It is a gear box and electric motor setup for unmanned boat. The aimed problem to solve is large low-speed permanent magnet motor which is too expensive and too large limitting the useful payload of boat. So it seems (summary does not say) that the solution is a high speed small (probably asynchronous induction motor) motor together with gear reduction. To make it compact, the motor shaft and propeller shaft are arranged side by side.A patent for a certain propulsion system arrangement (?) for unmanned ships. Could someone explain the summary to me, as I'm having trouble understanding the technical Chinese.
It is a gear box and electric motor setup for unmanned boat. The aimed problem to solve is large low-speed permanent magnet motor which is too expensive and too large limitting the useful payload of boat. So it seems (summary does not say) that the solution is a high speed small (probably asynchronous induction motor) motor together with gear reduction. To make it compact, the motor shaft and propeller shaft are arranged side by side.
High discharge rate is another way of saying high power density. According to the following article high power desity and energy density are contradictory, at least in case of Li based battery.this is good and the tech here seems like what they already have for PHEVs. Note the 75C as the high rate of discharge of energy. That's pretty good.
And civilian ships already use 180 wh/kg LFP battery here, which also seems expected. I don't know why their testing only used 80 wh/kg battery, except maybe they were just using this config for study/research.
CSSC has developed engines for LNG, LPG, methanol, ammonia, fuel oil and more.中国船舶集团旗下中船动力深耕涵盖燃油、LNG、LPG、甲醇、氨等多种燃料类型的发动机、动力能源系统、环保装备、电站系统等领域,业务遍布全球近 120 个国家和地区,低速机国际市场占有率位居世界第二,中速机在远洋船市场占有率上位居国内厂家第一。
七一一所完成了多项多型国内首例动力系统技术研发及工程应用。成功交付国内首条智能化全电力推进极地科考船,首艘低噪音动力系统大型渔业养殖工船,首艘以超级电容作为主动力的新能源动力船舶,首艘中压闭环供电+动力电池船,首艘柴油发电机组/电池混合动力海上公务执法船,首艘具有自主知识产权的直流组网电力推进船,首艘柴电混合动力火车渡轮,首艘油电混合动力拖轮等,涉及国家重点公务执法船、科考船、工程作业船、轮渡船等大型项目,为我国海洋维权执法、科考调查、航道保障、生态旅游等贡献了卓越力量。其中,七一一所作为主要参研单位的“海上大型绞吸疏浚装备的自主研发与产业化”项目还荣获了 2019 年度国家科学技术进步奖特等奖