Chinese semiconductor industry

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But regardless of the actual outcome, Micron already accomplished their purpose of keeping JHICC from fulfilling their intention to get into the DRAM space.
The memory industry is a cartel. The big three (Samsung, Hynix, Micron) stomp down anyone who tries to out compete them in all sorts of ways.
This includes lawfare, which is their preferred tactic, stealing other people's IP without paying for it, and dumping.


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ICRD will not be producing chips for Huawei. They do not produce chips for sale. They basically help the industry qualify their process development. From what I understand they are helping HLMC develop their 14nm FinFET process and helping other Chinese companies validate their materials and tools in an environment which is as close to an actual production line as possible.
ICRD joint venture with Huawei to setup a new domestic equipment's fab with 20,000 wafer per month production rate. I think should be ready next few months.


Registered Member
ICRD joint venture with Huawei to setup a new domestic equipment's fab with 20,000 wafer per month production rate. I think should be ready next few months.
@foofy Sir good day, about the JV FAB with SMIC a rumor? and also the progress about SMIC Beijing FAB, will it be operation this year?


2025 for a prototype is possible. that would have to be the case to build it up to be at the current asml EUV production systems. it took asml more decade to go from shipping prototype to the latest production system.
China already had a demonstration prototype in 2017. Perhaps not a production capable unit but the idea that Chinese industry is starting from scratch is a bit facile.

ASML took a decade to get EUV to production because it took a decade to drive up the power of the light source enough to make sense for the production economics. No need to mystify EUV’s incubation period around some obscure notion of difficulty. The actual technical challenge ASML faced are well documented. The key question is how well equipped Chinese industry is to tackle those same challenges and how quickly they can do it. ASML took ten years but the literature on EUV is not stuck in 2006, nor are the component technologies that made EUV finally production viable, and China isn’t starting from nothing.


China already had a demonstration prototype in 2017. Perhaps not a production capable unit but the idea that Chinese industry is starting from scratch is a bit facile.

ASML took a decade to get EUV to production because it took a decade to drive up the power of the light source enough to make sense for the production economics. No need to mystify EUV’s incubation period around some obscure notion of difficulty. The actual technical challenge ASML faced are well documented. The key question is how well equipped Chinese industry is to tackle those same challenges and how quickly they can do it. ASML took ten years but the literature on EUV is not stuck in 2006, nor are the component technologies that made EUV finally production viable, and China isn’t starting from nothing.

I gather that, from his post, hvpc for some reason looks at China's Semiconductor Equipment development from a very low base with just a few scientific papers to show for without anything tangible.

I'm not sure he is aware that those scientific papers frequently involve test proofing with real physical working equipment.
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Junior Member
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China already had a demonstration prototype in 2017. Perhaps not a production capable unit but the idea that Chinese industry is starting from scratch is a bit facile.

ASML took a decade to get EUV to production because it took a decade to drive up the power of the light source enough to make sense for the production economics. No need to mystify EUV’s incubation period around some obscure notion of difficulty. The actual technical challenge ASML faced are well documented. The key question is how well equipped Chinese industry is to tackle those same challenges and how quickly they can do it. ASML took ten years but the literature on EUV is not stuck in 2006, nor are the component technologies that made EUV finally production viable, and China isn’t starting from nothing.
May I ask what is your definition of ”production capable” is? Based on your perspective, when do you think SMEE production capable system will be available?

side question, anyone know how big the SMEE engineering team is? How many dedicated to immersion, how many for EUV? I’m just curious.


Registered Member
May I ask what is your definition of ”production capable” is? Based on your perspective, when do you think SMEE production capable system will be available?

side question, anyone know how big the SMEE engineering team is? How many dedicated to immersion, how many for EUV? I’m just curious.
@hvpc bro you left out CAS (China Academy of Science), HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology), Tsinghua U (SSMB) and CIOMP. SMEE is an integrator , this scientific Institution is where the miracle of dreams are being done. And lest we forget CETC, it's more than an integrator, they're doing research and are producing actual components and IC equipment.

From info given by our esteem members, there is a need to ramp up the production of key components like UPrecision DUAL Bench, like ASML, SMEE is having a supply chain issue as they (component producers) established a production line dedicated for the new Immersion DUVL.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
@hvpc bro you left out CAS (China Academy of Science), HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology), Tsinghua U (SSMB) and CIOMP.
i am sure many are involved in the innovation. But you do realize the industry also work with many research organizations, right?

for now, I’m just curious how many are responsible for integrating all the innovations together and to make it production worthy.

I am not trying to debate you. I’m just trying to calibrate info I have. Perhaps the SMEE team is larger than my assumption, in which case I should re-calibrate my own speculations.

I just feel like you all think things are fairly simple and basically belittling what my peers in the fabs and the WFE companies and i had labored through for years and years. So our expertise, experience through trial and error, and our hardwork are basically of little worth and can be easily duplicated?
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