Chinese semiconductor industry

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What do you make of this paper?
It seems enormously significant to me as a layman, but I'd like to hear from someone with experience in the industry like yours

Those are the expected results from a size perspective.

LW is the line width, which is in the tens of nm (22-68 nm)

LER is line error roughness. that's the deviation from straightness of a feature, not the feature size itself, and note how they're limited at around 2-3 nm. So errors get bigger relative to feature size as you move down in process.

What they're doing in that paper is developing an EUV photoresist with high resolution and testing a measurement platform. many photoresists in use now for ArF processes are polymeric resists which are easy to coat (spin coating the polymer solution) but have a resolution problem.

Let's take a positive photoresist - where exposed, it becomes more soluble. These contain a photoacid generator (PAG) which is an organic molecule that turns into a water soluble acid when exposed to UV light. This acid either directly dissolves away as part of the photoresist, or reacts with the photoresist.

Here's the problem - many organic molecules are soluble in polymers due to their loose pack molecular structure and similar chemical properties. So they'll move over time. Even motion of a few nm means that the edge of the exposed feature is no longer sharp. So for EUV, they need to develop a photoresist specifically for high resolution EUV processes.

Indeed. This paper is on the development of EUV resist. From the images provided, I would say this resist is not very impressive.

It's easy to achieve good imaging performance in terms of CD uniformity and Line Edge roughness with very high dose. As you can see at the smallest line width, the dose is is 290mJ. EUV resist in use in production today is roughly between 20 to 50mJ. Scanner throughput is inversely proportional to dose. For exmaple, running at 40mJ means the throughput would be half of that if run with 20mJ.

Currently the industry is working toward higher contrast resist that could provide good imaging performance at low dose. This paper showing results with dose from 80mJ and up is hardly anything to gloat about.

Furthermore, the SEM images show linewidth down to 22nm...but the problem is this is not 1:1 pitch (e.g. 44nm pitch). The pitch size appears to be >100nm. All of these are worse than existing EUV resist in production.

Lastly, there's a big difference between demonstrating performance of imaging via SEM image than actual production capability. I would chalk this one up as a mere research paper on their progress...and nothing to be too excited about.


Registered Member
Indeed. This paper is on the development of EUV resist. From the images provided, I would say this resist is not very impressive.

It's easy to achieve good imaging performance in terms of CD uniformity and Line Edge roughness with very high dose. As you can see at the smallest line width, the dose is is 290mJ. EUV resist in use in production today is roughly between 20 to 50mJ. Scanner throughput is inversely proportional to dose. For exmaple, running at 40mJ means the throughput would be half of that if run with 20mJ.

Currently the industry is working toward higher contrast resist that could provide good imaging performance at low dose. This paper showing results with dose from 80mJ and up is hardly anything to gloat about.

Furthermore, the SEM images show linewidth down to 22nm...but the problem is this is not 1:1 pitch (e.g. 44nm pitch). The pitch size appears to be >100nm. All of these are worse than existing EUV resist in production.

Lastly, there's a big difference between demonstrating performance of imaging via SEM image than actual production capability. I would chalk this one up as a mere research paper on their progress...and nothing to be too excited about.
Is not about the paper, we know this is just R&D. Is about were discussing that they are not waiting for a miracle that ASML will ship the scanner to China but they have the ability to research and develop materials like photoresist and components like mirrors for EUV without having a EUV scanner or an EUV light source.

AND YES Is something that i consider to be excited about it.


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I don't think anyone is certain. It's just rumors.

What are your friends thoughts of SMIC and the impact of US sanctions to their bottom line? Are they still able to expand?
I can't comment for my friends. But from my research, SMIC has record revenue and 40% Gross margin in their latest financial report, which is very impressive. If looking at their financial reports these few quarters, it's apparent SMIC is growing quite quickly but at the moment mostly on 40nm and above. Their 28nm and below revenue in terms of overall revenue share has not increased by much...but revenue is growing indeed.

I'm sure SMIC will continue to chug forward on developing 7nm and even 5nm despite of no EUV systems. It can be done but will be quite complex. They will continue to push their limits while taking advantage of the supply constraint in the 28nm and up process nodes. All SMIC's recent expansion plan, which is quite large, are all for 28nm and above.


Registered Member
Indeed. This paper is on the development of EUV resist. From the images provided, I would say this resist is not very impressive.

It's easy to achieve good imaging performance in terms of CD uniformity and Line Edge roughness with very high dose. As you can see at the smallest line width, the dose is is 290mJ. EUV resist in use in production today is roughly between 20 to 50mJ. Scanner throughput is inversely proportional to dose. For exmaple, running at 40mJ means the throughput would be half of that if run with 20mJ.

Currently the industry is working toward higher contrast resist that could provide good imaging performance at low dose. This paper showing results with dose from 80mJ and up is hardly anything to gloat about.

Furthermore, the SEM images show linewidth down to 22nm...but the problem is this is not 1:1 pitch (e.g. 44nm pitch). The pitch size appears to be >100nm. All of these are worse than existing EUV resist in production.

Lastly, there's a big difference between demonstrating performance of imaging via SEM image than actual production capability. I would chalk this one up as a mere research paper on their progress...and nothing to be too excited about.
Another thing that intrigue, at lest me is the idea of SSMB as light source because ASML was having a LOT of trouble reaching 20mJ and this synchrotron is bombarding this photoresist with 290 mJ.


Registered Member
Is not about the paper, we know this is just R&D. Is about were discussing that they are not waiting for a miracle that ASML will ship the scanner to China but they have the ability to research and develop materials like photoresist and components like mirrors for EUV without having a EUV scanner or an EUV light source.

AND YES Is something that i consider to be excited about it.
I wouldn't take anything Sleepy says too seriously. The paper is clearly about the photoresist inspection equipment - in those circumstances you want to produce the sharpest images possible to test how well your inspection platform performs. This is not a test of the photoresists themselves; those are just used to provide sample images. The paper concludes that the inspection platform has reached the required level for first generation EUVL (7nm).
??? so you are hating on the new kid on the block? so, new guy can't have an opinion?
New people are always welcome and everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's just that you're not "new."


Junior Member
Registered Member
Another thing that intrigue, at lest me is the idea of SSMB as light source because ASML was having a LOT of trouble reaching 20mJ and this synchrotron is bombarding this photoresist with 290 mJ.
Indeed. 290mJ exposure is definitely impressive :)...that is if this can be maintained through optical paths of a production scanner. I don't know about EUV scanners, but DUV scanners I worked with, the amount of energy that gets to the resist is like 1 or 2% of the original power that comes from the light source. I couldn't tell from the paper what kind of exposure setup or conditions was used to achieve 290mJ power at the resist level.
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