First let us not make this a racial thing, Russian sources are not a generalization, say this report.
first i ask you since you might not agree, this
is JF-17 a fighter where there was no Russian input?
Now this translation is from google but you have to understand what Russian sources say and we will use another report
The deal is facing opposition from Russian aircraft manufacturers, such as Mikhail Pogosyan, the head of the MiG and Sukhoi aviation holding, who said that the FC-1 is extremely close, if not the same, as the Russian-made MiG-29. Pogosyan claimed that FC-1 is a direct competitor to Russia's MiG-29 and the deal would incur losses for the Russian manufacturers. A source quoted by the Kommersant newspaper said there are significant price differences keeping the US$10-million Chinese jets much cheaper than a $35-million Russian MiG-29. Also, representatives from Russian Defense Export said that there was nothing wrong with re-exporting, which is in accordance with the decision of the Russian government. They added that there is no law that says there should be any agreement with Russian manufacturers citing the example of RD-33 that was re-exported to Egypt and was given permission by the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation in 2007. These engines are sold to ...
check the video
plus i do not know the extend of Russian help to China throught out SIbnia Chengdu is claimed to have been help
however Но мы далее, для избегания путаницы, будем вес же придерживаться традиционных для нас стандартов. Согласно недавно обнародованным воспоминаниям Лю By Чуэня, ветерана входящего в Чэндунскую авиастроительную корпорацию САС проектного института (Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute. CADI, известен также как 611-й Институт), именно в 1989 г. коллективы 611-го и 601-го институтов (второй ныне является подразделением Шэньянской авиастроительной корпорации. SAC) приступили к работам по программе под кодовым названием «2-03». Лю By упоминает; что в июле 1993 с китайская сторона подписала соглашение о сотрудничестве с российским институтом ЦАГИ и АНПК «МиГ» - речь шла о передаче опыта разработки самолетов с использованием систем автоматизированного проектирования и различного расчетного и моделирующего программного обеспечения. Вскоре массированный десант из нескольких десятков российских специалистов прибыл в Китай. С китайской стороны в программе принимало участие 120 инженеров и ученых из многих профильных организаций. Этот интенсивный «обмен опытом» продолжался до февраля 1994 г:
But we're on, to avoid confusion , we will stick with the same weight of our traditional standards. According to a recently released memoirs By Lu Chuan , a veteran entering the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation CAC Design Institute (Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute. CADI, also known as the 611 th Institute ) , namely in 1989, teams of the 611 th and 601 institutions ( second now is a division of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation . SAC) began work on the program , code-named " 2-03 ." By Liu mentions , that in July 1993, with the Chinese side has signed a cooperation agreement with the Russian Institute of TsAGI and ANPK "MiG" - it was about the transfer of experience in the development of aircraft using computer-aided design and various design and modeling software . Soon a massive landing of several dozen Russian experts arrived in China . On the Chinese side took part in the program 120 engineers and scientists from many professional societies . This intensive " exchange of experience" lasted until February 1994
I do not know if the FC-1 has some russian pedigree to the level Pogyiosan called it a "copy"
Direct competitor is different from direct copy. It seems that some people confuse the two intentionally or not... I have not found any reference suggesting FC-1 is a copy of MIG 29.
Again, anyone who claims/claimed the Chinese CV as Shi Lang cannot be trusted. The CV has never ever ever been named "Shi Lang". The term Shi Lang only appeared on-line as a plain suggestion. Anyone who took it as official and actually began to use it openly simply lacks any ability to differentiate between internet rumor and facts. How can these people be trusted is simply beyond me... The fact that they still use "Shi Lang" long after the official name of the CV had been known suggests that these people are simply poorly informed.