Why didn't they just pay cash up front then instead of purchasing a logistics problem? I do agree on the second part though. Russian engine tech isn't too much better nowadays. Their best stuff is built on 70s tech and they lost a lot of know how and skills to Ukraine.
1. the Chinese would be loath to be seen paying cash for no goods in return.
2. The Russians would make it a point for the Chinese to be seen buying the Su-35, because china is no ordinary fighter customer, but a up and coming superpower with a formidable military aircraft industry of her own capable of supplying many of the very same customers to whom the Russians may hope to sell the su-35. What can give su-35 more credibility than if even the Chinese are buying the planes for themselves?
Keep in mind the hot section of the most advanced fighter engine operating today were but designed in the early 1980s. Having engine technology comparable to those of Cold War superpowers of the 1970s is nothing to laugh at. Engine design is a very specialized skill set that does not benefit much from general advancement in overall technology. It is a indication of just how much the Cold war superpowers invested in this specialized field that that their design from 40 years ago still have no real rivals from other countries even today.
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