No i am sure you are an expert specially bringing high school issues to other trying to triple bully me as they did to you at high school.Well, I'm not the one who's trying to tell people how to be a better writer... and you are the one who brought up the fanboy issue and tried to blame everyone here as fanboys.
These days any one can write, i write articles about aviation in Spanish, what that makes me an expert?
I am a fanboy too at heart, always be, as long as I am not a engineer in aerodynamics, pilot of an specific fighter of expert in avionics or armament but if i really was that i would never talk, i do not think they will allow me.
Why i trust Russian press releases? because many come from manufacturers , designers and i watch many in Russia language that talk about Su-35 or PAKFA, if that makes me a fanboy so be it, but still i know both Lockheed and Sukhoi have biases.