And a Happy new Year to you too bro, Right and it's just basic science and engineering PLUS investment, I always like to quote our esteem member @BoraTas "Physic is the same in Amsterdam as in Beijing", It's man made therefore achievable.You know what brother? Happy New Year! I think we said that already, but who cares, we can say it again!
Just my speculation about this IC thingy with the EUV, that if China tried to copy what the ASML machine could do, then I think it would have taken forever for them to make an EUV machine.
If the Chinese decided to just go try on their own, and forget about ASML, and if they should have a breakthrough, then I think it would be very fast for them to build an EUV.
@horse right on bro, China already had the critical parts needed (optics and lenses), the only problem are the light sources and end user feedback. They had cover all grounds regarding the former, with DPP, LPP and now SSMB. It maybe wasteful BUT it's better than spending on speculative finance and real estate. And those R&D is a breeding ground for the new generation of engineers.In the former process, they would need to know every secret ingredient there is to make that work, and those are tightly guarded trade secrets.
If they go out on their own and try to do it and breakthrough, then just keep going with it. It's strange, but once on the right track, it keeps going.
The report earlier today published on New Year's from a Chinese translation, claims breakthroughs in core technologies in EUV, a couple of which were reported on state media in China.
The question is to what to make of this plan? Is it just a theoretical plan drawn on a napkin? Or is it a real plan that they will pursue, because the science is there?
If it was back of a napkin, then that plan is 30% done or lower.
But now, I would have to think this plan reported today, that is around 50%. If it tips further, then it is real.
They said that something was reported on TV. If they saw it on TV, it has to be true, as that movie said.