Chinese purchase of Su-35


The J-15 take off from the chinese carrier uses Al-31 why?

Simple. The planes are usable so China is putting them to good use. There are J-15s flying with WS-10H as well.

J-15 flying with Al-31 does not make your statement about WS-10 not in production any less false, as WS-10 is already in mass production equipping J-11Bs.



Not only that, but WS-10A is satisfactory enough to be flown on a single engine prototype, as picture of J-10B below shows.


it is very hilarious you said Al-31s are pure replacement engines when the latest Su-33/J-15 uses Al-31 wow not for replacement for sure

It is very hilarious that you made the above statement as those J-15s have been flying long before China procured any Al-31F replacement engines. The latest J-15s are flying with WS-10H, and has done so for a while. This blows your theory about J-15 needing Al-31 out of the water.


Senior Member
Then for the next 2 paragraph it is pretty much insulting the Chinese... how they will reverse engineer it.. and the only way to get around this is by NOT selling it to China or sell them a downgraded version.

I think someone forget that this is a buyer's market, the seller is NOT in the position to make any demands, but yet, they got a very funny sales strategy, on one hand claim the customers are interested, on the other hand claim the customers have no honor that they will steal it is technology. In the main while the customer have not even spoken a single word.

That's just Russia saying they know well Su35 won't have any sale to China or any other countries for that matter. They just want to preempt any talk that it's because Su35 is an obsolete waste of money, saying instead it's because it's too advanced & they want to protect the technologies. :)
Pathetic isn't it how low, in many ways, the once mighty Soviet arms industry has fallen.


Banned Idiot
Simple. The planes are usable so China is putting them to good use. There are J-15s flying with WS-10H as well.
haha why do not you post latest Su-33/J-15 taking off from the chinese carrier with Al-31 according to you the Al-31 were pure replacements, since 117S has been already surpassed , let us see in few years but a test aircraft on a carrier with Al-31s shows how reliable is Al-31 with respect WS-10, unless the other jet uses WS-10 i would say the operational J-15 will use Al-31s till the WS-10 is ready


Banned Idiot
It is very hilarious that you made the above statement as those J-15s have been flying long before China procured any Al-31F replacement engines. The latest J-15s are flying with WS-10H, and has done so for a while. This blows your theory about J-15 needing Al-31 out of the water.

Show it in the aircraft carrier J-15s yeah those Al-31 were canabilized or new? replacements or new are you afraid of the pictures of the new Su-33/J-15 why do not post the pictures


haha why do not you post latest Su-33/J-15 taking off from the chinese carrier with Al-31 according to you the Al-31 were pure replacements, since 117S has been already surpassed , let us see in few years but a test aircraft on a carrier with Al-31s shows how reliable is Al-31 wih respect WS-10, unless the other jet uses WS-10 i would say the operational J-15 will use Al-31s till the WS-10 is ready

Here is a picture J-15, and it does not use Al-31 proving how wrong you are.

There is no need to wait a few years, as the fact is that J-15 is already flying with WS-10H engines. This and the fact that the single engine J-10B also uses WS-10A say that the WS-10 series engine is reliable.

No matter how much you repeat the same lies, you cannot defeat the fact that WS-10 is in mass production.




Show it in the aircraft carrier J-15s yeah those Al-31 were canabilized or new? replacements or new are you afraid of the pictures of the new Su-33/J-15 why do not post the pictures

I know you are afraid to acknowledge facts, but no Al-31 can be found in the J-15 shown in the following picture.


Banned Idiot
Here is a picture J-15, and it does not use Al-31 proving how wrong you are.

There is no need to wait a few years, as the fact is that J-15 is already flying with WS-10H engines. This and the fact that the single engine J-10B also uses WS-10A say that the WS-10 series engine is reliable.

No matter how much you repeat the same lies, you cannot defeat the fact that WS-10 is in mass production.
haha then why change the Ws-10 and re-engine it with Al-31 for take off from the Aircraft carrier?

let me see, the carrier has a sky jump that requieres the Su-33 to take off with max power. so why use Al-31 instead of Ws-10, let me see, you said J-15 did not use Al-31, but this new one does why?

second thoughts after tests?

Al-31 has less thrust than WS-10 is not it?

So tell me why?

Russia knows perfectly 117S could be copied, they know China needs Al-31s, but you said no more J-15s with Al-31s, but the main russian concern is sales Russia wants to offer in the international market better products to sell their jets


Senior Member
Those early J-15 prototype already fitted with AL-31F engines. Why bother to switch to WS-10H? You think switching engine without incurring additional cost? As I say, PLA is still very prudent in spending money. Why would they switch out the early J-15 prototype AL-31F engines and put WS-10H without any good reason?

The serial production J-15 painted in light grey naval color are all fitted with WS-10H engines. Because WS-10H offer higher thrust and offer higher take off weight. Test plane do not need to take off with max weight therefore AL-31F engines are perfectly fine for its role of J-15 testing. But operational J-15 will definitely fitted with only WS-10H.


Senior Member
haha then why change the Ws-10 and re-engine it with Al-31 for take off from the Aircraft carrier?

If you bother to look at the pictures, the plane take off and landing are pt 552 and pt 553. They are never fitted with WS-10H.