Chinese semiconductor industry

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@tokenanalyst bro a technical question, using SSMB require another set of chemical material and masking? or the same with the current available EUVL materials?
I don't think will required another set of chemicals or masking, is the same ligth just produced another way. Is cleaner that is for sure and doesn't require the same debris cleaning system that ASML uses to clean their collector mirror.


Monthly salaries in some Chinese semiconductor companies. I see my former company here too.
View attachment 80637

You sure it's monthly - e.g. $68000 a month? Or there is a mistake on the picture and there should be RMB instead of a $ sign (still very high though but wouldn't surprise me)?

The significance of this news is that it suggests that the compensation level in Chinese semiconductor industry across the board has improved substantially. It's been a long-standing complaint in China that the industry could not attract talents due to its relatively low pay, particularly when compared to the internet and software industry. The figures above suggest they are a lot closer now to the internet and software companies.

Last year, Chinese government reclassified semiconductor and IC to class-1 subject from class-2 in Chinese college and graduate education. This would lead to higher resource allocation and status. It was part of China's effort to restructure and improve the end-to-end semiconductor industry and its supply chain, from education, R&D, investment, to production. These kind of news might not attract the eyeballs as those like EUV-by-2023, but they will have a long-lasting effect.
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  • EUV is not unknown to the Chinese technicians working on it.
  • DUV already exists in China.
  • The major differences between EUV and DUV is still the light source.

The theory is public, but the devil is in the details. Knowing the public details would be enough to speed up research somewhat but EUV is way, way, more complicated than DUV. There are no EUV machines in operation in China they can examine either.

DUV already is available for inspection in China but EUV is totally different. And you can't say it is just a matter of the light source. The way the light source itself operates is totally different from DUV. You need to hit tin droplets in flight with laser pulses. The way the light is focused is totally different with mirrors instead of lenses, once again a different skillset.

The mask materials and the resist aren't the same either.
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