough and the US surely know this. The US will have to struggle for keeping the country together with all its problem and there will be less and less chances for elevating American Industries.
lower average IQ? That is a very racist thing to say. Keep in mind that America benefits from a huge import of talent from other countries. There are reasons that US might struggle, but low IQ is definitely not one of them.

Anyhow, just pointing out how vital China is to the World semiconductor supply chain. And I don't recommend them sanctioning anyone.
From Korea
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“The 228 items include 133 in which South Korea is vulnerable in terms of supply chain stability and those imported from China account for no less than 95.4 percent of the 133 items,” it said.
“It should be noted that China is currently the second-largest exporter to South Korea as for 18 semiconductor materials,” it said, adding, “The ratio of semiconductor materials imported from China rose from 12.7 percent to 24.2 percent from 2010 to 2021, which means U.S.-China trade disputes and global supply chain failures that may cause a limited trade in the industry may lead to serious production setbacks on the part of South Korean semiconductor suppliers.”
Again, China is becoming a more critical part of the semiconductor supply chain. All these national security types in America continue to ignore the fact that their complaints about relying on China is going nowhere, because China is not actually stopping the supply to anyone. Quite the opposite. More upstream semiconductor firms find that they need the more efficient Chinese imports to compete internationally. If American firms like Intel are forced to not use Chinese materials, then they will just fall further behind TSMC and Samsung.


Comparing and contrasting the telecom-equipment industry and the semiconductor industry to understand the process of indigenous innovation, or lack thereof, shed light on the institutional foundations of indigenous innovation in China.
The semiconductor industry clearly demonstrates policy failures of this type in that government initiatives targeting new technologies have repeatedly led to the abandonment of older programs and firms (e.g., Huajing), resulting in discontinuities in technological accumulation and limited progress. But similar failures have been observed in many industries under heavy government intervention, especially the well-known problems of foreign technology dependence in China’s JV automobile industries.
The keys to indigenous innovation are, first, the devolution of strategic control to autonomous business enterprises that can engage in domestic and global competition, and second, the exercise of strategic control by business executives who have both the ability and incentives to allocate corporate resources to investment in innovation.
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It is impossible for US to compete in the longer run just by sheer numbers. With a much smaller population with a lower average IQ, the number of people needed will not be enough and the US surely know this. The US will have to struggle for keeping the country together with all its problem and there will be less and less chances for elevating American Industries.
Dude let keep this thread semiconductor related. I don't want the mods to lock this thread.


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Huaxin Zhenbang Dry Etching Machine Bidding Project Evaluation Results Announced​

The evaluation results of the dry etching machine bidding project of Guangxi Huaxin Zhenbang Semiconductor Co., Ltd. were announced. The winning candidate was Beijing North Huachuang Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "North China"). Creation"), the subject matter is a dry etching machine.

NAURA’s official website shows that its main business is semiconductor equipment, vacuum equipment, new energy lithium battery equipment and precision components, involving plasma etching equipment (Etcher), physical vapor deposition equipment (PVD), and oxidation diffusion equipment (Oxide/Diff) etc., to provide solutions for semiconductors, new energy, new materials and other fields.

According to incomplete statistics from, in the second quarter of this year, NAURA won a total of 80 equipment bids, including metal backside PVD equipment, metal etching machines, metal plasma etching machines, and aluminum metal physical vapor deposition machines. On July 1, NAURA won the bid for Shanghai Xinsheng Semiconductor's epitaxial reactor procurement project, involving one epitaxial reactor. (Proofreading/Winfred)


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Xinyuanwei (KingSemi): Q2 front-end field orders are rapidly increasing, and orders are currently full​

Xinyuanwei pointed out in the newly disclosed investor relations activity record that the company's Q2 new orders have maintained a trend of rapid growth, and the previous field has achieved rapid volume, There are currently full orders in hand.

In response to the investor's question about "How is the demand for power devices this year, and how is the company's previous Track introduction?", it said that the demand for power devices is still relatively strong this year, and the company's previous Track has begun to receive batches in the field of power devices. However, the introduction of power device manufacturers such as Silan Micro, China Resources Micro, Beijing Yandong, Qingdao Xinen and other power device manufacturers is good. In June this year, the company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Xiamen Silan Jike, and will continue to maintain a deep and good cooperative relationship in the future.

Xinyuan Micro said that the company's front track is progressing smoothly in the storage plant. The leading domestic storage manufacturers have obtained repeated orders in small batches, and other domestic storage manufacturers have also achieved batch sales.

In addition, Xinyuanwei pointed out that the demand for Krf and ArFi in the domestic market is relatively high. With the continuous iteration of technology, there will be more and more offline applications. In general, the company's products can already cover KrF and below nodes, and this part of the domestic market space accounts for 50-60% of the overall domestic demand.

In terms of the supply of upstream components, Xinyuanwei said that the components that are currently in short supply are mainly conventional components such as valves and ultra-clean pipes, but the current delivery cycle of related products has been eased. At the same time, the company's product standardization is progressing well, and a rolling pre-investment method has been adopted for some parts that are in short supply to ensure the supply.

In response to the construction progress of the Lingang project, Xinyuanwei said that the overall design and land piling of the Lingang project have been completed, and construction has now started. Although the progress was slightly delayed due to the impact of the Shanghai epidemic, the overall construction will continue to advance to a high standard as originally planned.


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i have read all your massages in this thread. you are wrong here.

in first 6 months of 2022, ASML delivered 24 DUVs to Chinese mainland chip firms. in past 3 years China purchased tons of DUVs from Japan , ASML and second hand machines as well. first time in history China surpassed Taiwan and south Korea to become the largest customer of ASML in 2022. accounts their 34 percent sales. yes 34 percent . ASML also announced to hire 200 engineers for their Shanghai office. China have shit tons of DUVs. let ASML block DUV sales. EU already struggling with economy and inflation and huge pressure on EURO as well. so there will be hardly any affects on China IC companies.

i m little busy right now. but soon will tell you the real progress of indigenous DUV. we have a good news in Q42022 related domestically produce DUV.

so nothing will happen. let ASML block DUV.
Hi, could you elaborate how you come up with 24 ASML DUV for the first six months of 2022? ASML has not announced its Q2 results yet. Perhaps you meant 24 in Q1?

China has the largest ASML revenue share in Q1. But ASML shipment varies quite drastically QoQ. It’s not accurate to claim that China has biggest litho share for entire 2022 based on a single quarter result.

Could you also share highlights (no need for detail right now) of this Q42022 domestic DUV news that you are expecting?
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