Chinese semiconductor industry

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A brief summary of Huahong, and how it's different from SMIC. Apparently Huahong's focus are specialty chips such as RF and IGBTs, compared to SMIC's focus on logic chips.

Also, SMIC's 7nm process is effectively complete, and production should start by Q2 2022 by the latest. The delays are caused by equipment and supply shortages, which sanctions have played a role. If things go smoothly, SMIC should be the first manufacture to mass produce 5nm DUV chips.


Registered Member

A brief summary of Huahong, and how it's different from SMIC. Apparently Huahong's focus are specialty chips such as RF and IGBTs, compared to SMIC's focus on logic chips.
@GodRektsNoobs bro what about Hua Li? this is good news , it meant they're trying to fill up all the gaps and the De-Americanization strategy is growing apace.
Also, SMIC's 7nm process is effectively complete, and production should start by Q2 2022 by the latest. The delays are caused by equipment and supply shortages, which sanctions have played a role. If things go smoothly, SMIC should be the first manufacture to mass produce 5nm DUV chips.
So SMIC 7nm N+2 had finished its trial production and the yield must be good, within the next 2 months we shall see its mass production.:) With the way things are progressing in geopolitics, the US realized that its persuasive powers has its limits and ASML will push back hard with EU support, the SMEE SSA 800 Regarding the possibility of SMIC DUVL 5nm chips, IF true it confirm @foofy post that SMIC had received an ASML NXT 2050i DUVL machine.:cool:

Since we are on topic of 5nm chip, IF the US do succeed in restricting the export of the latest ASML DUVL machine, by 2023 with SMIC experience (5nm Chip) and collaboration with SMEE or CETC, we may see an advance iteration of SSA800 AKA SSA 900 22nm DUVL comparable to NXT 2050i and the incoming Nikon DUVL. Just a speculation BUT it's China, they can make the impossible
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