1. If China's problem really is production rate, then they can simply invest the money that then perhaps they should invest the money in expansion of a production line itself or upgrading those old Su-27 rather than retiring them. With their huge variety of programs, there is no reason for 601 to be stuck due to shortage of options.
Investing in increasing SAC's production will take how many years to reap a greater effective production rate?
Upgrading those old Su-27s to further divert SAC's resources from J-11B/15/16 production and its numerous other programs?
There's no shame in buying russian.
2. None of the technologies on the Russian jet is used by the Chinese. But how much of technologies does China need? 117S? China did not buy it when it was offered to them during Zhuhai 2012. Radar? China has tested multiple AESA radars and judging from both the manufacturers' claims, it is not needed. Rear facing radar? If the PLAAF has the option to choose its AESA radars through competition and selection, a rear facing radar shouldn't be hard to hammer out. Ability to use multiple types of weapons? J-15 and J-16 does that. Even if the irbis e has an advantage over hte AESA in testing, then that gap would be small and the Chinese would definitely have a better option sooner or later.
I believe the PLAAF acquiring Su-35 is not because Su-35 is necessarily "superior" to existing SAC flankers, but rather they just want to make up the numbers because their own producit cannot produce enough in the projected procurement schedule. the fact that Su-35 has certain superior capabilities which SAC flankers lack is merely incidental.
So I feel like there are two sides to my argument:
1: Su-35 is superior to current and near term SAC flankers in kinematics, electronics, weapons suite
2: The reason PLAAF are procuring Su-35s IS NOT exclusively due to the above reasons, but more to make up a shortfall in numbers. That is to say, if Sukhoi didn't have Su-35 but a plane more like J-11B (lacking Al-41, rear facing radar, etc), PLAAF may still have gone for it, just to make up SAC's own slow producit
3. Russia's jet is simply too similar to the J-11B to make much of a difference or change in procurement patterns.
That doesn't even make sense.
Even if the J-11B doesn't have a comparable engine or rear facing radar, that difference should be rendered null when it comes to how much money China has to pay compared to how much it can spend upgrading her own fleet.
How will upgrading the existing fleet of J-11Bs or trying to add airframe hours to old J-11As or SKs solve the problem that SAC simply can't produce enough flankers for the PLAAF in the time scale?
You mentioned investing to increase production rate.
Fine good. It may take 5 years for that to kick in.
But PLAAF sees a shortfall in flankers after just 3 years. How will they solve that?
4. China's MoD made it clear. It not only stated that such reports were untrue, but also that the plane did not fit China's situation.
The fact that a chinese delegation recently viewed an Su-35 performing for them suggests otherwise.
I don't believe as of yet the PLAAF will necessarily buy Su-35s, but bad timing + SAC's own slow produciton rate makes a compelling reason. the fact that Su-35 is better than SAC flankers is almost irrelevant.