Chinese OS and software ecosystem


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Even Google as search engine is garbage right. If Huawei/Baidu offers an English alternative it will do very well even if it lacks an App Library as comprehensive as Google
I literally use Yandex Image search because Google Images just doesn't work anymore.

As for google search, I dunno how to describe it but it feels like the actual results we get are very limited. Like Google just selected twenty high traffic websites that paid them so they can be shown up and you don't see the rest. Like it feels like Im getting a real search if you know what I mean. This becomes very apparent when you search up stuff related to sensitive issues on China. Lets say Im genuinely interested in Uighur culture, most of the results from google will be about da Uighur genacide or some stuff that I am no looking for.


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I literally use Yandex Image search because Google Images just doesn't work anymore.
That makes two of us. I also typically use Yandex Translate instead of Google Translate.

As for google search, I dunno how to describe it but it feels like the actual results we get are very limited. Like Google just selected twenty high traffic websites that paid them so they can be shown up and you don't see the rest. Like it feels like Im getting a real search if you know what I mean.
Altavista ended that way. The search results increasingly were filled with spam and ads. Then people started ditching it for other search engines. That is how Google came to be #1.

I use DuckDuckGo. I have dropped Google search several years ago.


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Jerrold_Tech is a pretty good weibo account, here is him explaining just how much NEXT will help M60 and P70 from performance point of view through better software. The stuff in there like more machine code (vs virtual machine), more multi-threading and such are things that high performing applications should already be doing. I assume Harmony probably goes deeper than this
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如果更进一步,从评价一个系统性能的指标来说,处理器本身的上限固然重要,但系统级的优化增益也特别重要。况且跨平台跨系统的同一测试基准,也会因为系统优化、驱动、API、编译器和库等方面的差异而产生上下浮动的影响,哪怕是整数运算和浮点运算这种最基础性的测试。此外,有些基准测试并不能完全反应处理器的真实水平,比如有些设备的 AI 性能评估,跑 CNN 和 NLP 的 API,用到了 GPU 加速,而有的设备纯用 CPU 去跑,性能固然差很多。最后,不同测试基准对于不同测试子项的加权是不一样的,对于单核和多核的测试标准和测试倾向也不尽相同。
从系统层面的优化来说,是可以对于处理器性能表现起到增益作用的,比如引入更加先进的编译器,直接将应用编译为机器码,绕过虚拟机,可以有效减少性能开销;又比如引入多线程,通过时间分片等,等效并行地处理多个任务,提高资源利用率、系统响应速度和吞吐量(前提是应用层面有所适配,这也是 NEXT 的其中一个特性)。
此外,Mate 60 系列和 Pura 70 系列优秀的解热能力(甚至接近一些游戏手机),也为系统优化提供了更高的上限。
以上的例子详细阐述了为什么 NEXT 对设备的性能会有增益,会让麒麟 9000s 和麒麟 9010 的表现更上一层楼。也可以理解为为什么一个系统层面的优化就可以提高 CPU/GPU 的性能“表现”。

Pure blood AI is coming out. So expect Mate 70's SoC to have significant improvement here. But yeah, all the photo related AIGC function should be here
满血 AIGC 图像生成来了,包括 AI 图片创作、AI 扩图、AI消除(效果更好),GPT 同款的连续 AI 对话也在开发后期了。

Expect greater security features in Harmony
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After 9010 go through with HarmonyOS NEXT upgrade, CPU performance can reach SD8 Gen 2 performance and GPU can reach SD 8 Gen 1 performance
Next gen chip using HarmonyOS next can reach SD 8 Gen 3 performance, possibly even 8 Gen 4. NPU will at least be twice as good as Kirin 9010. GPU can reach SD8+ to SD8 Gen 2 performance. So huge gains expected in Mate 70
麒麟 9010 升级 HarmonyOS NEXT 后,CPU 性能表现(不局限于硬件本身的峰值性能)可以达到骁龙 8 Gen 2 / A16 的水平,GPU 性能表现可以达到甚至超过骁龙 8 Gen 1 的水平,主观体验的提升更加明显。
预计下一代芯片在 HarmonyOS NEXT 下的 CPU 性能表现可以达到骁龙 8 Gen 3 的水平,甚至在体验上可以和年底发布的骁龙 8 Gen 4 掰掰手腕,NPU 性能表现相比麒麟 9010 带来至少翻倍的提升(有更多的应用场景),GPU 性能表现可以达到骁龙 8+ Gen 1 至骁龙 8 Gen 2 区间的水平


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Apple, Tesla win lawsuits in China, as Beijing projects ‘rule-of-law’ message to foreign businesses​

I think this news wasn't brought up before. Apple has ongoing monopoly lawsuits in other major regions e.g., US, EU, Japan. It symbolizes Apple and Tesla are no longer dominant competitors in the Chinese market, so China doesn't have to resort to "legal" methods to boost domestic competition.


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Does anyone know the situation with domestic hypervisors in China? This article mentions Wentian wXSphere which from the name appears to be a competitor to VMWare vSphere. Not a lot of information on wXSphere online. I think if VMWare vSphere has any market share in China they need to get off of it ASAP not only because it’s American but also because Broadcom is probably going to run it into the ground.


Just Hatched
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Does anyone know the situation with domestic hypervisors in China? This article mentions Wentian wXSphere which from the name appears to be a competitor to VMWare vSphere. Not a lot of information on wXSphere online. I think if VMWare vSphere has any market share in China they need to get off of it ASAP not only because it’s American but also because Broadcom is probably going to run it into the ground.
I think that WenTian is a trademark of Lenovo for servers to be used on Mainland and Hong Kong, per
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Does anyone know the situation with domestic hypervisors in China? This article mentions Wentian wXSphere which from the name appears to be a competitor to VMWare vSphere. Not a lot of information on wXSphere online. I think if VMWare vSphere has any market share in China they need to get off of it ASAP not only because it’s American but also because Broadcom is probably going to run it into the ground.
Visualization software vendors better open source otherwise they will be beaten by cloud vendors. VMware is no longer in heavy use.